Category Archives: Kaliningrad: Mick Hart’s Diary

Victory Day Russia 2022 brings Record Turnout

Victory Day Russia 2022 brings Record Turnout

Attendance at Kaliningrad’s 9th May celebration

Published: 12 May 2022 ~ Victory Day Russia 2022 brings Record Turnout

This year’s attendance at Russia’s annual 9th May Victory Day celebration of the Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (WWII), which liberated the world, ensured Russia’s preservation and determined its future role on the international stage, was nothing short of spectacular. In Moscow it was reported that more than a million people took part in the annual procession of the ‘Immortal Regiment’, and a friend, contacting us by VK messenger, said that the crowds in St Petersburg were literally overwhelming.

Here, in my hometown, Kaliningrad, the volume of people making the yearly pilgrimage to Victory Park to place flowers of respect and gratitude on the monuments to their Soviet forbears who had risked and layed down their lives by the millions to free the world of Nazism was a truly phenomenal sight. Russian citizens of all ages from the very young to the very old streamed towards the park, proudly holding aloft placard-mounted photograph portraits of grandparents and great grandparents who had fought and died defending their country.

Victory Day Russia 2022 brings Record Turnout
Victory Day Russia 2022 brings Record Turnout

Victory Day Russia 2022 brings Record Turnout

Such was the magnitude of the throng that when we arrived at the edge of the park we found further progress impeded by a redoubtable network of crowd-control barriers. However, with a little effort and ingenuity we gradually joined the vast procession as it slowly made its way towards the Monument to 1200 Guardsmen, the city’s foremost war memorial.

Here, the crowds would pause to say a silent prayer, to reflect on the sacrifice made by previous generations and to lay flowers at the foot of the 26-metre obelisk.

The Monument to 1200 Guardsmen is Kaliningrad’s open church. Its landmark obelisk, eternal flame ~ lit more than fifty years ago ~ and spacious square flanked by two figural sculptures depicting Soviet troops storming the city of Königsberg (renamed ‘Kaliningrad’ after the war) is a living memory embodied in stone and bronze of the fortitude and heroism exemplified by the Soviet people in resisting and vanquishing fascism and in lifting the shadow of the dark forces that it had cast upon the world.

Victory Day Russia 2022 expatkaliningrad
Crowds on bridge Victory Park Russia 2022

Like the eternal flame of which it is a part, the Monument to 1200 Guardsmen is a holy place of patriotism. The crowd brought more of it with them. In addition to the portraits of their ancestors, many people carried and waved small commemorative flags and some of the more adventurous full-sized Soviet banners. The Georgian ribbon, a one-time component of military decorations but latterly used to honour veterans who fought on the Eastern front, a symbol of glory instantly recognised by its striking combination of contrasting black and orange stripes, was everywhere. And many people, including my wife and our comrades, also donned wartime pilotkas ~ olive-green military side caps complete with Soviet insignia.

Along the approach road to the obelisk and the entrance to Victory Park music of a patriotic and sentimental nature recorded during the wartime era played through the PA system. People brought up with these songs, and later generations who had been taught them by their parents and in history lessons at school, sang along as sentiment directed, sometimes wistfully, then triumphantly but always with great affection.

The shared respect for historical memory by so many people of so many differing ages was uplifting and inspiriting. It is hard to imagine greater devotion stemming from people of a sovereign country to and for that country. The evocation of pride and faith, unity and belonging is one which westerners seldom encounter; indeed, one which modern western youth deprived of would find alien.

Victory Day Russia 2022 brings Record Turnout

For Russians, however, the past remains a part of the living present. It is the foundation of their strength, a triumph of cultural values that has transcended generations and continues to transcend, uniting and sustaining them. It is the dove and poetry of the Russian soul; the stoical spirit of the Russian bear. The people of their past are the people of their present and the children of their present is their future. This then is the march of Russia’s Immortal Regiment!
<9th May Victory Day 2022>

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Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Love for Kaliningrad & its territory

Kaliningrad beyond the headlines of the West

What I like about Kaliningrad

Updated 18 April 2022 | First published: 2 March 2021 ~ Kaliningrad beyond the headlines of the West

[INTRO} I wrote this piece over a year ago, at a time when western media had nothing better to do than push a hysteria-fomenting narrative about the coronavirus pandemic; now, apparently, it has nothing better to do than to push a hysteria-fomenting narrative about the situation in Ukraine. Bearing this in mind, I dutifully revisited my post to see if anything had changed regarding my opinion of life in Russia and to what extent if any western media had succeeded in convincing me that I would be happier in the UK than if I remained a sanctioned Englishman living in Kaliningrad. I am pleased, but not surprised, to say that other than one or two grammatical improvements, there was nothing to revise! Here’s that post again …

We left the UK for Kaliningrad in winter 2018, but things were far from settled. Over the next twelve months I would have to return to the UK three or four times to renew my visa and to obtain official documents and then return again to pay an extortionate sum of money for a notarised apostille, a little rosette-looking thing verified by a notary that once clipped to the official documents could be used to complete my Leave to Remain in Russia. It was expensive; it was a rigmarole; but obtaining Leave to Remain meant that opening visas would be a thing of the past.

The last time that I was in the UK was December 2019. I returned to Kaliningrad just in time for the New Year celebrations and a month or so afterwards was granted Leave to Remain. We had intended to return to the UK in April for a month, as we had some business to attend to, but before we could do that coronavirus came along and the rest, as they say, is history.

In a previous article I revealed the circumstances which persuaded us to leave the UK and move to Kaliningrad. Now, with December 2019 to the present date being the longest uninterrupted period that I have been in Kaliningrad, it would seem appropriate that I pause to reflect on what it is about Kaliningrad that drew me to it and continues to endear and fascinate.

Our friend, the late Victor Ryabinin, used to refer to Kaliningrad and its surrounding territory as ‘this special place’, and I am with him on that. Whether it is because I see Kaliningrad through his eyes and feel it through his heart, I cannot rightly say. Certainly, his outlook and philosophy on life influenced me and my intuition bears his signature, but I rather imagine that he perceived in me from the earliest time of our friendship something of a kindred spirit, someone who shared his sensibility for the fascination of this ‘special place’.

Nevertheless, my feelings for Kaliningrad are in no way blinkered by a Romanticist streak, which, yes, I do have. If Victor could describe himself as a cheerful pessimist, then I have no qualms in describing myself as a pragmatic Romanticist. But I am no more or less a stranger to Kaliningrad’s flaws and imperfections than I am to my own. 

