Архив за день: Декабрь 14, 2019

Democracy returns to the UK


Whilst preparing to move from England to Kaliningrad in December 2018, I was asked by someone, was my reason for quitting the UK down to Brexit? ~ meaning, was I leaving the UK as the UK was leaving Europe. “No,” I replied, “I’m leaving the UK because the UK will never leave Europe.” Many a true word said in jest, as they say.

Another 12 months passes, during which the lies, deceit, fear-mongering, treachery, disloyalty, and numerous attempts to abandon democracy in the name of Neo-Liberalism, would seem to bear out all I had predicted ~ for, in spite of valiant and untiring attempts by Nigel Farage to extricate us from the insidious tentacles of the EU experiment, it looked as if key figures in the British establishment, aided and abetted by rich persons with no legacy-British background and a biased judicial system, would stop at nothing to ensure that their socially engineered Frankenstein would lumber on regardless.

Get Brexit Done!

And then, returning to England just before Christmas, on the 13 December 2019, something marvelous, something quite extraordinary, something amazing happens: Just when you thought it wasn’t safe to use the word democracy anymore in the UK, the British electorate surprises everyone, including themselves, and prove to the world that they are still capable of rational thought. In spite of all that has been thrown at them by the Leftist media, the lies, the deceit, the propaganda, instead of buckling to the war of attrition and voting, as politicians such as Jo Swinson felt sure they would, for cancelling Brexit, they did just the opposite, turning 13 December 2019 not into the travesty expected but in a great day for democracy, the day that restored faith in the British people’s ability to see beyond the smoke and mirrors and decide, resolutely, that they wanted to take their country back. Not that the political class should have been surprised; after all, Cameron and Co never for the life of them believed that the British people would have the temerity to ditch the EU, but they did, and now Boris Johnson, forced by his own party’s treachery as much as by anything else to launch a General Election, is voted back into Number 10 to finish the job he started, to ‘Get Brexit Done!’

Unable to admit that this election was about one thing, and one thing only, Brexit, the Liberal-Left- dominated media go gunning for poor old Corbyn. It’s all his fault, he ‘led Labour into the abys’. Well, yes, but mainly because the majority of his party were pushing to scupper Brexit, angling all the way for a second referendum which would hopefully bring the result that they wanted rather than concede to the one they did not.

Feeling sorry for Corbyn? Then you should also feel sorry for Jo Swinson, leader of the so-called Liberal Democrats. So convinced was she that the brainwashing of the British people through month after month of Project Fear had worked, ie that Brexit was going to inflict everything from a boil on your arse to a land heave in your garden, that she gambled her entire career and the fortunes of her party on the illiberal and undemocratic promise to ‘Cancel Brexit’ if she won. She lost. Media predictions had been significant gains for her party.

One thing, however, the Liberal-Left media did get right and that was their description of Labour’s rowt as a political earthquake. It was so sudden, so severe and so devastating that it shot off up North, making terrible destructive inroads into Labour’s traditional heartland.

The Red Wall, Labour’s impregnable swathe of safe constituencies, the North-South divide which seemed as old as Hadrian’s Wall itself, crumbled; even worse (worse that is for Labour), seats that had been held by Labour since the inception of Labour itself had its long entrenched, complacent  arses kicked well and truly out.

Democracy returns to the UK

The magnitude on the Left-Wing Richter scale was not immediately apparent to me, but as I read the various reports, commentary and analysis I began to realise just how devastating Boris’ victory had been for the Left. The media likened its effect to the election of Margaret Thatcher, but in fact it was worse, much worse. As one Leftist commentator wrote, Boris Johnson had in one fell-swoop swept everything away that Tony Bair had built. But isn’t this what happens when you botch something together without due regard for planning permission and building regulations? The same commentator went on to lament that Boris Johnson’s victory was the dawning of a new era in which ‘patriotism and immigration’ will take precedence over economics. So, it is boo hoo for the Neo-Liberal Globalists, but then someone should have told them that this is what Brexit has all been about.

It was Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels who famously said, that “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” He should have added for the sake of the liars, ‘just don’t go believing it yourselves!”.

In his new and much empowered role, Boris Johnson has the golden opportunity to preside over a new era, not a cliched new era but one that could really make a difference. The good ship UK has lacked a firm hand at the helm for far too long. For the past twenty years or more we’ve been drifting into the maelstrom, carried by a pernicious subcurrent that has left us as a nation PC disoriented and all but morally bankrupt. Naysayers believe, and can you really blame them, that we are too far off course to find our way back; then the answer must lie in going forward but with a significant change of direction. We have not always been Not So Great Britain and our destiny does not have to be the Disunited Kingdom.

Over the coming months the Liberal-Left will resort to their usual illiberality. They will refuse to accept at all costs that the Brexit election was a resounding rejection of their unprincipled mission to subvert and substitute true democracy for their Trojan Horse version of it, and on the receiving end, of course, it will be poor old Corbyn’s end.

Ironically, that well-known adage ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’ could not be more applicable. It was the Left that called for ‘The People’s Vote’. They got it. The people voted for Brexit. Now Boris has a clear and an unequivocal mandate ‘To Get the Job Done’ as promised.

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