Архив метки: Liberalism Dying

Woke Watch PC UK!

Woke Watch PC UK!


Published: 2 April 2021

Liberals are upset. The word ‘woke’, originally enlisted into the English language as a weapon to further their ideological aims and bulwark their arsenal of victimhood, has fallen into enemy hands. It seems that ‘white privileged males’, ‘populists’ and even a man who gets paid to be rabid on television, have wrested the weapon from the hand of the mugger. They, along with millions of legacy Britons like them, are turning it to their own advantage in an existential struggle to preserve country, culture, heritage, home and history.

In this series of posts, I will update you from time to time on the wokey pokery that, having been brought to the surface and accelerated by such a monumental political event as Brexit, threatens to undermine, destroy and eclipse what, less than a century ago, was one of the greatest nations on Earth but which now, regrettably, as a result of social engineering and state-sponsored sell out, is little more than Pandora’s Box in a carnival hall of mirrors.

If, in a wild and distorted dream or a state of unpardonable and gross inebriation you have even vaguely considered that the ‘liberal way’ could be progressively good for your country ~ or, for that matter, remotely good ~ let these posts serve as a moral reminder:  Be careful what you wish for!

The Strange Woke Case of the White Privileged Male

The liberal left like nothing better than to label anyone who does not obsequiously and unquestionably conform to what Piers Morgan has described as their ‘PC-crazed world view’. Case in point:

For the first time in months coronavirus slips from its number one place in the British media slot and is immediately replaced by lamentable laments about race. It wasn’t April Fools Day when I read about the liberal media’s reaction to the Sewell report on racial disparity and caught sight of the shockless, but none the less discouraging, headline, “Pimlico Academy: Angry pupils stage mass walk-out at school’s ‘racist’ uniform policy”, but it ought to have been, at least then it might have all made sense … a little sense … some sense … no?

On the same day, 31st March, it was refreshing to see something infinitely less predictable than a load of liberals all crying collectively into the same obsessive snotrag. It was the actor, political activist and leader of the Reclaim Party, Laurence Fox, the High Priest of Anti-Woke, whizzing across London in a traditional, red, open-topped double-decker bus, launching, in an applaudably British way, his London mayoral election campaign against that really nice Asian man, the Woke’s mayor of choice, Mr Sadiq Khan BLM, EU, AGENDA.

Woke Watch PC UK!

Mr Fox, probably best known for his co-starring role in the TV detective series Lewis, entered the political arena after he fell foul of anti-freedom of speech liberals and the predominantly liberal-virulent Twitterati mob for responding to a mixed-race university lecturer during the BBC’s Question Time who accused him of being ‘a white privileged male’. Such an accusation, he said, was racism.

Following the broadcast, the actors’ union, Equity, which is not at all institutionally Woke, called on other actors to denounce him. As a ‘white privileged male’, he had obviously overstretched himself. Racism, as we know, is a one-way street ~ or so they would have us believe. My only regret is that I missed the headline: ‘White Privileged Male Blacklisted’.

I am sure you will agree that there is absolutely no excuse for being a ‘white privileged male’. If you have the misfortune of being one, let it be a lesson to you. You should have chosen the race of your parents more carefully and ensured that both were on the dole. You should also sue them for not consulting you on your gender preferences before they had the temerity to consider giving birth to you.

Woke Watch PC UK!

Piers Morgan, formerly of Good Morning Britain (yes, that’s him, nice, quiet man, never got a bad word to say about anybody), himself since hounded by the same crazed hypocrites as Laurence Fox, Tweeted on Twatter:

“Laurence Fox hounded off Twitter for daring to challenge the virtue-signalling mob. The repulsive abuse & threats these shameless ‘liberal’ (*illiberal) hypocrites spew out on here to anyone who refuses to sign up to their PC-crazed world view is disgraceful ~ [Feb 24, 2020]”

Piers Morgan ‘lost’ his job at Good Morning Britain “because I chose not to apologise for disbelieving Meghan Markle’s claims in her interview with Oprah Winfrey. I thus became the latest ‘victim’ of the cancel culture that is permeating our country, every minute, of every hour, of everyday. Though of course, I consider myself to be neither a victim, nor actually cancelled.” [https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/tv/piers-morgan-addresses-lost-job-20113944 [accessed 31 March 2021] ]

News on the grapevine has it that Mr Morgan, true to his beliefs, has not been ‘cancelled’. He is about to be reinstated (so he tells us), which is something that Laurence Fox has yet to experience.

Woke Up UK!

😉Next post: Pimlico Academy ‘protest’ and the Sewell report ~ one an exercise in wokeness, the other an exercise in futility

Further reading:
Land of Wokes & Snowflakes
25 Reasonable Excuses for Leaving the UK
Katie Hopkins Life After Twitter
Harry & Meghan: The Sad Case of Deja Vu

Copyright © 2018-2021 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Backing Biden Will Not Bring It Back:

Backing Biden Will Not Bring It Back

Joe, Joe, how does your garden grow? With arrogance and bullshit and $$$$$ all in a row (steady on!)

Published: 20 January 2021 ~ Backing Biden Will Not Bring It Back

Today is supposedly a great day for liberals. Joe Biden is about to have his arse officially parked in the White House chair. But against the fanfare of gushing, fulsome headlines yawning on about ‘A New Dawn’, ‘Make America Great Again’ and ‘America is Back’, you can feel the unease exuding.

For most liberals, correction all liberals, Biden is looked upon as the new Obama, which, indeed, he is. To be more precise he is Obama mark II. Apart from colour, the difference between them is negligible, if not invisible. Biden is the same old frontman, there to reinstate, re-enact and recycle all the second-hand directives, programmes and doctrines that Obama left unfinished when he was ousted out of office. He is all that, make no mistake, but he is not the saviour by any means with which the liberal faithful delude themselves.

That neoliberal ship sailed long ago. In America, its passing was marked by the election of Trump; in the UK by Brexit; and in Europe by the fragmentation and ongoing decline of the European Union. Everybody knows this, even the liberals themselves know this. They also know that they have to change course, if only by a healing fraction, but how and in what direction?

They have grown so used to the power of arrogance, so addicted to it, that it has become their master and they its servant. They cannot give it up. They do not know how. They know no other way. It has always driven and steered them, and it drives and steers them now.

This is obvious from the ‘progressive agenda’ that Biden’s bosses working behind the scenes are pushing for him to adopt; the same, if not worse, agenda that brought about the Democrat’s downfall four years previously, and which, if they cannot moderate, will bring them down again.

Backing Biden will not bring it back

Casting Biden as Obama mark II is to raise false hopes and to ignore the inconvenient fact that in the four years that Trump held office the political landscape has changed, and changed irrevocably. Reverse gear is not an option.

But the real problem for liberals is that they simply just don’t get it. This is obvious from the number of articles that keep bubbling to the surface, bursting to know the answer to the enigmatic rise of populism and presuming arrogantly that at some point soon it is simply going to phut away.