When we arrived in Kaliningrad on a very cold day in winter 2018 to make arrangements for moving here, we were thrown in at the deep end. Early in the morning, still tired from our flight the night before, we had official business that would not wait, which meant trekking off to one of the city’s less salubrious districts. We had given ourselves sufficient time, allowances having been made for the usual protracted queuing, but on reaching our destination discovered that the office we were bound for was working to a different timetable than the one advertised, and consequently we had a two-hour wait before we would be seen! Asking some kind people if they would reserve our place in the queue, we ventured out to a small eatery, a cubicle on the side of the road, for a coffee and a bite to eat. I wrote in my diary:

“Outside, we were confronted yet again by downtown Kaliningrad at its ‘finest’: those ubiquitous concrete tower blocks, stained, crumbling and patched; pavements cracked, ruptured and sunken; kerbstones akimbo; grass verges churned by the wheels of numerous vehicles so that they resembled farmyard gateways; small soviet-era fences rusting and broken; and roads so full of potholes that I began to wonder if it was 1945 again and looked anxiously above me to check for the presence of Lancasters.

When I returned to Kaliningrad from England in December 2019, I wrote:
“I am not sure whether I love Kaliningrad in spite of its imperfections or because of them”.

Kaliningrad beyond the headlines of the West

They say that it is people that make places what they are, and it is a difficult-to-disprove logic. In the UK, for example, left-leaning commentators, liberal media editors, state-blamers and apologists are continually referring to ‘disadvantaged’ people from ‘deprived areas’, whereas in my experience it is people who deprive areas not areas that deprive people and the only disadvantage is yours, if you should wander into these areas by mistake.

Case in point: Back in the 1990s I had a female acquaintance who lived in a notorious concrete citadel in south London’s Peckham; her reputation I was assured of, but when I visited her one late afternoon in autumn, my knowledge of the Badlands where she lived was incipiently less important to me than my amorous intent. Ahh, the follies of youth!

When it came time to leave, I was ready to phone for a taxi. It was then that she informed me that after dark taxis refused to enter the estate, in fact the entire area! I suggested hailing a black cab in the street and was told that black cabs were as “rare ‘round here as rocking horse s!*t!”.

There was nothing for it: I would have to walk. I cannot say that I was unduly perturbed by this prospect. I was young, well relatively young, and these were the days of my London-wide pub crawls, which would take me to every corner of London no matter which corner it was.

On this particular evening, I had not walked far before I espied my first pub. I was still some distance from it, and though the light from the one or two working streetlamps was dim, the building was easily distinguished as the front was bathed in a low, lurid glow.

As I drew closer, I discovered to my surprise that someone had propped a large mattress on the side of the pub wall and had set light to it. It must have been very damp, the proverbial piss-stained mattress I suppose, because the conflagration was limited to a slow, puthering, smoulder.

Being the Good Samaritan that I am, I popped my head around the pub door and called to the chap behind the bar, “Hey, did you know that there is a burning mattress strapped to the side of your pub?” I need not have felt so daft for saying this, as, barely looking up from his newspaper, the barman grunted in reply, “It’s not unusual around here, mate.”

I had not walked far from The Burning Mattress pub before I found another: The Demolition Inn. All of the windows on the pavement side were smashed, and one pathetic light shone miserably through the broken glass in what otherwise would be a superb and original 1920s’ doorway. I couldn’t just walk past!

The place was empty and quiet, but it had not always been. Evidence had it that not too long ago it had been extremely lively. In one corner there was a pile of broken furniture and that which was still standing had bandaged legs and strung-up backs. The mirror behind the bar was bust, western-film style, and all of the more expensive bottles, the shorts, had been removed from the shelves and the optics, presumably for their own safety.

I never did ask what had happened. It just did not seem the polite thing to do. I just ordered a pint from the man behind the bar, who had a lovely shining black eye and his arm in the nicest of slings, and spent the next thirty minutes on my own in this disadvantaged pub, philosophically ruminating on the nasty way in which bricks and mortar and the wider urban environment deprived people to such an extent that there was nothing they could do but set light to piss-stained mattresses, smash up backstreet pubs, terrify London cabbies and (a popular sport in London’s predominantly ethnic areas) mug the hapless white man.

So, what can we conclude from this? Most large towns and cities have rundown areas, but the difference between the rundown areas in Kaliningrad and those that we know and avoid in London and other UK cities ~ the ‘deprived areas’, as they are called ~ is that you are less likely to be deprived of your possessions, your faculties even your life, whilst walking through the Kaliningrad equivalents of the UK’s infamous sink estates. Although, to be precise, such equivalents do not exist.

Thus, without sounding too fanciful, let us agree that it is people ~ the way they act, talk, behave, dress and generally conduct themselves in public ~ that makes a place what it is. An observation that applies to anywhere ~ be it a 1920s’ terraced street, a 1970s’ concrete estate, a pedestrianised city centre, anywhere ~ from region to region, country to country.

I am not about to make any silly sweeping statements about what Russian people are really like. I could not accomplish this with any degree of validity if someone was to ask me to ‘sum up’ British people (not the least because true British are lumped together with people from foreign lands, who in appearance and behaviour are anything but British, and yet have a stamp in their passport that contradicts good sense) simply because every individual is different no matter where he or she hails from. What I can say hand on heart is that in the 22 years that I have been coming to Kaliningrad, I have had the good fortune to meet, and in some instances become friends with, people of the highest calibre in this small corner of Russia.

It is true that in June 2019 we lost Victor Ryabinin, which was and still is an inconsolable loss, and tragedy would overtake us again in November 2020, when our friend and Victor’s protégé, Stas Konovalov, who helped us through the emotional period of Victor’s death and with whom we shared so many good times, died also. For the second time in less than two years, irreplaceable people had been taken from us. We continue to miss them both.

As it had been for Stas and Victor, history plays an important part in my relationship with Kaliningrad. There is, of course, my own personal history of Kaliningrad, an interaction that stretches back over two decades, and then the energy of the greater past that flows from antiquity into the present. In Kaliningrad, and its region, the past and present parallel each other. There are times and places where the past seems so close that you feel all you need to do is reach out, pull back the curtain and take its hand in yours.

“There is something magnetic in this city; it pulled some of the world’s most significant people into it as it has pulled me. I cannot explain this magic, but I know that this is my city.”

Victor Ryabinin

For some, this confluence of the past has more disturbing connotations. My wife’s mother, who is attuned to the ‘otherness’ of our existence, complains that although she likes Kaliningrad, there is something inescapably ‘heavy’ about it, defined by her as emanating from its dark Teutonic and German past. And I am inclined to agree with her. But I do not share her more gloomy interpretation of the dark side or its negative affect. For me, the cloud has a silver lining: it is profundity and, at its core, cultural sensitivity, interlaced with creative energy. Indeed, creativity and creative people thrived and flourished in Königsberg and that legacy, I am pleased to say, lives on to this day.

Victor Ryabinin painting of Königsberg
Königsberg ~ the retrospective world of artist Victor Ryabinin

Whilst the bricks and mortar of Königsberg’s ruins ~ the haunting landscape in which Victor Ryabinin spent his susceptible childhood ~ may have largely been replaced, the spirit of the old city and the spirits of all those who passed through it, whether peacefully or violently during times of war, are ever present. And I earnestly believe that the energy of our two departed friends, Victor and Stas, walk among the living here as countless others do who were brought to this place by fate.

