How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

Conspiracy or not, Liberal Globalists seem to have overstepped the mark somewhat …

Published: 6 February 2022 ~ How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

The CANADIAN TRUCKERS’ FREEDOM CONVOY has achieved much more than it set out to do. Not only has it sent a firm and resolute message to Mr Trudeau (who seems to have run away and gone into hiding) that enough is enough but is sending ripples across the world that are astonishing and terrifying liberal-lefty New World Orderists everywhere.

Breaking Wind! (which is what liberals everywhere are doing ~ even more than usual!) 7 February 2022

Extreme far-left neoliberal globalists (did I get everything in there?) exhibit panic on a meltdown scale!
Politico (liberal-lefty) headline: “Ottawa truckers’ convoy galvanizes far-right worldwide”

CNN (liberal-lefty): A different angle in an article by Andrew Cohen today, but it rings hollow. Patronising and smirky-smug, but beneath the veneer of complacency there is a palpable fear that seeps through the subtext, saying that until now Canadians have been easy meat for the liberal sausage-making machine, so what’s gone wrong?!! Anything other in Canada than total compliance is almost unprecedented. Even more worrying then for the button pushers is this bold stand against liberal fascism by Canada’s backbone ~ those good old Truckers

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

In the UK, anything that gets either The Guardian (guardian of what, exactly?) or Independent (independent my arse!) barking is a sure sign that liberal pants are being changed quicker than their journalists can get words down on paper.

Their desperation is particularly obvious when they resort to name calling, viz anybody and everybody who stands up against liberal fascism are immediately fascist themselves, far-right, extreme-right yawn, yawn, yawn. This crude and childlike polarisation, implying, as it does, that there is no middle-way, ie you are either a processed, unthinking, obedient liberal or an extreme far-righter, is rather unfortunate for them, because by this definition most of the world is far-right, and its number appears to be growing!

To see for yourselves just how far up Liberal left Shitskee Street they are running, make a search on Google for ‘GoFundMe removes donation page for Canadian trucker protest’. By the way, when you see why GoF!*kYourself removed the donation page, you might, with justification, think, “Hello, is Al Capone back in business?”. As each day passes the powers that were, and hopefully won’t be for much longer, become more and more transparent.

Now, in the following article there’s an awful lot of Chagrin (with a capital ‘C’, which also stands for Globalists), so it’s time to wheel on (Tantara, Tantara) The Guardian for a bit of ‘Shriek!! They are all far-right extremists!!

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

Here is that article:

You will see that the Canadian Truckers (liberal-lefty media just hate the ‘T’ and the ‘r’ in the word ‘truckers’ ~ I bet their subeditors are champing at the bit to insert an ‘F’) have a NEW FUNDING PLATFORM. Donations are flooding in!!

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

The funding platform for those stalwart truckers now is:

Note: As I write this the donations are pouring in so fast that the traffic is crashing the server. Either that, or the site is under attack! See
If you have a problem getting on to the site, just be patient. Remember the popular saying: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!”

In these grim lockdown, mask-wearing, vaccine-forcing, authoritarian, One World Government, New World Order days, the fact that a dedicated band of freedom-loving hairy-arsed truckers is holding up a huge freedom finger to Big Pharma, Big Tech and a handful of nasty globalist despots shows that every plandemic has a silver lining.

You might say, that’s just a load of old conspiracy bollocks! Maybe, but it doesn’t alter the fact that those truckers are putting a much-needed smile on our over-vaxed jaundiced faces.

My apologies to The Guardian, I suppose this makes us all far-right extremists!

Other countries are following the freedom example of the Canadian Truckers!

Thumbs up to Canadian Truckers

<Heard the one about Herd Immunity>

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