This handful of headlines, taken from a random browse of Google UK News, reeks of that delusion.

‘Rising US populism tops risk managers’ fears’

‘Trump goes, but global populism may still grow’

‘After Trump, Is American Democracy Doomed by Populism?’

‘Right-Wing Populism May Be Wounded, But It’s Certainly Not Dead’

‘Sweden’s Identity Crisis and the Rise of the Far Right’

‘What explains support for authoritarian populists in Hungary and Poland?’

The last headline wants to make you both laugh and cry ~ surely liberals cannot be that dense?  Can they?

It is not difficult to glean from these headlines that neoliberal globalism is only concerned with power and money (just in case you did not know that). And it is no coincidence that the media outlets that are most concerned with the ‘phenomenon’ that they dub ‘populism’ have a strong economic bias or are specialist financial publications {political bias can be checked using https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/}. During the Brexit debacle, the UK’s liberal mainstream media also weighed heavily in on the economic ramifications, almost to the total exclusion of any societal and cultural concerns. So: civil liberties, forget them; equality, who cares; gender issues, what a laugh; LGBT, BLM, BS (stands for Bullshit). They are the sprats, you are the mackerels.

But take heart, you are still an important mackerel. Even democracies that only exist in name, especially democracies that only exist in name, have parties that need you to vote them in to legitimise democracy and to give them the right to claim that the power that they wield reflects the will of the people ~ at least in theory.  Of course, with backing from the right people, the right being the rich and the powerful, that sticky stage could be arguably bypassed and the voting rigged to work in a specific cabal’s interests ~ who said that, Joe?!

The second thing to pick up on from these headlines is the arrogance factor. Such can also be found in article standfirsts or intros. Take these two, for example:

“His [Trump’s] toppling was a setback for global populism, but this political phenomenon may not yet have peaked.”

“The Trump presidency has demonstrated the appeal of populist authoritarianism to many Americans. The way the country responds to the attack on the U.S. Capitol will indicate how long this movement lasts.”

This is the arrogance of which I have already spoken. Liberals from the top to the arse end, just don’t get it that legacy populations have had enough of forced multiculturalism, divide and rule diversity, LGBT this and ‘its’ and ‘others’ that and endless cartloads of pandering PC ‘isms’. 

Populism, as they call it,  is not a passing phase; it is not a strange ‘phenomenon’; it is not a transient ‘movement’; it was here first; it is the status quo; it is based on the bedrock of history, of respect for and preservation of nation state, sovereignty, heritage and ancestral home, and it is the failure of liberals to accept this, this fundamental truth, that, as sure as Obama never deserved to be given the Nobel Peace Prize, will lead to their demise.

It is this arrogance, or perhaps fear, that makes liberals the western world over act as if time stands still. It is a misconception that has them believe that their finger is on the political pulse when it is actually poised on the self-destruct button.

And yet, somewhere, somehow, in the delusive fog which they have created for everyone else and in which they have lost themselves, they do realise, in a hazy sort of way, that as sure as day follows night and as Biden follows Obama, that if they do not hurry with their impeachment of Trump, the mistakes that Biden will make, which he has to make as Obama’s clone, will surely see history repeat itself.

A wheelbarrow full of dung: Backing Biden will not bring it back!
(Photo credit: https://www.needpix.com/photo/899023/)

And yet even if they do succeed in removing the threat of Trump, does that remove the threat? if they can have an Obama mark II what is to stop a Trump mark II? Nothing. Trumpism, as the liberal media have coined it, is not going to go away ~ not anywhere, anyway, soon or ever, and neither is it going to fail, falter or stand still. It is going to grow, both in support and strength, because the soil of arrogance in which it is rooted, that exceptionally fertile soil which Obama & Co provided, is due to receive its biggest consignment of grow-bag bullshit yet. Look, here comes Joe with his wheelbarrow!

Backing Biden will not bring it back

And so today they celebrate the inauguration of old Joe, the Democrat’s Chauncey Gardiner: the red carpet will be laid out, banners will be held aloft, the usual suspects will cheer, the rappers brass band will play and the language of the liberal media will be sweaty with nervous clichés and full of that rich manure to which I have alluded. But even now, before the rank fakery, the razzmatazz and false party atmosphere dies out with the fart of the last champagne cork, from Capitol Hill to Big Ben, Joe looks less and less convincing as the screw that they have chosen to turn on the lid of the populist pressure cooker and more like the final nail in the coffin of the neoliberal globalist dream.

Today is Joe Biden’s inauguration, let him enjoy it.

Tomorrow the world watches and waits for the inevitable mistakes that he will make. Be thankful that he is in office.

More positive remarks about Biden: Is Biden Their Last Straw?

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Katie Hopkins Angel

Katie Hopkins Life After Twitter!

There she goes, upending them again!

Updated: 16 January 2021 ~ Katie Hopkins Life After Twitter!

Katie Hopkins proves that their is life after Twitter! The liberal Twatterati have missed their old sparring partner. Thank you UKIP!

Katie Hopkins is a trained economist, graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Intelligence Corps bursar and qualified marketer, who spent 15 years working for a Global Brand Consultancy in UK, Tokyo and USA, and a media personality and former columnist of The Sun and Mail Online.

She is also regarded by the neoliberal British establishment as Public Enemy Number 1 because of her outspoken views on UK politics, social class, migrants and race. She has successfully weathered all kinds of authoritative harassment and continues to be a thorn in the side both of the Islington set and its liberal adherents by saying “what other people think but are too scared to say”, whilst simultaneously deflecting a relentless barrage of insults like the proverbial water off a duck’s back and always giving her enemies much better than she gets. 

Indeed, described by the UK liberal media as a ‘far-right provocateur’, and worse, and by herself as a ‘conduit for truth’, Katie Hopkins takes each and every vilification thrown at her, effortlessly remints them and wears them as a collective badge of honour. I am tempted to say that the reason why liberals love to despise her is not just because she exposes them for what they really are, but because she speaks their language and confronts them on their terms.

Katie Hopkins Life After Twitter!

In June 2020, it could be said, depending on which side of the political fence you stand on, that Katie was officially inducted into the pantheon of patriotic resistance when she became yet another victim of what appear to be Twitter’s ideologically motivated hatchet jobs. Her Twitter account was permanently suspended for what Twitter describe as ‘violations of our hateful conduct policy’. A policy which critics say is hateful alright but only insofar as it is predominantly one-sided, allowing liberal-owned Big Tech to censor, castigate and shut down free speech at will, ie reference Trump and Parler.

The joy of closing down free speech is eerily echoed in the choice of words from the The Daily Mirror, that doyen of the British leftist tabloids, which gloated in June 2020 ‘Katie Hopkins appears to have been silenced once and for all on social media after her Twitter account was removed for good’. This week The Mirror will either be scowling or celebrating on hearing the news of Katie’s arrival in the UK’s political arena. It is not what their brand of politics wants or needs, but it will certainly give them something juicy to write about.