Königsberg in ruins
Königsberg after allied bombing ~ the childhood landscape of Victor Ryabinin
Modern Kaliningrad beyond the headlines of the West
Kaliningrad 2019

Victor wrote that “there is something magnetic in this city; it pulled some of the world’s most significant people into it as it has pulled me. I cannot explain this magic, but I know that this is my city.”

I experienced a similar revelation on that cold, snow-bound night, back in the year 2000, when I was standing on the forecourt of Kaliningrad station . It was strong then and is strong now, and knowing it as I do, it no longer surprises me that I am living here today.

Kaliningrad beyond the headlines of the West ~ Kaliningrad station

I was told by someone, not by Victor himself, that Victor believed that no matter how we felt about the past, we have to live in the present. I never did get chance to ask him whether by that he meant that we had no choice but to live in the present or that we each had a moral imperative to do so, but whichever version you choose, I would qualify both by adding that to a certain extent we can pick and mix, take what we need from the past and present and leave the rest behind.

In my case, the past and present converge, and I am attracted to modern-day Kaliningrad as much as I am fascinated by its East Prussian, German and Soviet history.

When English people call me out, asking pointedly what it is I like about Kaliningrad. I reply, glibly: “What’s not to like?”

Of course, I start with the historical perspective ~ it would not be me if I didn’t ~ referring to the Teutonic Order, ancient Königsberg, Königsberg’s fate during the Second World War and its Soviet reincarnation. I emphasise what a fascinating destination it is for those who are interested in military history and woo antique and vintage dealers with seductive tales of dug-up relics, the incomparable fleamarket and colourful descriptions of alluring pieces hidden away in the city’s antique shops.

Kaliningrad flea market: Kaliningrad beyond the headlines of the West
Relics of Königsberg & Soviet Kaliningrad’s past

Then I go on to say that Kaliningrad is a vibrant and dynamic city, a city of contrasts, of surprises; I talk up its superb bars and restaurants, the variety and price of the beer, the museums and art galleries, the excellent public transport facilities, the attractive coastal resorts that are a mere forty minutes away and cost you two quid by train or a tenner by taxi,  the UNESCO World Heritage Curonian Spit, the small historic villages, how friendly the natives are to visitors and, when the wife is not about, the presence of many beautiful women.

Above: Kaliningrad region’s main coastal resorts: Svetlogorsk & Zelenogradsk

*********Editorial note [18 April 2022]********
In the paragraphs to follow, I refer to the onerous restrictions which at the time of writing were impacting international travel in the name of coronavirus. Since then, you will have probably noticed that we have entered a new, dramatically more restricting chapter in the history of international travel, thanks to the West’s anti-Russian hysteria and its sanction-futile attempts to isolate the largest country on Earth. This ill-advised and not very well thought through economic warfare programme has added multiple layers of estranging complexity for global travellers everywhere, not just for potential visitors who want to leave the West to travel to Kaliningrad. From a purely selfish standpoint, these self-defeating impositions have merely made the ‘special place’ that Kaliningrad is to me that little bit more special, its taboo status, difficult-to-get-to location and mythicised risk to westerners making my ‘secret holiday destination’ even more enticing, albeit, ironically, somewhat less secret since in the latest round of Russophobia it has been singled out as a strategic military obstacle to the New World Order aspirations of neoliberal globalism.

You will also find in my later comments evidence supporting Russia’s assertion that the West’s attempts to stigmatise and degrade its international standing and denigrate its culture did not start with Ukraine. The events that we see unfolding today have been a long time in the making and by comparing my honest depiction of life in Kaliningrad with life as you know it in the UK, you should begin to understand why Russia’s traditional cultural ethos inflames the rancour of the West and why it fuels a burning desire in its governments to corrupt, transform and replace that culture with something sub-standard resembling their own. All I can say is Heaven forbid!
*********End of Editorial note [18 April 2022]********

Admittedly, as with everywhere else in the world, access to Kaliningrad and accessibility with regard to its facilities have suffered restrictions through the outbreak of coronavirus, but hopefully it will not be long before the borders are open again. Before coronavirus struck, I was looking forward to excursions into Poland and to Vilnius, Lithuania ~ one of my favourite cities ~ and I want to make that train trip across Russia to Siberia.

As I say, what’s not to like?

Above: Scenes from Kaliningrad and its Baltic Coast region

I realise, of course, that this is not what most English people expect or even want to hear. The UK media has done a good demolition job on Russia over the years, especially Kaliningrad. True, each year that goes by, as things improve here and grow inversely worse in the West, the UK media is finding it increasingly difficult to slag Kaliningrad off. Who can forget its failed propaganda coup in 2018, when it pulled every trick in the book in an attempt to terrify British fans from travelling to Russia for the World Cup?! The plan backfired spectacularly, since the fans that trusted in their own intuition and came to Kaliningrad in spite of media hype were later to report how immensely they enjoyed themselves. What an ‘own goal’ for the West and an embarrassing one at that!

Nevertheless, UK and American liberals continue to bang their conspiratorial heads against the door of this nation state, taking solace in the belief that should they ever run out of tall and sensational stories, there’s always Kaliningrad’s ‘military threat’, to latch onto. Simultaneously, they promise to bestow on Mother Russia ~ as if she is an ‘it’ or an ‘other’ (now, isn’t that just typical!) ~ the rights equivalent of the Emperor’s New Clothes, and all for the knock-down bargain price of Russia becoming a vassal state of the New World Liberal Disorder.

When I am asked about Kaliningrad, I respond to the critics by saying that I can only tell it how I find it, from my point of view, and that the Kaliningrad that I know is not the one readily fictionalised by UK mainstream media. They listen, but I suspect that Brits being Brits they routinely dismiss me as a latter-day Lord Haw Haw, even though the only hawing I do is when reflecting on their entrenched dogmas I allow myself a good chuckle.

However, there is one thing about Kaliningrad that has changed decisively for me: When I first came here, I was a tourist. I came for the good times; I had a good time; and then I went home until the next good time. I was a tourist.

In those days Kaliningrad was my ‘secret destination’. No one I knew in the West had ever heard of it, and that’s just the way I liked it!

Holiday venues are like that, they exist in the distance of your life, somewhere on the periphery. It’s a bit like having a mistress, or so they tell me: you can call round when it pleases you, take your pleasure, vow one day that you will move in together and then return to your life and forget it, until that is of course holiday time comes round again.

The risk is, however, that by returning time and time again ~ to places not mistresses (although …) ~ you develop friendships, and before you know it you have become a part of their life and they a part of yours. Your lives become enmeshed. You learn about each other’s hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, dreams and aspirations. You gain an informed insight into each other’s past and the course your lives have taken, and whilst you are living in each other’s lives fate, which is working behind the scenes, is quietly writing you into its narrative

The point at which you find yourself no longer living on the outside but looking in is indistinct, but it occurs somewhere at that imperceptible juncture where you are not only sharing the ‘ups’ of people’s lives but also the ‘downs’.

