Архив метки: Graffiti is vandalism not art

Fine Graffiti vandals

£1000 Fines for Graffiti Vandals!

Defacing public property

Published: 10 October 2021 ~ £1000 Fines for Graffiti Vandals!

Republished with kind permission of Defacing Public Property Inc

Coronavirus may have grabbed the headlines for the past 18 months, but it is not only a sea of sensationalism and disinformation in which we are drowning, the societal  disease litter pollution is on the rise and continues to go unchecked as does noise pollution and, as for the king of urban squalor, graffiti, instead of it being addressed as the behoodied plague that it is, the usual partisan suspects are more than content to talk it up as the next best thing to a boat full of migrants on their way to a 5-star hotel.

Consider this definition of graffiti from a certain British newspaper that neither you nor I would want to cut into squares and tie to a piece of string in our outside toilet even if the last roll of bog paper had been snatched up by panic-buyers in an orgy of ‘aren’t they all gormless, let’s just have their money’!

“From its roots as a means of visual communication for disenfranchised youth to both hide and be seen, graffiti has developed into a bona fide art form, a legitimate force for economic, cultural and social good …” [their emphasis]

Well, it goes without saying that if they say it is a ‘legitimate force for economic, cultural and social good’ you can bet your life it ‘aint (the same as urban slang is not).

I suppose it all depends on whether it is your wall, your gate, your fence etc, etc which disenfranchised yoof are using as as an ‘art canvas’.

Legitimate, in the legal sense, it is not, although, because measures to tackle vandalism are taken lightly and hardly ever enforced, especially in the UK, for fear that the police and judiciary might have their work cut out and inadvertently step on too many ‘rights’ toes, nothing ever gets done.

In so-called disadvantaged neighbourhoods where the deprived don’t go to work and therefore have lots of time to run around defacing public property and lots of taxpayers’ money to spend on paint, great ugly globs of spray-can paint, garish meaningless scrawl and all manner of lols and innits, add to and reinforce the contemptible ‘art’ image much cultivated by sociologists, both professional and homemade, who it would seem have nothing better to do than get paid too much whilst they sit about applauding yobbos and celebrate acts of vandalism.

In better areas, the sort that the champions of such illegal practices despise, which is why they encourage it, shite on walls scrawled by the disenfranchised gormless using their dole money, lowers the tone of the neighbourhood, although it does have one positive, which is that it serves to remind us that as with the poor who ‘are always with us’ so, unfortunately, are the stupid.

£1000 Fines for Graffiti Vandals!

A quick, effective and timely expedient which would nip this pitiful practice neatly in the bud would be first to arrest the culprits (that would be a start!) and then sentence them, after a hefty fine, to a month of intense graffiti cleaning wherever it may be and, if necessary, make them restore the damaged surfaces to their original pristine condition.

The fine should be a meaningful one, say a thousand pounds, and the convicted should be made to wear high-viz jackets, preferably with graffiti sprayed across the back, ie ‘Lol what a Twat I am!” Something they would be sure to understand. Hmm, that’s not necessarily so?

As for the newspaper or its online media alternative who chose to publish such gnats’ bollocks, viz “graffiti has developed into a bona fide art form, a legitimate force for economic, cultural and social good“, I suppose that as they provide nothing worth communicating to anyone, the next best thing is graffiti.

If you suffer from graffiti in your neighbourhood and fail to agree with the Guardbunkle that it is a bona fide art form, or that it gives you a boner as it must do the staff of the (mention no names) Guardinnit, complaints should be written, preferably in spray paint, on your nearest police tunic, on the walls of the Guardbog or/and on the Benefit and Illegal Immigration Office at Number 10 DoNothing Street.

Here is an example of what to write: “Please do something!”

Please note: Graffiti originated in America, travelled to the UK through the porous borders of no common sense and then spread across the world like the benighted scourge in Roman Polanski’s Dance of the Vampires. Wherever it may be, it is up to you to stamp this evil out! 😎

😉Katie Hopkins Life After Twitter

Sign Writing Kaliningrad

‘Wot about this for garfitti, Leroy!’

‘Yer, innit. That’s a big mother f….. spray can! Where do me get one of them?”


*For those of you who haven’t quite twigged it, this is not bona fide graffiti, but bona fide and legal signwriting

Image attributions:
Graffiti alley: https://unsplash.com/@baptiststandaert?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText
Spray can: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Spray-paint-can-in-hand/85913.html

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