The Mirror was not alone last June: On hearing that Katie had been banned from Twitter, the leftist media fell into a wild paroxysm of orgasmic ecstasy. ‘Permanently suspended‘, ‘downfall’, ‘banned’, ‘hateful’, ‘hate speech’, they wailed, with some media groups, notably The Mirror, making the wild and embarrassing prediction, and in the process sounding like gangsters from a bad B movie, that she, Katie Hopkins, had ‘been silenced once and for all’, which only goes to show ~ and please note those that think it’s all over for Trump ~ that there is life after Twitter. Indeed, plenty of it and of better quality and usefulness.

We do not have to agree with everything Katie Hopkins says or even condone how she says it, but if liberals really believe free speech is sacrosanct and worth defending, and I do not believe for one moment that they do, then they must learn to accept without reservation opposing points of view, no matter how painful it is to them, and not revert to misnomers and euphemisms as a censorship means for political ends.

On the broader canvas, with neoliberalism already forced on the back foot through Brexit, the splintering of the European Union, Donald Trump & Co opportunely given the chance to do to them what they have been doing to him for the past four years, ie snipe, harass and delegitimise, Big Tech looking more and more suspect as a neoliberal control mechanism and coronavirus tyranny eroding all faith in the old political parties, Katie Hopkins accession to UKIP will be seen as a welcome ally for those who vow that they will not be silenced and as a redoubtable foe for those who want to silence them.

As they say in Rushden, Northants, “Go for it gal!”

UKIP Leader, Neil Hamilton, welcomes Katie Hopkins to the party’s ranks: https://www.ukip.org/katie-hopkins-joins-ukip

Katie Hopkins YouTube: Decision to join UKIP:

Further reading: Is Big Tech Censorship a Coronavirus Clue?

{Feature image credit: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/430727.htm}

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

smoke & mirrors

Is Big Tech censorship a coronavirus clue?

Is the reaction to coronavirus just another symptom of liberal malaise?

Published: 12 January 2021

I hear tell that Joe Biden is destined to become the fraudulently elected President of the United States. I have also been told to believe that the crowd that gate-crashed Capitol Hill were a ‘mob’, whereas, in a bizarre comparison, Black Lives Matter are peaceful, praise-worthy protestors. There are even pictures to prove it, according to The Guardian and, of course, the BBC.

As intelligent readers you will not have failed to recognise the inequality and discrimination at work in these remarks and thus the tittersome irony.

We are told these things. But what do we believe?

‘DC police made far more arrests at the height of Black Lives Matter protests than during the Capitol clash’ ~ CNN Investigates

‘BLM v Washington DC riots: How were the police responses different?’ ~ BBC

So, Capitol Hill was a ‘riot’; BLM was a ‘generally peaceful protest’.

“Yeah, right …”

Ignoring for the moment that the unfortunate incident at Capitol Hill is being distorted in the most cynical way to cast fresh and potentially provocative aspersions on US law and order (Maxwell Smart: ‘Ahh, the old deflection trick, chief!’), we do know unequivocally that Big Tech unilaterally banned President Trump from Facebook and Twitter. This peculiar, but hardly unexpected, turn of events prompted this response from that bastion of free speach, my personal friend, Lord Wollocks:

“We all know that Facebook and Twitter have been ruthlessly implementing a partisan censorship programme in which anybody who rocks the neoliberal boat is given the big heave-ho. Nobody, not even the ‘useful idiots’, really believe that this ideological deplatforming is anything but censorship, even though it hides behind sanctimonious catchalls like ‘banned for inciting racial hatred’, ‘banned for inciting religious hatred’. As the old saying goes, ‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’. And mark my words: Arsebook and Twatter would take that comment down faster than a pair of a trousers on a self-proclaimed man.”

We do know that Black Lives Matter is not banned from social media platforms.

We don’t know what’s happening with coronavirus, or rather the way in which both the British establishment and the ‘sshhh, you suspect who’ State in America is managing it, mismanaging it or even stage managing it? But it is certainly disturbing that the two countries that pride themselves on being the world’s beacons of democracy are pissing on their own wicks, and that fewer and fewer people are inclined to believe that it is an accidental up-wind blowback but rather that what is being done to us is being done deliberately and with malice aforethought.

Is Big Tech censorship a coronavirus clue?
(Image credit: http://clipart-library.com)

Certainly, hitherto unprecedented draconian police-state measures enacted in the name of controlling the Covid-19 virus are casting a long, dark shadow over the freedoms and so-called democratic rights of the beleaguered people of these two nations. In the UK, social distancing, muzzle wearing, lockdowns, limitations on the number of people who can mix together, even in their own homes, bring disturbing reports on a daily basis of police who are far too ready to exceed their celebrated policing-by-consent authority, and in some lackaday instances are acting in a brute-force manner not unlike the Stasi (see this video by Nigel Farage Say NO to a Police State).

Is Big Tech censorship a coronavirus clue?

So, we ask ourselves the question, and many people are asking this question? Are these punitive practices all part of a neoliberal globalist plot. Has Trump’s Presidency, Brexit, the imminent disintegration of the EU, all of which are symptoms of an increase in the shift away from liberalism to patriotism, triggered such a shit-fit among the neoliberal political elites that they have been forced to play their hand, to strike when coronavirus is hot! Ahh, the last resort of scoundrels!

Those who subscribe to the theory that the Kalergi Plan is an essential pillar of liberal hegemony, but one which has quite unexpectedly buckled beneath resilient patriotism, may well be of the opinion that as long as Hungry and Poland continue to hold out against intimidation from the Brussels’ mob who want to force them to open the migrant floodgates, dissatisfaction with the Federalist project in Spain, Italy and Denmark and the gathering traction for Frexit, indicates that the game in Europe is almost up. Is this then where the intervention of unbelievable philanthropic billionaires, Big Tech, the media and social control comes in?

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi (image attribution: see end of article)

Now it would be easy for me at this point to force-feed you my opinion, but why resort to mainstream media tactics when opinion on social media, that heaving crust on a hot volcano ready to erupt, offers a far more accurate insight into the mood of the people. I like nothing better than to wassail around on the internet ignoring mainstream media but dipping into it now and then to read the comments of readers. I am also more inclined to go looking for the truth, or the best thing to it, in the journalism provided by independent, alternative media outlets and only resort to Twitter and Facebook in search of those endangered species, the brave few struggling to speak their minds before they are caught in the dragnet of liberal censorship.