This is particularly true when you fall into the raw, barely consolable emotion, grief, in which fused as one by pain and despair, you eventually emerge on the other side less intact than you were but brothers in arms and sorrow. Such experiences are not peculiar to me or to Kaliningrad, or for that matter to any one time and place; they are timeless, universal. But it is these experiences that will ultimately determine which are the stations on your way and which your final destination.

And do you know what is most awesome? It is that you never know where it will be until after you arrive there.

Mick Hart & Olga Hart in Svetlogorsk
Zelenogradsk in the sun … It’s not always cold in Russia!!

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Isolation from Globalists is it such a bad thing?

Isolation from Globalists is it such a bad thing?

UK Sanctions like pinning a target to your own arse

Published: 4 April 2022 ~ Isolation from Globalists is it such a bad thing?

Thumbs up to Viktor Orban

Congratulations Viktor Orban on your landslide victory in the Hungarian election: Viktor Orban celebrates victory over “Brussels bureaucrats and the Soros empire”1


“The Western economic blockade and sanctions of an unprecedented scale are clearly having an effect. The question will ultimately be whether Russians are willing to accept their new status as global pariahs and give up the Western comforts some had grown used to.”  ~ CNN article, 14 March 2022, “Here’s how we know sanctions are hurting Russia”

My wife’s response on social media: “Russians are willing to accept giving up ‘Western comforts’, which mainly means the loss of McDonald’s, Zara and IKEA. We have plenty of home-grown products💖. As for ‘global pariahs’, we are OK with this definition too. After all, Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky are in our company. 🤣”‘

So there you have it: ‘western comforts’ belong to the corporate-led, consumer lifestyles of material western cultures, which, presumably, cannot survive without them, and the perception of ‘global pariah’ really depends on (a) a limited definition of what constitutes the world, ie the world is the western collective, and (b) whether exclusion from the neoliberal globalist club is something to lament or something to rejoice about.

Quote: “The Western economic blockade and sanctions of an unprecedented scale are clearly having an effect.” Question: On who? and Who says so? Ahh, western media!

 “First off, let’s shift this into a UK context, because as we know Britland is the crust on Uncle Sam’s American Pie and everything the yanks say the Brits go along with. So, Brits take note: Brit mentality is not Russian mentality. The entire British hierarchy from the elitist neoliberal classes to the lush-living liberal lefties to the sheep-bleating and avatar-changing minions live in a world that is totally disconnected from Russian thought and feeling. This is one reason, the main reason, why it is so easy for the UK to miscomprehend Russians on the grand and amusing scale that it incessantly does.

But the disconnect between Russian and UK mentality is not the only void; there is another, equally unbeknown to the UK masses, between the style, approach and coverage of Russian media and that of its UK counterpart.

Objective comparison of Russian and UK media coverage of Ukraine immediately reveals that when it comes to news that is straightforward, easy to assess and assimilate, Russian media wins hands down. The UK establishment is frightened of this, which is why at the first sign of trouble in Ukraine they moved to ban Russian media, but not before they had disguised their motive by slapping it with a propaganda notice.

In the UK, views and narratives that do not conform to the official neoliberal one are routinely shouted down. Brexit, the plandemic and now Ukraine, it’s the same old story. It has to be, if not the UK government cries ‘propaganda’, UK media cries ‘propaganda’ and, you’ve guessed it, the UK public cry ‘propaganda’. It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it? So, they don’t.

Where UK media excels is in the spheres of overt-sensationalism and melodrama. This is not to congratulate but to recognise how it works. People of independent thought, what few there are left in the UK, can see through the deception and the disingenuous character of UK media with the minimum of effort, but cloned and colonised minds cannot and sadly for various reasons the great proportion of Brits fall into this latter category.

Dystopian Western Society

Take, for example, the recent media handling and presentation of the situation in Ukraine. Huge, concerted effort was disproportionately assigned by UK media to heartstring-pulling tales about the humanitarian tragedy and the subsequent plight of hapless refugees. I am not knocking the reality of the collateral damage of military conflict but the way in which that reality is deliberately and cynically manipulated.

The UK government and its corporate media are maestros when it comes to playing the emotive fiddle. They can tap into the mythicised tolerance of the legacy Briton mindset without breaking sweat. It is not the first time, for example, that Brits have been asked to feel good about themselves by opening their hearts and borders to ‘asylum seekers’, economic migrants and even genuine refugees.

Think back to the troubles that the US-UK alliance exacerbated in Syria. Remember the cruel images of refugee children, some dead some rescued, on the beaches of Europe when their migrant rafts capsized, images later claimed by some commentators to have been stage-managed but cried down frenetically as ‘fake news’ by liberal fact checkers?

No sooner had these images been published than up went the banshee cry for accepting more refugees and adopting refugee children. Do you remember this? Do you also remember changing your avatar, and whilst you were doing this forgetting to remember the role that the US-UK played in creating the Syrian tragedy? Propaganda they cry! But then they always do.

It is different in Russia. Contrary to UK popular belief, popular because when Brits have no answers they simply shout ‘propaganda’ in the same way that they shout ‘racist’, Russians, unlike Brits, do not believe everything they see and read in the media. Schooled in the hard knocks in life, not the university of ‘I’ve got rights’, am molly-coddled and cosseted, Russian minds have fortunately escaped the deleterious process of homogenisation that has soldered UK minds into one inflexible lump.

The parrot-and-sheep UK hybrid simply does not apply in Russia. Changing avatars as a substitute for intelligence and for touchy-feely membership to the mutual appreciation society is not a natural part of the Russian psyche. A comparatively turbulent history has taught Russians how to endure and overcome and, as a consequence, has enabled them to develop a reservoir of personal and collective fortitude on which they can draw for survival whenever the need arises.

Equipped thus, the ‘pariah’ does not feel like a pariah, if anything it feels exclusive. Hence, the ‘pariah of the global world’ (which actually means the globalised world) sees that world from which it has been excluded, to which it is told it does not belong, as the pariah it can do without. Now, isn’t that ironic?

if you learn but one word in Russian, let that word be Pofick!

To help with your understanding of this, if you learn but one word in Russian, let that word be pofick! In English, pofick equates to ‘And what?’ or ‘So what!’; in French c’est la vie; or universally to a simple shrug of the shoulders. ‘Pariah!’ Pofick!; ‘Sanctions!’ Pofick!; US-UK sissy fit! Pofick!

Isolation from Globalists is it such a bad thing?

