Архив метки: The Great Reset

The Great Reset Answer or Suspicious Coincidence?

The Great Reset Answer or Suspicious Coincidence?

The Reset people want is more Churchillian than Economic-Elitist-Tech

Published: 14 February 2021 ~ The Great Reset Answer or Suspicious Coincidence?

The UK has never been more divided than it is now, thanks to coronavirus, or rather the way in which coronavirus is being presented and handled by the British establishment. Whilst divisions exist within divisions, making it somewhat more complicated than the comparatively straightforward Brexit divide, with open-border liberals on one side and legacy Brits on the other, the main groups can be separated into three distinct confederacies.

Those who accept and support lockdown unconditionally and are, or at least appear to be, quite content to spend the rest of their unnatural days mask-ridden and locked away. These are the hardline lockdowners, the majority of which, funnily enough, are freedom-espousing liberals.

The second group comprises those who think that the UK is ruled by a bunch of gross incompetents, a Conservative-Labour cabal, who, running around in ever decreasing circles, should really have disappeared by now and hopefully eventually will once they have learnt to tell the difference between their elbow and their arse.

The third group are those who earnestly believe that coronavirus and the misinformation/disinformation industry that has grown up around it, together with the bizarre, confusing melee of totalitarian-type rules and restrictions, are part of a grand plan to bring about a radical, global shift in economic and social structures, which will blight the lives of the many whilst filling the coffers of the elitist few.

The Great Reset Answer or Suspicious Coincidence?

Although the latter group is summarily slapped down by liberal media censorship, sectioned under its willful wackos, weirdos, freaks and cranks act, there is no doubt that the tide of public opinion has changed and in the absence of consistent strategy, openness and more plausible explanations, it is the suspicions of this group that are gaining wider acceptance among the British public.

You only have to cast an eye along the comments at the end of online news reports and videos to see that the UK public, in looking for a way out of the conflicting messages and contradictions maze, is finding answers in explanations that favour above all else a neoliberal global conspiracy often referred to as the Great Reset, named after the eponymous book, Covid-19: The Great Reset, written by Klaus Schwab, the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret.

The Great Reset Answer or Suspicious Coincidence?

If your prejudice lies in dismissing conspiracy theories, so be it, but when I read that the usual liberal suspects ~ the BBC, The New York Times and The Guardian, among others ~ had denounced this view as ‘baseless’, a far-right conspiracy theory and, even worse, that progressive-policy open-borders Biden has used ideas from the Great Reset with which to line his speeches, I thought ‘ay up!!!’.

I have to say that seen through the prism of the Great Reset the ‘mishandling’ of the ‘coronavirus pandemic’ makes a lot more sense than the mass of contradictions disseminated to us by the mainstream media and inflicted on us by roller coaster politics and the not so merry-go-round and around of episodic lockdowns.

If true, we can honestly say that what up until now has been a political movement operating insidiously by stealth and subterfuge has been brought out into the open, either blatantly by arrogance or by the force of its own desperation and, in the process is exposing itself for what it really is and what it really wants. In other words, the old kid liberal gloves, fashioned out of the bogus skin of philanthropy, equality, fairness, freedom and the milk of human kindness are well and truly off, revealing the cold, callous, manipulating digits of the greedy, grasping, money-grabbing globalists and their greasy-thumbed liberal agenda.

If this is what they are up to, then the biggest hand that they have overplayed so far has to be Hat Mancocks’ (blast, Bill Gates and his ever-dysfunctional spellchecker ~ I have the same problem when I try to spell ‘liberal’ and it comes out ‘totalitarian’), ‘we’ll force them into hotels and give them 10 years in nick’ speech.

At the end of this post, I have included a random selection of comments taken from a news video of Matt Hancock laying down the law. It should give you a fair insight into how the British public ~ the still-thinking faction of the British public ~ feel.

The Great Reset Answer or Suspicious Coincidence?

And here’s your homework: After reading it, browse around on the internet and read some of the mainstream media articles and watch the various videos ~ interviews, discussions, news features etc ~ and then read the comments (note that some mainstream online news companies have ‘turned the comments off’ no doubt feeling the heat of truth!).  Look at what people are saying and who ~ by political persuasion ~ is saying what. Then think, Great Reset and who, by political persuasion, are in favour of this and why. At the end of this exercise, you may be ~ should be ~ asking yourself why on earth would you put your trust in a so-called liberal democracy?

I am not saying that the Great Reset is the answer or the wrong answer, like a mysterious virus that never originated from where we suspect it did (so say the WHO), it could quite easily be just another of life’s odd coincidences. Couldn’t it?

Now you can say that I’ve grown bitter but of this you may be sure
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor
And there’s a mighty judgment coming, but I may be wrong
You see, you hear these funny voices
In the Tower of Song ~ Leonard Cohen

Russia aims for pre-covid near normaility
Backing Biden will not bring it back
Is Big Tech censorship a coronavirus clue?

Comments on Mat Hancock’s Hotels & Prison Speech (unedited)

{Note: If you think the situation is bad under a Conservative government, think how much worse it could be under a looney left administration! As they don’t say but should, there’s a silver lining in every pair of underpants!}

This is the most bizarre action ever taken. Why are we not facing up to the fact; this island is no longer free. With the daily news all about lockdowns and police arrests, and closures, we are sounding more like a country at war with our own people

It’s so sad that people are not rising up against this tyranny

TYRANNY AT IT’S FINEST! WELCOME TO 1930S NAZI GERMANY.. yet we have not learnt from past mistakes.

Pity they didn’t close the borders a year ago. Oh and patrol the channel and send the illegals back

All about the money money. Nothing to do with the virus. And some people think this is going to end because of the vaccine not a hope they have made millions out of it and will not like giving up making easy money

Millions… don’t you mean billions !

People think the money is the Power,it is a powerful tool but these Bozo’s hold sway over millions of people, divide and conquer is what they want, then they control with ease.

Welcome to your new police state,neighbours reporting neighbours lockdowns every winter limited travel,

What a joke… people get less for armed robbery!

what are you going to do about the illegals that come in by boat send them back this is ridiculous people can kill people and get less than 10-years they’re getting 10 years and they haven’t even done a crime this country is a prison in itself you just locked in your houses

It’s a pity they don’t get ten years for lying to the public.

They should all be banged up and key thrown away for trying to pass this hideous Corona virus bill. Won’t be long before we’re not allowed to have an alternative opinion without being sectioned and forcibly jabbed. That’s not on the news is it.

The vaccine was meant to be the light at the end of the tunnel and yet it seems , ever since the start of its administration , U.K. is going into more and more draconian measures beyond reason. It’s just shocking.

Too little too late. Should have shut the borders a year ago.

What the hell is going on ??? You can murder someone and get less prison time. And all the while the illegal immigrants pour in to a warm welcome and a hotel. It’s scary how undemocratic this country now is. This is just wrong on every level the borders should have been closed 10 months ago but to talk of 10 years in prison is just madness 

100% this is just the start but I’m afraid a lot of the country still believe in everything these muppets are telling them stay in stay in stay in many have been brain washed that much people are scared to even step outside there front doors very sad to see

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