For example, here is an interesting comment posted recently on Facebook (Note all quotes from other sources here have been copied verbatim and with no censorship on my part):

‘Over 70 billionaires got together on Trumps inauguration day to determine the future (& to make certain it wouldn’t be trump). They each pay dues of 250 million a year to a Soros organization (he has over 100) They meet annually. They will only get richer & control us more. They are all, every last one of them, in bed with the Democrats. Their goal = power. control, $$$$, and to supplant america with their values, their desires, their economics, their health system, their business methods, banking systems. etc..& put in an overwhelmingly large bureaucratic government that can be transitioned into a global one when they are ready. This sounds like science fiction, or a conspiracy theory, but sadly it is not.’

Read this article, With unilateral censorship of a sitting US president, Big Tech has proven it’s more powerful than any government. Does it lend credence to what has been claimed above?

The following quotes have been taken from the ‘comments’ section of the above article:

‘They [UK/America] allowed socialism and feminism to ruin their society and family values. Now they pay the price.’

‘The big tech is already a branch of the “Shadow Government/Deep state” that has complete control of Congress overall. The big tech social media have been infiltrated by the CIA just like the major corporate news have been for some time now. Read the book “Press-titutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA”(2019), by Udo Ulfkoette. Stay away from Facebook, Twitter and such. I have never used them. Find other alternatives. We cannot allow freedom to perish. Peace.’

‘Wait till the Democrats pass their ‘hate speech’ laws. Say the wrong thing, you get canceled, lose your job, hell, they may even take your children away from you. That is how insane this is becoming.’

Well, I don’t know about that, but certainly, Big Tech seems to have made one of the biggest blunders of their electronic existence:

‘We will not be SILENCED!’ Trump tweets from official @POTUS account after ban, posts scrubbed within minutes

“We will not be SILENCED! Twitter is not about FREE SPEECH. They are all about promoting a Radical Left platform where some of the most vicious people in the world are allowed to speak freely.” {quote taken from article cited above in which it is attributed to Donald Trump}.

I have the distinct feeling that Trump is not the sort of person to be bullied or censored into submission, and neither are his 75 million US voters. The trouble with ‘push is ‘shove’.

Trump is not for giving in or backing down
(Image credit: http://clipart-library.com)

Within this nightmare world of a panic-stricken globalist movement that will stop at nothing to preserve its disintegrating one-world government dream, it is, I admit, most tempting to imagine coronavirus, as imperfect as it is, as an ill-conceived or ad hoc smokescreen, barely functioning for the insidious purpose for which it was invented and inevitably doomed to failure, but nevertheless, for the moment, a powerful force for division, diversion and control, a force that offers a shortcut to the social instability that diversity was meant to procure but which, in spite of the efforts of NGOs and craven complicit governments, has been too long in the making to retain its viability.

The part played by Big Tech in this Orwellian scenario reveals itself in those blocks you get on Facebook when you try to post anything on coronavirus that does not conform to the official narrative and where you are peremptorily redirected to a page that purports to contain the truth. A very fine thing indeed, except that it is their truth ~ or so many of us suspect.

The internet, however, is an unwieldly beast, as its frightened proprietors are beginning to discover, and no matter how these contemporary Citizen Kanes ~ the Mr Zuckerbergs, Sundar Pichais and Jack Dorseys of this world~ attempt to rein it in, it will eventually break away from them, as it is doing now.  Truth will always out in the end and when it does comes casualties …

Is Big Tech censorship a coronavirus clue?

Is this a fragment of that truth or not? I found this article which exists in the asteroid belt on the other side of the mainstream media suspicious enough in content for it to raise an eyebrow. It is published in The Daily Expose, a media outlet I must confess with which I am not acquainted, but am somewhat relieved to discover that in spite of its provocative name the temptation has been resisted to choose as its logo a man in a mac.

England – Does official NHS data support the Government’s Dictatorship?

In this video (quick, before they ban it!!), its protagonist, Dr Shiva, who describes himself as a ‘scientist, engineer and educator’ and is summarily dismissed by the mainstream media as ‘a conspiracy theorist’ (he and the other 75% of the West’s population who have been railroaded into this concentrated camp and where the figure is growing exponentially) looks at the bigger picture: the ‘where we are now and what is to be done if we still want to be a free people’.

Suck it and see: Dr.SHIVA LIVE: What Happened In the Past 4 Years. What Is To Be Done, NOW.

The political classes, mainstream media, Big Tech, big business corporations, the mega-rich and, alas, a gaggle of untalented and overpaid celebs who will jump on any bandwagon for a bit of free publicity, universally condemn these ideas as conspiracy theories, but the problem with all of these institutionalised factions is that they are wide on criticism and short on answers.

Take coronavirus, for example. Of all the respiratory diseases known to man (its & others etc) no one can deny that Covid-19 is one of the most, if not the most, eccentric and improbable of viruses. Not only is there no consensus about how and why it effects people differently but there also appears to be scant agreement about the measures required to contain and address it. Thus, until it is proven otherwise, you cannot blame a groundswell of people for believing that fraudulent viruses are as credible as fraudulent elections or even that the two go hand in glove.

In the last analysis, Big Tech and Big Media are owned by the sort of people who tell us what they want us to know and to believe what they want us to believe. Big media no longer reports the news, it creates it according to its own political, economic, ideological bias etc, leaving Big Tech to filter out all opposing variants and sell it on as gospel.

There is a lot of good, quality and more reliable reporting out there in the non-mainstream media, and if you take a moment to look around you will be surprised what you will find. Of course, you may have to put up with being labelled a conspiracy theorist, a member of the Far Right, a Fascist by the likes of The Guardian, The [not so] Independent etc,  and you can be sure that those liberal pseudo-moral high-grounders Twatter and Arsebook may block your comments and posts, they might even deplatform you, but if that does happen console yourself with the fact that not only must you be right today but on the right side of history forever. Moreover, such violations of freedom of speech and democracy grant you, the victim, lifetime membership to an exclusive but rapidly growing club that is destined to change the world we live in and change it for the better. So wear your deplatformed badge with courage and also wear it with pride!

Wherever they think they are taking us and wherever we want to go, It is going to be a bumpy ride, the road to the truth usually is, but hang on in there, fight back when you have to and continue to take the knocks. In the end it will all be worth it:

Right, as they say, always prevails.

Is Big Tech censorship a coronavirus clue?
(Image credit: http://clipart-library.com)

On a similar topic: Coronavirus: Truth or Trickery Trick or Treat

Copyright [text] © 2018-2021 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions:

Feature image: (Photo credit: Author: CeeMon / pixabay.com; https://www.freeimg.net/photo/1874812/smokeandmirrors-magic-mirror-blackmirror)

Photograph attribution for Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi: [Unknown photographer – ÖNB, Bildarchiv Austria, Inventarnummer Pf 3944:B(2)(https://www.bildarchivaustria.at/Pages/ImageDetail.aspx?p_iBildID=20223510), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=69147423]

Is Biden their Last Straw?

Is Biden their Last Straw in a show of pantomime proportions?