Gone are the days when all Russians clamoured and craved to run to Europe. Some of the country’s arty-farts and techies have left Russian as a virtue-signalling gesture about Ukraine, but let’s face it they couldn’t just up and go unless they had money and property salted, tucked away and waiting for them in Europe, so the general feeling here is that those who have gone were gone already.

The majority of Russians, thanks to the internet, no longer harbour any illusions as to what it is like to live in the West. Once, like many others, they were keen to experience French culture or German culture or British culture but globalism, with the assistance of George Soros’ third-world taxi service, has reduced such norms to nuances. Now very little culture is left in these countries, and what has managed to survive is suffocating beneath legions of creepers and poison ivy.

So, the odds on Russian society being upended by self-reflection as a pariah state to the West are not ones on which you should stake your existence. Sanctions, attempts to cancel culture and general Russophobia are impotent leverage mechanisms for exchanging tradition and love of historic homeland for deviancy and woke.

Another UK government-media myth, borrowed from the US of A, is that sanctions are ‘crippling’ and ‘strangling’ Russia. They are certainly not designed to make life easier but, to quote my Indian friend, who considers himself a great philosopher: “Every problem has a solution”. And this is what we are seeing.

About sanctions, you could say, and many political pundits, economists and political analysts around the world are saying, that the US and its minions have shot themselves in the collective foot, but I prefer my own analogy, which is that the US and its western collective are using their arse for target practice.

UK Sanctions like pinning a target to your own arse

The situation into which they have backed themselves reminds me to a lesser extent of one that occurred in a publishing house in which I was employed. Against the advice of his peers and underlings, one of the directors went ahead and implemented a controversial project which, as anticipated, completely backfired. In short it was a financial disaster. A friend and colleague of mine created a little ditty to commemorate this folly, which every time the misguided director appeared my friend would unkindly sing. It went something like this: “We all tried to tell him it just wouldn’t do. It went off half-cock, it hadn’t been thought through”.

Thus, when the UK’s Liz Truss, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom (Trus her to talk b!**&!*s!) gives it the big one about the impermanence of UK sanctions and proffers the carrot and stick of removing sanctions if Russia will behave itself ~ stop behaving like a naughty boy ~ we between-the-lines readers see a very definite case of ‘Oh dear, we got it all wrong; we didn’t think those sanctions through’. The U-turn is plainly visible; it’s the next bend in the road ahead. But saving face is less easy to see. Quick, shout Propaganda!

For the moment, for the Liz Truss moment, saving face means talking out of your arse. The arse-about-face of it is for Brits that they are to continue fuelling their ego at the expense of rising fuel costs, which are fuelling the cost of living crisis, in the lamentable belief that somehow their little over-populated, socially fragmented and culturally impoverished island holds, by some quaint and curious stretch of imperialistic imagination, the whip hand over Russia, the largest country on planet Earth and also a sovereign superpower.

The attempt to ruin Russia on the part of America and Europe is like two gays trying to conceive a child. The more they try, the more their arses hurt. 


I’m sorry fellow Brits, but like everything else with this Ukraine conflict your government is selling you sanctions porkies. But please don’t take my word for it. In spite of liberal revisionism, Google has yet to expunge the date when the British Empire waned.

Isolation from Globalists is it such a bad thing?

Isolation from Globalists Missile

It couldn’t be more obvious than Britain is overcrowded that refusing Russian gas and oil and limiting and/or excluding other essential commodities is akin to wearing a Covid mask in order to spite your face (or is that to spite your intelligence?) or playing darts with your trousers in order to spite your arse. It’s like me saying, instead of buying a packet of crisps from Mr & Mrs Patel’s British corner shop, I’ll buy it from outer Mongolia and ship it in by taxi. Yup, it’s economic madness. It won’t affect the elites, of course, but it will and is already driving down the living standards of your over indebted average Brit. Woops, there goes the heating bills, like a nuclear missile straight through the roof! We’d buy some more insulation, but we haven’t the money to do it with!

Meanwhile, Russia, which has got loads and loads of energy resources, and other resources, is picking up the phone and saying, “Hello India, hello China, we’ve got some oil and gas to flog, are you up for it, mate?”

Russia telephoning China

A similar thing is happening at economic warfare’s sharp and masochistic end, viz with banking and credit card sanctions. “Hello, Russia here. We are in the process of ditching the dollar, how are you fixed for replacing it with the Yuan?”

There are many other import/export sectors where sanctions just aren’t working and where by imposing them the West is on a hiding to nothing, as if using its arse for target practice is not painful enough and only self-flagellation will do.

The level of discomfort that “the Western economic blockade and sanctions” is inflicting on ordinary Russians is, according to CNN, “clearly having an effect”, but it is patently not clear what exactly that effect is because CNN is unable, or unwilling, to tell us, at least with any conviction. I can tell you, as I live in Russia, that the more bellicose and sanction obsessed the West becomes, the more galvanised and resilient is the Russian response. It tracks back to my comment at the opening of this post, the difference in Russian and Brit mentality.

Sanctions Is Isolation from Globalists that bad?

I am sure there are numpty head equivalents here to numpty head UKers, who would rather pay £100 for a T-shirt with a silly brand name on it than a better quality T-shirt with no brand name that retails at a tenth of the price, but that particular extortion has not yet taken hold or replicated itself half as successfully in Russia as it has in the West. If such was the case would the greedy companies selling such tat have put virtue signalling above profit and left Russia so quickly with their tails between their legs? No T-shirt no cry ~ Pofick!

Mick Hart to the rescue! Forever the entrepreneur, to compensate for the loss of brand-name apparel, I am busy working on a new line of clothing for fashion-conscious Russians. These items of haute couture, unisex but not for ‘its and others’ as they are not intended for export, will be designed, manufactured and marketed under the ‘Babushka Brand’ name and will cater for all garment and occasion ranges from woolly socks to evening wear. The prototype is already in the pipeline (which is more than can be said for Russian gas to Europe). The wife is busy knitting me my first cravat in wool.

Mick Harts Babushka Brand Russian Clothing

On the credit card front, true Visa and Mastercard have gone, but they continue to function internally until 2028, or so we have been told, and the Chinese card system, UnionPay, is due to replace the western versions. Incidentally, UnionPay provides access to making payments in over 180 countries. I thought I’d mention that just to remind you that the ‘international community’ to whom Liz Trust-her-not and her dodgy colleagues refer is in fact confined to Usual Suspects Inc ~ the US and its acolytes.

The reality is that in spite of Liz All-Trussed-Up-Like-A-Turkey’s offer to Russia that one day it could be ‘business as usual’, now not only do Russia’s political and business classes know where they stand with the West, but so does the rest of the world. If they had any doubts before Ukraine about the loaded mechanisms inherent in globalism by which suppression and subjugation can be brought to bear on sovereign nation states for the benefits of others and primarily for US advantage, even albeit raggedly and short of consummation, now their application and the risks involved could not be more apparent.

