Архив метки: Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

Justin Trudeau gives $100 to Freedom Convoy (If you don’t believe me, see the screenprint below!)

Published: 8 February 2022 ~ Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo!

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

Yesterday should have been an awful day for me. At 6pm I had to leave my isolation bunker and head off to the dentist to have a wisdom tooth removed. Covid-wisdom had kept me away from the dentists for more than 24 months, causing untold damage in the teeth department. I just could not understand how you could have a tooth removed whilst wearing a face mask. I had a similar deficiency in comprehending how people using bars or restaurants could eat and drink with their muzzles on.  

If I am really that dense, I thought, how mentally impaired will I be after the wisdom tooth has been removed. Would I start believing that everything that I read in the corporate media is true? Would I be tempted to vote liberal? Would I condemn the patriots of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as racist, far-right, extremists, anti-gender-neutrals, anti-gay parade-ist, supporters of Canada for Misogynists and/or relatives of Mr Hitler? Anything is possible? You only have to look to what extent the radical left has overplayed its hand this week, exposing the machinations of local and national neoliberal globalist governments and their evident collusion with the Silicon Valley Mob to know that this is true.

Just as well then that I decided to catch up on the predictable news by corporate media, and the thrilling news elsewhere, in the latest instalment of Things Will Never be Quite the Same Again, before I went to the dentist!

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

First, I tried to find out what had happened to the leading man in this grim drama of political vileness ~ Justin ‘Baby Face’ Trudeau. But he was nowhere to be seen. I assumed that he must be doing something useful, somewhere, after all he is Canada’s prime minister. Perhaps he was addressing a Black Lives Matter’s rally? But then it clicked!  In addition to donating $100 to a very good cause, he had contracted a very fashionable disease at a very convenient moment. Western politicians seem to have a habit of doing this, don’t they?

Next, I tried to get on to the GiveSendGo Christian funding platform. Surprise, surprise I got a 404-error notice, which happened several times.  Obviously, this was down to a couple of interrelated but opposing factors: one, that the donations to the Freedom Convoy campaign were pouring in so fast that the server could not cope and, two, that the brownshirt brigade of the loony liberal left were feverishly launching attacks on the website. No matter, after three or four search attempts, and some cunning circumvention of a stream of sites, which seem on Google to be stacked in favour of the radical left, I eventually beat the system. You see, at that point, my wisdom tooth was still intact.

GiveSendGo inundated with Freedom Convoy donations!

I concluded that the success of the Freedom Convoy, particularly with regard to GoFundYou’s failed attempt to padlock the Convoy’s money chest and throw away the key, a despicable, unethical and possibly illegal action that had exploded the looney left into a fit of premature gloating, taken together with the unprecedented support that the truckers are receiving from around the world, had plunged the liberarsey into the throes of such a ginormous shitfit that they were subjecting GiveSendGo to a cyberattack of Nazi Blitzkrieg proportions.

I finally got on to GiveSendGo by going directly to their website (www.givesendgo.com) and not via the convoy link on Google. The effort had been worthwhile! What a sight to behold! The scrolling line at the top of the screen was one continuous stream of $$$$, as donations poured in from around the world (and continue to pour in!) in support of the truckers’ campaign for freedom and, by default, the end of globalist tyranny.


Meanwhile, GoFundMe was ‘blasted’ and ‘slammed’ (sorry to resort to the old corporate media headline slogans, but as they say, what goes around …) for purloining the truckers donation money. In fact, one chap with a few quid in the bank described them as ‘Professional Thieves’1.

There was even talk of GoFundMe (or should that be, GoF*!kYourself) giving the truckers’ money to charitable causes of which GoFundMe approve: I wonder how many ‘isms’ we can detect in those’2.

Anyway, a quick change of pants later, and those in charge of the leaned-on site are crying. “We will give the money back”. Let’s hope they do. Better late than never, although for them, I am pleased to say, it’s a case of slamming the neoliberal door after Justin Trudeau has bolted. Prosecutions may well follow and as for GoFundMe’s reputation that is well and truly shafted.

On the subject of liberal-left partisanship, it is a wonder that the Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page is still up and running. From what I gather the DC Freedom Convoy, inspired by the Canadian Truckers and scheduled to take place later this year, is yet another victim on the growing list of the media giant’s hatchet job3.

“Trucker Jeremy Johnson, who established the group, [said] … ‘It’s censorship at its finest,’ … ‘They like to silence people that speak the truth.’” ~ Dailymail.co.uk3

You may feel, if you have personally been suspended, barred, blocked and banned by Facebook that they routinely target those who post anything on their site that does not conform to the liberal-left agenda? You may be right. What they have been doing throughout the Covid situation is redirecting users to selected information sources where you can read the truth about Covid. The question is, whose truth is it?

The following videos and links contain an alternative truth, the truth according to those who claim to be speaking out against and debunking the official coronavirus narrative. You all know the coronavirus story as told by social-media, the corporate media and its ‘Big Tech Big Pharma Globalist coalition’. The following videos and links provide an opportunity for you to watch, listen, absorb and then weigh the balance between the two opposing viewpoints. If you have a mind ~ if you have managed to retain your own mind after the past two years ~ I am sure that you will use it.

Happy viewing:

(Dark Knight) Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION – Feb.6, 2022 “State of Emergency Update”

Julia Brewer from Talk Radio discusses the ‘racist’ truckers and liberal authoritarianism with James Melville, Political Commentator


REINER FUELLMICH. It’s extremely difficult to obtain detailed information about Mr Fuellmich via Google. I wonder why that is. However, if you look you just might find the following: ‘Leading German lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich specialises globally on the prosecution of fraudulent corporations. He now leads a stellar team of international lawyers in what will become the world’s largest global tort case—against all protagonists and accomplices in what is now being termed ‘The COVID Scandal’
More information: (https://www.nogeoingegneria.com/news-eng/corona-investigative-committee-starts-the-grand-jury-trial/

By the way I was lucky. On my return from the dentists minus my wisdom tooth, I was relieved to find that I had enough wisdom left not to be tempted to make a donation to the Justin (only just in, but soon to be out) Trudeau Fugitive Fund, even though a certain disgraced crowdfunding platform gave me their best assurance that as this was one of the causes of which they heartily approved my money would be safe!😏

1. https://nypost.com/2022/02/05/elon-musk-gofundme-professional-thieves-for-withholding-10m-from-anti-vax-rally/
2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10482895/Ted-Cruz-demands-FTC-probe-deceptive-GoFundMe-shut-page-raising-money-Canada-truckers.html
3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10475507/Facebook-REMOVES-page-promoting-Freedom-Convoy-DC-GoFundMe-started-returning-donations.html

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