Published: 4 November 2020

Because I write this blog and update my diary, absolute avoidance of COVID-19 news is impossible, and I must confess that recently I have fallen off the UK media wagon and relapsed into the inexcusable habit, which I managed to kick for three or four months, of ruining my day with Google News.

That is how I know that Boris Johnson’s 3 Tiers ended in tears …

Tiers for souvenirs are all you’ve left me
Memories of a love you never meant
I just can’t believe you could forget me
After all those happy hours we spent (together)

Tiers have been my only consolation
But tiers can’t mend a broken heart I must confess
Let’s forgive and forget
Turn our tiers of regret
Once more to tiers of happiness

Thank you Ken Dodd for this inspiration

… that open-door immigration policies are again in the spotlight in countries such as France and Austria and that there is an election going on in the USA.

How close is Biden to the brick house?

Regarding that election, I gather from Google News that has-been Biden appears to be on track to get his left-wing rump into the seat of power. At 12.30 (Kaliningrad time) today, the UK’s liberal left press is already teetering on the cusp of a great collective orgasm, albeit slightly ruined by the fear that if Mr B does not win by the landslide they hope for, then a further shadow of doubt will be cast on the liberal media’s ability to translate ideological bias into hard support, which, let’s face it, after years of banging the anti-Trump drum they desperately need for their own reassurance.  

Consolation is that if Trumper is ousted, at least we may at last be spared the relentless barrage of vitriol and belligerence that exudes from the West’s anti-Trump lobby, together with all those go-nowhere stories about collusion and hacking; all we will have to stomach is a fat dollop of the sweet and sickly ~ the same thick icing atop of the stodgy pseudo-democracy cake that we had to endure when Obuma was in the hot seat (or was that on the very cool fence?)

Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh no!

Thank you Richard Harris

As for ‘he will do their’ Biden, is he having another one of his ‘senior moments’ or is he really that out of touch? I suppose that he has been just too busy winning the election to keep up with events in Europe. I see from The Daily Express* today that he has condemned Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Poland’s Andrzej Duda as “thugs”. Hmm, could this be because they have refused to back down to the EU’s demands that they unlock their borders and take in thousands of migrants? Why, whatever next! Holy Perfect Phobias, Batman!

Well, it’s their lookout isn’t it. I mean, if they want to miss out on enrichment, of the kind experienced by France, Austria, Sweden and the UK, then they only have themselves to blame.

Trump’s drainage plan has siphoned some off

Sometimes, in times of trouble (no, not Paul McCartney) you need to go looking for solace. And with Bill’s Bar closed (‘I’ll go down to Bill’s Bar, I can make it that far …’ ~ Thanks Mr Cohen), I went looking in the most unlikely of places, you’ve guessed it ~ Google News UK. And it was there that I found it, in The Guardian** of all places.

Bogs are not the usual place where solace can be found, but for some reason, call it another mischievous effect of coronavirus, I was in the mood for old clichés. I was not disappointed. I waded through the slush of appeasement and capitulation and derived a peculiar sense of déjà vu from the tired, sad and, in these post-liberal days, weary and worn out apologetic tone, before I arrived at Pipe Dream Station, just in time to see the last deflection train leaving for Desperation.  “This is the last train to Desperation, calling at Propaganda, Political Correctness, Tony Blair’s Legacy, Vigilsville County, and Somewhere Nowhere Never Over their Rainbow (obsession).”

It was here that I read the writing on the wall, in a sentence so hollow that it echoes incredulity, “In the UK last year, police warned that the fastest-growing terror threat was from the far right”.

Far right? Yeah, right …

I have had this recurring dream, since 1997.  I am trapped in a grotesque pantomime, every bit as fantastic and disturbing as Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘theatre’, The Conqueror Worm. On stage, the plot, and the plotters, coerce me into looking in the wrong direction. It is Poe’s ‘bidding of vast formless things that shift the scenery to and fro …’ Fortunately, fortunately for me that is, there are still people in the audience who are not afraid to tell the truth. ‘Look Out! He’s Behind You!’ they cry.

The first time I had this dream I awoke at this very moment, and I have been awake ever since. Insomnia is not an easy condition to live with, but it is better than the alternative.

Wake up! They will never give you your money back, but at least you can leave the pantomime before it is too late!

Is Biden their Last Straw in a show of pantomime proportions?
(Image attribution can be found at the end of this post.)

And here is the happy ending you wanted:

You have heard it said, no doubt, that every cloud has a silver lining, but what hope is there of finding one if has-been Biden accedes to the [         ] House? Oh but there is one ~ to be sure, to be sure. It may not be much, but it was flagged in a media article today*** [4 November 2020]. Allegedly, Meghan Markle has vowed that if Trump wins the election, she will leave America. Now, come on, don’t let’s be too hasty!! Besides, the boats are full.

So, if you cannot find any other reason for rooting for, what’s his name(?), you know what’s his name, for the next U.S. president, then this has got to be it!




*** https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1355879/Meghan-markle-news-us-election-2020-prince-harry-leave-America-Donald-trump-latest-ont

The Conqueror Worm

Lo! ’t is a gala night

   Within the lonesome latter years!  

An angel throng, bewinged, bedight

   In veils, and drowned in tears,  

Sit in a theatre, to see

   A play of hopes and fears,

While the orchestra breathes fitfully  

   The music of the spheres.

Mimes, in the form of God on high,  

   Mutter and mumble low,

And hither and thither fly—

   Mere puppets they, who come and go  

At bidding of vast formless things

   That shift the scenery to and fro,

Flapping from out their Condor wings

   Invisible Wo!

That motley drama—oh, be sure  

   It shall not be forgot!

With its Phantom chased for evermore  

   By a crowd that seize it not,

Through a circle that ever returneth in  

   To the self-same spot,

And much of Madness, and more of Sin,  

   And Horror the soul of the plot.

But see, amid the mimic rout,

   A crawling shape intrude!

A blood-red thing that writhes from out  

   The scenic solitude!

It writhes!—it writhes!—with mortal pangs  

The mimes become its food,

And seraphs sob at vermin fangs

   In human gore imbued.

Out—out are the lights—out all!  

   And, over each quivering form,

The curtain, a funeral pall,

   Comes down with the rush of a storm,  

While the angels, all pallid and wan,  

   Uprising, unveiling, affirm

That the play is the tragedy, “Man,”  

   And its hero, the Conqueror Worm.


Image attribution:
This image is available from the National Library of Scotland under the sequence number or Shelfmark ID Weir.8(6). You can see this image in its original context, along with the rest of the Library’s digital collections, in the NLS Digital Gallery, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33869245

Copyright [Text] © 2018-2020 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

10 Downing Street is anyone at home?

This is the captain of your ship ….

Published: 10 September 2020

“Wokey, Wokey!!” No, that can’t be right. Sorry Nigel, what was that? “A bunch of metro-liberals …” and? Sorry, I can’t hear you. I’m being shouted down by a rabble of Extinct Liberals. Wait whilst I close the window. Ahh that’s better. Thank heavens I paid the extra £33,000 and had Everest fitted.