Moreover, there is more than an outside chance that having been ostracised once too often, Russia may never want to return to the West’s unchummy playground no matter how many Western sweeties it is paedo-politically offered. Indeed, leading economists and political analysts the world over anticipate that whatever the outcome of Ukraine, but conspicuously because of it, the era of US and western dominance is rattling to an end.

Symbolic of this move in the right direction is the exodus from Russia of such odious companies as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Kentucky Fried Chicken and British American Tobacco, and not-before-time banned Facebook and its incestuous sister Instagram, all of which means for Russians that they will be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and ultimately morally healthier.

And so, we say to these companies, and others of their ilk regarding sanctions and disappearing tricks: “We all tried to tell them it just wouldn’t do. It went off half-cock, it hadn’t been thought through”.

Thus, although in the short-term difficulties are to be overcome, in the long-term for Russia and the multipolar new world order into which we are emerging, it is difficult to imagine a more win-win situation.

Isolation from Globalists is it such a bad thing?

A long time ago, when I was labouring under the delusion that the US and UK double act was, like the words from that well-known hymn (well known if you’ve managed to save something from your culture and past), “All things bright and beautiful”, my friend, a retired scientist, corrected me. Said he, with some impatience: “You don’t understand, Mick, Russia has all those resources and all we’ve got [in the UK] is too many people”

His exact words were, “Too many bloody stupid people!” But I’ll leave you to be the judge of that.

DISCLAIMER: I may have mentioned ‘arse’ once, but I think I got away with it …

And whilst we are on the subject …
Cancel Culture Quickly, the West is on its way out!
Why does the West want to Cancel Russian Culture?
Sanctions Backfire as Brits do Bollocks on Social Media!!
Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a good thing!

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

1. Results of Hungarian election announced — RT World News

Image attributions
Brickies bum:
Target with bullet holes:
Union Jack: Author: Karen Arnold /;
Stars & Stripes: Author: Webflippy /;
Mobile phone:
City Warp:
Evil face:
Man on phone:
Granny knitting (B&W):


Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

The Frenzy to Cancel Russian Culture is a Symptom of the West’s Decline

Published: 25 March 2022 ~ Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

Immediately prior to the outbreak of the Second World War and throughout that war, the Nazi’s singled out the Jewish population and subjected them to a sustained and brutal campaign of harassment, persecution and violence. Proscription and marginalisation began in 1933 and were reinforced and legitimised in 1935 with the introduction of the Nuremberg Laws. These laws, the sanctions of their day, paved the way for more widespread and incisive discriminatory practices and opened the floodgates of prejudice for the justification of genocide.

Over time, the sustained ideological prohibition on personal liberty, human rights and freedom of religious association escalated. Campaigns of intimidation and terror ran simultaneously with random acts of violence and official decrees which, hampering Jews in their professional and vocational lives, combined economic degradation with societal segregation.

Today, such examples of state-orchestrated social and economic ostracism are endemic in western societies. They may have acquired a new moniker, namely cancel culture, but whatever title they operate under, in application and in effect, it’s Nazi business as usual.  

Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

A prime recent and surprising example of cancel culture occurred in of all places Canada, the epicentre of liberal conformity, when Justin Trudeau, the then prime minister-in-hiding, unleashed his army of robo-cops on an unsuspecting convoy of peacefully protesting Canadian truckers.

As well as being predominantly white and patriots, another cardinal sin committed by the truckers was that they tried to invoke their rights, which unbeknown to them had been quietly and stealthily side-lined. Freedom of speech, even freedom of thought, had been stringently replaced by an explicit demand for mass obedience and unquestionable allegiance to liberal mandates.

Arguably, the social and economic violations enacted by Trudeau against his own people came as more of a shock to them than cancel-culture warfare has to Russian nationals living, working and studying in western countries, where, since Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine to ‘de-Nazify and de-militarise’, Russians experience demonisation on a daily basis.

Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

It is tempting to postulate that since Russians are no strangers to prejudice from the West ~ they have certainly been the recipients of it for decades, even centuries ~ they would not be unduly surprised or alarmed by this latest round of belligerence. But if the views of Russians with whom I have personally spoken on the subject of cancel culture represent the views of the Russian nation as a whole, then fortunately until now, or so it would seem, no clear comprehension has existed, at least among ordinary Russians, of the vitriol, enmity and hostility harboured against them by the West, nor the blatant disregard of the West for the sovereignty of their country and the sanctity of their culture.

Pervasive as this blind vindictiveness is in the West, nowhere does it assert itself more forcefully than in the United Kingdom. The explanation for this phenomenon might conceivably lie in the efficacy of propaganda, but it is not so much that UK media has got its misinformation and also its disinformation off to such a fine art that Brits can’t tell their arse from their elbow (although the argument in favour of this is strong) as the willingness of Brits to suspend disbelief about what they see on the telly or read in the media, no matter how one-sided it is, how sensationalised or misleading. 

Stop Cancel Culture Quickly Sheep UK

Brits believe what they want to believe at any given time, especially during a crisis, when solidarity of thought ~ or should that be solidity ~ offers them a temporary fix for the rifts in British society. That the British establishment endorses and whole-heartedly encourages such deflecting hysteria is unequivocal: Better to bring people together in a media-manufactured frenzy against the goings on in a far-away country about which they know less than nothing, than have them focus too objectively on the grievous problems in their own back yard.

The simpler explanation for the willingness of Brits to jump through hoops when told to do so is that they feel the need to get value for money for obediently paying their TV licence or, no less reasonable or less risible, that the Russophobia they are so keen to champion is inextricably linked to that transatlantic ‘special relationship’ we hear so much about, whilst other countries in the West feel rather less obliged to carry the can kicked down the road by big old bully boy Uncle Sam.

Obliged or not, countries of the EU bloc, including Germany, which is rather good at this sort of thing, are busy pooling their cancel-culture resources. The problem, although obviously not a problem to western governments and the sheeple that they shepherd, is that artists, singers, sportsmen, 19th century literary figures and even Mr Tchaikovsky himself are in no way implicated in the Ukraine conflict, and neither are Russian students nor for that matter Russian schoolchildren, unless the culture into which one is born is considered to be a crime as birth right was for the Jews, according to cancel culture, cancel everything, 1940s’ Germans.

Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

The castigation and negation of Russia’s cultural class, the hate speech and violent abuse with which Russian nationals have to contend, are the punitive reflex actions of a deeper frustration coursing through the West than can be rationally credited to the events taking place in the Ukraine alone. They are rather a manifestation of the failings within western societies, and the compulsive instinctual need that stems from recognition of those failures that Russian culture must be cancelled as their own cultures have been cancelled, albeit non-consensually, by the leaders that they elected and who have written them off, Trudeau-style.

As the West sinks slowly but inevitably into the great abyss, where eventually all spent empires slide, the beacon of light from Russian culture is an untimely for some and timely for others rather wistful reminder of what the West once was, once had and what it could have been if it had only lived up to and not betrayed the values it espoused.

The task that Russia is faced with now, and the responsibility it owes to its thousand years of history, to its people and to the world, is to shape a multipolar destiny whilst avoiding the fate of being dragged down into the awful vortex of the spiralling West, as it gradually disappears behind the geo-political and moral horizon.

West Spirals out of Control


Examples of Third Reich-style Cancel-Culture Occurrences in Western Europe

In my previous post I provided a treatise on the collective psychology on which cancel culture is premised and the mechanisms by which it works generally in the West and specifically in the UK.

Here are some examples of cancel culture at work today: the perpetrators, western governments, leaned-on western corporations and led-on western citizens; the victims, Russian nationals.

Alexander Ovechkin, National Hockey League star and Washington Capitals captain, cancelled from advertising campaigns by insurance firm sponsor

Russian and Belorusian athletes and officials cancelled from international sports federations

Journalists working for or on behalf of Russian state-backed media outlets cancelled by the EU

Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, who died in 1881, temporarily cancelled by the University of Milano-Bicocca, in Italy, but reinstated after a public backlash

Russian cats cancelled from competitions by the International Feline Federation

Russian dogs cancelled by Crufts dog show

Russian football team cancelled, including ban on taking part in Word Cup 2022 qualifying matches

Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev cancelled by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra

The chief conductor of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, Valery Gergiev, cancelled in Germany

Wimbledon, UK, considers cancelling Russian players who do not denounce the role of their country in the conflict in Ukraine


Examples of Nazi-style discrimination, abuse and aggression towards Russian nationals in western countries

Russian students have been expelled from universities in France and Belgium and there are reports of  Czech teachers and professors refusing to teach Russian students and ordering them to leave lecture theatres

In Washington, a Russian restaurant was attacked and anti-Russian slogans daubed on the walls

In Germany a restaurant owner banned Russian nationals

In Holland, Russians have received threats of physical violence. 

In Britain, acts of violence and harassment are occurring against Russian nationals

In England Russian students studying both in state and private schools are subject to bullying, intimidation, destructive acts of personal property, mockery and violence

Social media sites allows calls for violence against Russians in violation of anti-genocide laws enshrined in the UN Convention of 1948

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions

Cancel Culture:
Sheep face:
Union Jack: Author: Karen Arnold /;

Stop trying to cancel Russian culture!

Why does the West want to Cancel Russian Culture?

Cancel Culture West Wages Woke War on Russia

Published: 18 March 2022 ~ Why does the West want to Cancel Russian Culture?

As the neoliberal West runs around in ever decreasing sanction circles, the not-so-new weapon (not so new to Brits, that is) in its exceedingly illiberal arsenal, is an attempt to cancel Russian culture. This aggravated burglary on an international scale, saw Facebook, that monumental Shuttlebugger of uncensured double standards, openly calling for Russian nationals to be singled out for hate speech and violence. So what is this weapon ‘cancel culture’ and how and when was it first unleashed on an unsuspecting British public?

A recent article from RT headlined ‘Western cancel culture has gone nuclear in targeting an entire country’, no doubt led many Russians to ask, “what exactly does ‘cancel culture’ mean?” I’ll get to that in a minute. First, let it be known that cancelling Russian culture is not a new thing for the West. Indeed, the UK establishment has been at it for years, long before the term was coined, in fact at a time when neoliberalism and its all-consuming globalist dream was nothing more than a distant twinkle in the eyes of rapacious imperialism.

If you search for the meaning of cancel culture on Google, or anywhere else on the net for that matter, it is difficult to obtain a definition that has not been doctored by Big Tech’s neoliberal ‘fact checkers’. Perhaps the best definition derives from the way in which cancel culture is universally applied to anyone, and now to any one country, which rejects liberal oppression. Thus, an apt definition would be: a ‘Toxic programme of ostracism, predominantly if not exclusively implemented as a tool of radical liberalism for the purpose of stifling free speech and blocking views that run counter to extreme liberal orthodoxy, thus undermining and subverting democracy with the intent to expunge traditional, ancestral cultures’.

Why does the West want to Cancel Russian Culture?

Unlike Russia, whose socio-cultural model is based on tradition, traditional heterosexual family values, respect for Russian history and pride in and preservation of sovereignty ~ all of which makes it a perfect target for the cancel-culture West ~ British culture has been eroded over time and replaced by something sub-standard and counterfeit. For 30 years, at least, the UK has been the victim of a systematic cancel-culture campaign, cynically inflicted upon its legacy citizens by self-interested globalist aspirants masquerading as humanitarians.

The result of these policies is that today’s UK is a pale shadow of its former self. Once proud and united, British society today is riven with cancel culturalists, who repeatedly turn to woke to further their neo-fascist agenda.

As with ‘cancel culture’ any attempt to define woke using Google will inevitably return a left-leaning prejudice. Woke began life as a liberal buzz word, incestuously applauding a supposed awareness of racial or social discrimination. But with its increasing application as a virtue-signalling means of cancelling culture, principally by preventing alternative views and expression, it rapidly acquired pejorative connotations as a psychological/emotional weapon wielded by subversives against the UK’s indigenous culture. Found out, it rapidly turned pejorative, censuring the sanctimony for which it was designed and the subversives by which it was wielded.

Cancel culture and woke are closely related, in that both instruments depend for their projected legitimacy on claiming the moral high-ground; both are designed to shut down free speech and subvert target cultures; and both belong exclusively to the doctrines of liberal fascism, which singles out ancestral cultures, infects and erodes them by stealth and then when sufficiently weakened rapes them of all decency.

In the UK, woke, which is the bastard child of political correctness, and cancel culture, which is too nice a term for cultural genocide, were brought to fruition by two coalescing engineering programmes: first, social engineering and then gender engineering. Historically, the two overlap, but I have separated them out here, since the degree to which UK media in both its corporate and social forms obsesses on them displays a slight shift of late in favour of gender, although race and racial woke remain the cancel-culture bedrock.

The first of these programmes, and the one that is still paramount, is concerned with state-aided and abetted third-world immigration, with its predisposition to dilute host culture and disrupt and fracture cohesiveness. The second, gender engineering, challenges and inverts biological, cultural and morally acceptable norms that are of innate and long-standing importance to the host-country’s culture. Taken together, both experiments have produced a bizarre and troubled social construct, comprising CMUPs (Culturally Mixed Up People) and GMUPs (Gender Mixed Up People), both of whom we are led to believe can comfortably co-exist with traditional values-oriented, non-deviant ‘normal’ people. Only, of course, they don’t.

The socially engineered migration programme, not be confused with natural migration, ie that which occurs for various reasons over any number of years, has been purposefully devised in a relatively short timeframe in accordance with the diversity tenets of the Kalergi Plan, an early 20th century cancel-culture blueprint routinely, if not conveniently, dismissed by western liberals as a conspiracy theory of the far right. (PolitiFact, which is a liberal ‘fact checker’ tells you it is a conspiracy theory, so make of that what you will!)