The question I wanted to ask before I was so rudely deplatformed was, what was Billy Cotton’s TV show catchphrase? Oh, it was ‘Wakey, Wakey!!’

OK, so the next question is not so much whatever is happening in the UK but who is letting it happen? I knew I should never have left the country when it needed me, but I had no idea that the government left as well?  

10 Downing Street is anyone at home?

Putting aside for the moment that the coronavirus crisis was placed in the hands of the Arse & Elbow Committee, we have seen Churchill’s statue and the Cenotaph vandalised, public statues chucked hither and thither, Black Laughs Matter rampaging through the streets virtually unchallenged and unchecked, Extinction Rebellion blocking newspaper printing presses … If the government is not responsible for giving the loony left a hall pass, who is? Now look here Mr S ….

But such decline is not without its humorous side. Take the Mail Online’s article ‘Furious row over appointment of Tony Abbot …’ An indepth analysis of the accusation that Tony Abbot is a transgressor of all PCisms. He is a ‘misogynist, he is sexist and a climate change denier’, so something from up North claims. Forget the fact that he has secured significant trade deals for the UK. Here is a man (that will work against him to be sure!) who had he a statue would be well advised to strap on its lifebelt quickly. But wait a moment, wasn’t the left’s anti-Brexit campaign almost entirely predicated on economic repercussions? Mind you, race, sexism and gender issues have always been Labour’s safety net. If in doubt, denounce it about. After all, the last thing leftist opponents to Brexit want to see are those good old trade deals coming in thick and fast.

British universities get a Phd in Predictability

On the BLM front the ball keeps rolling and gathering, er, snow. News is that British Universities are falling over themselves to issue solidarity statements. No news is good news and there is no news here. As everybody knows, the British education system is an industrial canning factory for liberal-left hobby horses.

The silver lining is that whilst we are young we tend to read The Guardian but later, when we leave university, when life becomes just that bit more real, and we have jobs to keep, houses to buy, children to look after, mortgages to pay, we wake (present tense of woke) up and suddenly find ourselves becoming more and more conservative, until we finally reach the stage where we are reading The Daily Mail. Well, you know what they say about liberalism, it is like a bad case of acne: some grow out of it and some are scarred for life.

It must matter to someone … surely?

Top of the amusement pops has to be the announcement by a young, black, female activist, a BLM leader, that she is planning to form the first black-led political party in Britain. Allegedly, whitey will be excluded from leadership roles and there has been some suggestion on Twatter of white enslavement. Someone should advise this young lady that the UK does not end at Lewisham and that if she intends to all-aboard the UK political bandwagon the first thing she needs to learn is the art of concealing her party’s  true intentions behind a smoke and mirrors manifesto.

As for taking control of the country by the political route, all I can say is good luck with that one. Nobody else has ever pulled it off. And my advice to anyone attempting it, short of don’t bother, is if you ever clear the starting blocks watch out for that last minute election hurdle, the old ‘don’t throw your Labour or Conservative vote away on a small party’ trick. It works for the old two-party combo every time. As for slavery, I thought we were already slaves ~ slaves to political correctness. Time for a quick burst of the Rule Britannias!

It’s a funny old world, innit!

At this point I suck my teeth ~ that is one solidarity I learnt years ago ~ and it should stand me in good stead as we also learn that in the United States out of ‘respeck’ the most important association for teaching English in higher education has adopted the resolution that black students can ditch ‘standard English’ and focus exclusively on ‘Black language’ instead. I know I am now referring to the good old US of A, but as we saw with the BLM riots things tend to skim across the pond these days a good deal faster than they used to. It’s enough to make ‘me eddy at me’ (which is, to you, ‘make my head hurt’).

And finally (if only it was), again in the USA, but you can buy it in the UK through Amazon, is the latest solidarity act in the form of a new book called In Defense of Looting. No, this is not me attempting to be satirical. Like a man accused by the left as being unsuitable for the role of UK trade envoy, even though he has already secured ‘huge trade deals’,  because he is ‘sexist’ and has said some naughty things, this book and the rest of the madness is actually, really out there, which only goes to show that if nothing at all else matters Political Correctness most assuredly does.

10 Downing Street is anyone at home?
‘Wakey, Wakey!!’

10 Downing Street is anyone at home?
(Photo credit: Stefano Pollio: https://unsplash.com/photos/ZC0EbdLC8G0)

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Now lookee here!!
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A Fairy Tale for the End of Summer

A Fairy Tale for the End of Summer 2020

A Tale of Two Towns

Published: 23 August 2020 by Mick Hart

Once upon a time there were two towns, one called Decadence and the other Tradland. Although the children who lived in each were much the same as children everywhere, the two towns, and the way they were run, were altogether different.

The children who lived in Decadence were told by their prefects that they lived in a blessed land, a land of plenty, full of endless supplies of sweets, chocolates and ice cream and to get this endless supply they need do nothing. In Decadence, there was precious little in the way of laws, except for those that related to credit and borrowing, and all mention of good behaviour or, heaven forbid, morality had been swept under the globalist carpet donkeys’ minds ago.

The children of Decadence had ‘rights’ and all they needed to do to ensure these rights, which in turn ensured an endless supply of sweets, chocolates and ice creams ~ or so they were led to believe ~ was to go the betting office once every five years and put a cross on one of the betting slips. To make it easy for the children, who to be honest did not understand much about high-stakes gambling, the National Democracy Race had always been a two-horse fix. There were no winners only losers; no matter who you placed your bet on, you always got more of the same. Most of what you got was promises, but as the children of Decadence had been taught from primary school to the time that they left university, usually with a triple first in banner carrying, what was the point of promises? They were only there to be broken.

Nevertheless, Decadence was sold to the children who lived in it and to the rest of the world as such a bountiful place that people flocked there from every forsaken corner of the world. It did not matter that thrown together in this way these poor unfortunates despised one another with a vengeance, squabbled, fought, and grappled for power, as the prefects just kept on telling them that Decadence was Utopia and everybody in it one big happy family. And the more they repeated this, the more the children who lived there, who let me say dear reader did not know any better, wanted to, or were made to, believe that what they were told was the truth .

A Fairy Tale for the End of Summer 2020

Meanwhile, whilst the children were getting fat, indolent and lazy on too many sweets, ice creams and chocolates, the prefects, who had carefully schooled them in the art of looking the other way, were busy plundering the world of its wealth and resources.  From the children’s point of view, this good life was a life without end. They really did believe that ice creams, sweets and chocolates grew on Rights trees, firstly because the prefects told them so and secondly because those same kind prefects were always willing to grant them credit, as long as they paid the interest, of course.

A few miles away, down the road from Decadence, there was another town, a very large town indeed. In this town the children were not much different from the children in Decadence. They, too, liked ice cream, sweets and chocolate, but they had been taught that in order to have these luxuries they had to work for it. In Tradland, rights were not enough to get ice cream, also to be considered was respect, social responsibility and a very old-fashioned and out-dated idea by Decadence’s standards, morality.

The prefects in Tradland were not as bad as they were painted by those in Decadence, who, as one old sage from Decadence remarked, “Decadence is ‘frit’ of sovereign values, and therefore ‘frit’ of Tradland itself” (The parish magazine promptly labelled him as the village idiot. He was excommunicated by the high priest of the Internet, Facebook, and never heard of again.). But in Tradland sponsored-egotism, waywardness and the continual free-for-all mentality that was worn like a badge of honour in Decadence was not encouraged. Neither did the prefects of Tradland support a World and Its Wife attitude with regard to who came to their town and who lived there. In short, they wanted their town to be lawful and safe, to be proud of its history and conserve its way of life.

Whilst Tradland did not care too hoots how Decadence was run, the prefects in Decadence had been brought up on the nasty belief that you could never have enough. Gangs in Decadence had sprung up and these gangs, such as Hope for More Ice Cream and Hate for Traditional Values, were bent ~ as were many of their followers ~ on whipping up trouble in their own town, and the prefects, whilst never admitting it, supported them in this quest and used words like free toffee apples and equal candy floss opportunities as a pretext for bullying other towns to adopt their ice-cream-on-credit mentality.

As Tradland had more bows and arrows than Decadence, the only way Decadence could get the upper hand was to attempt to change it from within. To help them to do this they enlisted the assistance of the men with bent noses who owned and ran the parish magazine. Using a language which a lot of the children understood, Sheep, they produced endless articles calling the prefects of Tradland all sorts of nasty names and promoted the lawlessness and bad behaviour that epitomised Decadence as a natural product of freedom whilst disparaging the rule of law and order and conservative values in Tradland as a sorry old state of affairs ~ a bit like a shop where you couldn’t steal sweets.

One day, quite unexpected, a stranger climbed over Bills Gate and ended up in both towns, and more besides, at once. In Decadence, where there were many strangers, and no one was allowed to question him on pain of having their ice cream tubs removed, he passed among the children like a peculiar shepherd. Dressed from head to toe in black, and carrying a strange kind of crook, he wove back and forth among his flock, who were far too boisterous and self-obsessed to even know how close he was to them ~ certainly less than a metre (cough! cough!).

In Tradland, the stranger was spotted at once, but although Decadence’s parish magazine, Gardnonsense, reported that Tradland’s evil prefects had immediately deprived him of his lollipop, he had in fact been placed in quarantine, as the elder prefects of Tredland, being wise men, suspected who he was. And do you know who he was children? He was the man from Pestilence!

Some children later chanted the ancient rhyme, “Never on a Saturday, Never any day, Here comes the bogeyman send Sorryarse away”, the same rhyme was sung by a minority of rebellious children in Decadence, but they were soon shut up by the prefects and parish magazine, which threatened them with inciting hatred against harlequin ice cream, which was a state-ordained brand rolled out and force fed from early-years school, through doctored GCSE grade to a university first in PCism.

In spite of the best efforts in Tradland and none in Decadence, the contagion spread ~ or, at least, appeared to spread! Some of the more selfish children thought that it was simply an excuse to stop them going to the shops to glut on ice cream, whilst still others cried that the Pills & Potions Gang were masterminding a protection racket called Vaccine.

Whatever anyone believed or did not believe, Decadence declared a race: who could develop the vaccine quickest. It was all a matter of more sweets, chocolates and ice cream, and their reputation as Freeloadersville (as some wags called Decadence) depended on it.

About the same time as all this was taking place, a pantomime came to town. It was a spiffing wheeze in which the main jape was to accuse people of things that were done centuries ago and then pull their statues down. The prefects, anti-farcists, and other street gangs loved it. Decadence’s police force, which had long ago had its force forcibly removed, dutifully ignored it and the prefects of the town clapped furiously from the front rows as they did absolutely everything in their power to do absolutely nothing about it. It was such high jinks, this pantomime, that it was not long before the game had spilled out onto the streets. Children were running amok. Choc ices became an overnight best seller and statues of the great and good were coming down faster than you could sing “Roll me over, more from Dover, Roll me over, take them down and my country away”. Talk about knees up Mother Brown! It was all jelly, ice cream, sticky buns, sweets, chocolate and …. yes, children, you’ve got it ~ it made one sick to the stomach.

Just when tears before bedroom looked imminent, it was announced in Tradland that a vaccine had been found. What a calamity! Unless something was done about it quickly all bets would be off! As luck would have it, luck for Decadence that is, at about this time a small village that lay between Decadence and Tradland, Agoodexcuse, developed a serious problem. The man who ruled the village was looked upon by some not as a guiding prefect but a stern and strict headmaster. A good many of those he ruled, began to call for change. Some believed that this call for change had been aided and supported by the ice cream salesmen from Decadence, but Decadence’s  parish magazine painted an entirely different story, with tales of ice-cream deprivation and sweets-withholding practices contrary to the natural laws of Hedonism (which was a large and frivolous amusement arcade owned and operated by the Obama Fence-Sitting Company ~ those who spoke Sheep adored it!).

The parish magazine was a gay parade of encouragement, urging the prefects of Decadence and towns of a similar ilk to intervene, ‘More sweets! More Ice cream! More sticky buns!’ it cried, whilst at the same time, terrified of true conservatism, throwing out more than a hint here and there that the prefects of Tradland were up to no good.

And then, just at this point of time ~ when pestilence and conspiracy theories were at their most contagious, when the children were out of control, the police and prefects powerless, the vaccine race lost, the ice creams melting, the sweets getting sticky and a man who would not stop taking about boats coming in ~ an incident occurred that enabled the prefects of Decadence to resort to the old tried and tested distraction routine, ‘Look out … he’s behind you!’ A staple of all good pantomimes!!

Someone, a free-ice-cream advocate, who did not like the prefects of Tredland, had suffered an accident, but the prefects of Decadence, who never missed an opportunity to put Tredland down, aided and abetted by the parish magazine, Gardnonsense, was bellowing that someone in Tredland had tripped him up!

The Twice-Daily Blackmail, a parish magazine that appealed to older children who loved parrots, had a parrot field day and, before you knew who you were or who you were standing next to, although you knew you had been here a lot longer than them, although they wanted you to believe that you were a stranger in your own town and they were the best thing since boats and Dover, the preface had been written ~ Tradlandaphobia had come round again.

Now, should Tradland attempt to help in any way the village of Agoodexcuse to heal its wounds, Decadence will roar that anyone who is naughty enough to trip someone up will not think twice about regulating ice cream in a small and vulnerable village! And, this dear, children is their despicable plan. They have merely written a preface to the narrative that they have already written.

But take heart!  Like all good fairy tales this story has a moral subtext. See that man over there, the one in the long dark robes lurking by the school gates. See the bag of sweeties in his swarthy hand. If he offers you one resist it, resist it at all costs, because it comes with a hidden price, the most expensive price you will ever pay ~ culture. Because come the day when the ice cream melts, and it will, all that he will leave you with is the wafers of your memory.

There is more to life than ice creams, sweets and chocolates, and it is not what you cannot take with you that matters (WYCTWY Matters), it is what you leave behind, such as heritage, history, ancestral home, for future generations.

If Decadence was writing this story, even though tradition means nothing to it anymore, it would fall back on the traditional fairy tale ending, and say of itself and its peculiar admixture “And they all lived happily ever after!”

Aaahh, If dreams were horses beggars would ride …

Goodnight children, everywhere.

Other Stories for Bedtime

Coronavirus & the Fear of Conservatism
The Covid-19 Vaccine Race
What Really Matters
Is the UK in Multicultural Meltdown?

Featured photo credit ~ https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/260000/velka/halloween-haunted-ruins.jpg)

Copyright © 2018-2020 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

UK Media Headlines Coronavirus

Dad’s Army by Roger Corman

Published: 20 March 2020

I was sat here looking at and listening to a Boris Johnson coronavirus briefing video courtesy of Stun media and was struck by how similar in language and tone his address was to a script from Dad’s Army. There was something immediately quaint, old-fashioned, vaguely pompous, wonderfully ineffectual and really quite reassuring in its anachronistic nature. I thought, who is it who is writing the British government’s speeches? They must be relatives of David Croft and Jimmy Perry.

Compounding this image of retrospective Britain with Its ‘Back to the Wall’ are escalating media analogies that seek to couch our 21st century plight in the bulldog-spirited language of Captain Mainwaring. Be honest, now, Boris would make an excellent Captain Mainwaring. In fact, he does!

But here, sadly, is where all similarities end. For, in spite of the media hype, ‘Britain in times of national emergency’, ‘never since World War II have we been faced with a crisis of this magnitude’ and talk of ‘wartime rationing’ and ‘putting things on a wartime footing’, at a time when the establishment should be working together, working for the common good, fighting the enemy like a ‘well-oiled war machine’, the Opposition and its crony media seem exclusively focused on political gain.

I know all this stuff about the opposition party’s main role being to question the government of the day and hold them accountable, but there is holding them accountable and grabbing them by the balls.

It is understandable that in our hour of need we should attempt to evoke the indomitable spirit of wartime Britain. Consider this extract from a Reuters article*:

Britain has called for a national effort to tackle coronavirus similar to the one which helped it survive the Second World War

“Our generation has never been tested like this,” Hancock wrote in the Sunday Telegraph. “Our grandparents were, during the Second World War, when our cities were bombed during the Blitz.

“Today our generation is facing its own test, fighting a very real and new disease. We must fight the disease to protect life.”

This desire to fall back upon the genuine community spirit that bolstered morale on the home front and infused the British civilian population with survivalist stoicism during WWII is understandable; ask any 1940s’ event enthusiast, living history group or re-enactor and they will tell you why ~ it was our finest hour ~ but if we are going to do it, we ought to do it properly, and to do it properly not only do we need a united front politically but the full co-operation and alignment of the media.

UK Media Headlines Coronavirus

Sensationalist, overdramatised, sleazy, reaction-seeking, we have been brought up with and expect this sort of shite-mongering nonsense from the tabloids, and we have learnt to dismiss and trash it (they should never have disallowed the use of newsprint as something to wrap our chips in, ahhh well, come the bog roll shortage). We expect these comic strips to assault our equanimity with panic-seeking headlines of ‘killer bugs ‘and the numbers of dead ‘soaring’ — they need people to click on their online sites to convince their advertisers that they have wasted their money wisely (I should know, I worked in advertising-based publishing!), but even with its inexorable shift to the pit of the penny dreadfuls, the dumbing down and partisan bias, surely we should be able to expect something better from our so-called quality media.

UK Media Headlines Coronavirus

Consider the following headlines, which were compiled from two UK left-leaning online newsfeeds over a 24-hour period:

‘I’m losing faith in the leadership’: an NHS doctor’s story

At this most desperate hour, Britain desperately needs better than Boris Johnson

The government is sending mixed messages. Johnson’s coronavirus briefings may make things worse

Boris Johnson is struggling to inspire trust on coronavirus

As this crisis engulfs UK business, Sunak’s ‘whatever it takes’ is falling far short

There is more, but I am sure you get the picture.

We could be churlish at this point and thank our lucky stars that we have old Boris at the helm. Just imagine what it would be like if the other lot had won the election. The first lockdown would have been at Number 10 and the second in the House of Commons as such vital questions to do with equality issues surrounding coronavirus were thrashed out

It is bad enough that it is blatantly ageist, but is it sexist, is it inciting racial and religious hatred, are there any LGBT issues to be delicately skirted (is that the right word?), and what about Rights?! ~should we really force people to have the sense to self-isolate and not buy a mountain of bog rolls? Would anything and everything passed in the House of Commons be blocked in the House of Lords and would rich individuals with vested interests stymie the process of government by launching legal challenges in a suspiciously biased Supreme Court?

The answer is probably not.

However, most would agree (and this is evident from the change of political fortunes in the UK, Europe and America) that Liberalism is on its way out.

Lost adherents need to be brought back into the electoral fold (baahhh, get the analogy?), and to do this it is necessary ~ they think it is necessary ~ to embark upon a war of attrition against the government ~ specifically against Johnson ~ similar in vitriol and relentlessness to that waged by the Liberal establishment against Trump: attack, discredit, belittle.

In the midst of dismay, we should feel pity: Trump, BREXIT, the EU in meltdown, the abject failure of socially engineered Britain, there is nowhere to hide, nowhere to go. What’s the expression ~ shit or bust?

I am not a conspiracy theorist. If I was, I would suspect my retired scientist friend and his junior biochemistry set far more than I would a cartel of vanquished idealogues. But the fact remains that in —what is the expression?— times of national emergency, party politics need to be placed on hold. As for the partisan media, manipulating, plotting, and scheming, expending energy on how to put the government in a bad light in order to wrest the seat of power for the unelected and unelectable ‘when all of this is over’ is at best ineffectual and at worst morally divisive. People are scared; people are dying. They deserve better.

[Accessed 15 March 2020]
* https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain/britain-set-to-isolate-over-70s-as-coronavirus-deaths-rise-to-35-idUSKBN2120DG

[Accessed 19 March 2020]

An article that the The Independent and The Guardian can learn from?

A headline from RT news recently, which, even in these dire times, managed to put a smile on my face, albeit with a ‘gallows humour’ shadow:
Religious procession in Russia against Coronavirus is CANCELED due to Coronavirus

Copyright © 2018-2020 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.