Both programmes serve a mutual purpose, which is to radically weaken, alter and diminish the traditional values of the host culture until it devolves to such impoverishment that it can be parasitically usurped and ultimately replaced by a macabre and distorted otherness,

It must be understood that cancel culture in the UK is at an advanced stage, brought about not by external forces but perpetrated from within by the very people that we have elected to safeguard our culture and heritage.

Trojan Horse Cancel Russian Culture

The extent to which cancel culture has been promulgated in the UK, and how insidious it has become, can be evaluated from the fact that the UK’s education system is nothing more than a factory of woke. Whatever goes in at one end by the time it comes out at the other, like a limp stick of Brighton rock, it has ‘liberal-lefty’ stamped all the way through it.

Naturally, or unnaturally, depending upon your point of view, the contribution of the UK’s media to this woeful state of affairs is incomputable. Suffice it to say, however, that it is not only corporate news and social media that is stoking woke and cultivating cancel culture, documentaries and popular dramas also play a part.

The BBC, the main offender, is little more than a revisionist joke. It routinely distorts British history by writing black, gay and other PC preoccupations into historical contexts where they never existed and, given the norms of the periods in which the dramas are set, would never have been allowed to exist.  Watching these hysterical-historical dramas it is easy to believe that a gender-studies female Dr Who (a tick in the box for gender woke) flounced back in time in her fictional TARTIS and altered something in the past to justify the woke that is the unreal real reality of 21st century UK. If not this, then what other explanation is there for the degradation of common sense and the unfolding cultural catastrophe?

As the saying goes, if you didn’t laugh, you’d cry. But truth is sadder than fiction, and the truth here is that the two strands of mongrelisation to which I have alluded have already begun denying generations of Brits the heritage legacy they deserve as bequeathed to them by their forbears.

It has already been noted that cancel culture in the UK is at such an advanced stage that the prognosis for the patient is not at all good, but, like every disease, it had to start somewhere. Fortunately for Russia and its citizens, the outbreak of cancel culture that it is contending with today is little more than a rash (and proving rash for those who conceived it). It is the work of hostile foreign powers and as such has limited consequences outside of Russia itself. Cancel culture only becomes existentially dangerous on a creeping subversive level when it takes hold within a country, and this it can only do with the full connivance, collusion and treachery of a facilitating government.

In Britain cancel culture began with what you could and couldn’t say, and that rule still applies. Opening your mouth without first having your thoughts rubber-stamped liberal is liable to expose you to a frenzied barrage of insults, or, at the very least, to instigate typical ‘stop’ words, such as ‘racist’, for example, or the currently trending ‘misogynist’ or any number of logic-turned words with ‘phobia’ strung on the end. Fortunately, over time, these words have become overworked, overused and resultingly less effective and always have been less than successful at stopping you thinking what you think and what you truly believe.

However, as we know to our cost, from tiny microbes nasty diseases grow, especially when they are cultivated. For example: Flying the nation’s flag is racist; wearing poppies, the traditional emblem signifying respect for British service men who gave their lives in two world wars and also in later wars, is racist; celebrating Christian Christmas is an offence to other religions, it is inciting religious hatred, thus Brits should rename it Christmas Lights or something like Winter Holiday; flying the flag of St George, now that is really racist; whilst the use of terms like ‘ladies and gentlemen’, ‘boys and girls’, even ‘mums and dads’ is incredibly offensive to gender neutrals. I am sure you get the picture.

It would be nice to say that these idiocies only exist in the phantasmagorical world created by UK media, but no. For liberal lefties this is reality, and they zealously want to change your reality to make it fit unconditionally into their narrow mixed-up rainbow spectrum.

Obviously, as time goes by the effects of cancel culture and woke grow worse ~ much worse. Perhaps one of the best of the worst examples of cancel culture of late is the obsequious, cringe-making response of government and corporate media to the Black Lives Matter riots. These riots caused millions of pounds worth of damage in the UK (billions of dollars in America) and resulted in many injured and dead but were described almost without exception by creepy liberal media outlets as ‘a largely peaceful protest’.


No sooner had the BLM rioters begun to destroy people and property than Facebook’s mindless minions were busy changing their avatars to ‘I support BLM’, whilst everyone from football clubs to the metropolitan police force were subserviently ‘taking a knee’. For what? In support of an anarchistic, subversive mob inspired and backed by Antifa brownshirts. You might as well have taken a knee to the balls of western culture, which is precisely what they did.

Linked posts:
Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good Thing
Sanctions Backfire as Brits do Bollocks on Social Media

Why does the West want to Cancel Russian Culture?

So, having established that western globalists want to cancel the founding cultures of their own countries, why would they want to cancel Russian culture?

The simple answer to that in relation to the ongoing special operation in Ukraine is that they want Russia’s cultural elite to feel very cross with their government for taking the action it has taken. On a deeper level, however, they are attempting to shame Russian citizens into feeling bad about who they are and the culture to which they belong. Alarm bells!!  This is the thin end of the cancel-culture wedge. This is how it starts and started for us in the UK.

First, we were made to feel bad about our colonial past; then we were made to feel bad for feeling patriotic; then we were made to feel bad because we spoke out about the immigration invasion; then we were made to feel bad about not feeling bad enough, and before we knew it we are where we are today, going down on one knee, begging forgiveness for being ‘white-privileged’ and for wanting to live our lives in the culture that is our own country. Well, what a silly, stupid, nation, I can hear you saying. And yes, you are perfectly right. But remember what I have told you. Cancel culture has to start somewhere; like poison ivy it has to take root.

The nature of Russian culture, with its reverence for tradition and with the Orthodox church at its centre, does not fit comfortably into the neoliberal cultural jigsaw, and it doesn’t help any ~ help belligerent states that is ~ that Russia is the world’s largest country with abundant resources that the West does not have, not the least of which is oil and gas. Therefore, both for economic and cultural reasons the demagogues of the West want to take you, Russia, off the board, trim you to fit their agenda and then replace you in their image.

Why this cancel culture programme has grown so vehement and aggressive towards Russia now is that events both within western countries and globally have forced the globalists to play their hand. It is not just Ukraine that has spurred them on. Cancel culture as it pertains to Russia, and to anyone else in the world, is a manifestation of a deeper malaise. Things are, to put it mildly, not at all well on the western front. The past three years have seen Brexit, the EU splintering, cynical manipulation of the so-called coronavirus pandemic and a sneaking slide into totalitarianism, which came to a head with Justin Trudeau’s cruel oppression of his own people, who unlike BLM, were genuinely peaceful protestors. Perhaps they were just the wrong colour? (Why they call him Justin Turdeau, I guess I’ll never know?)

As I noted at the beginning of this post, casting Russia in the role of enemy number one has been long-time in the making. You would be hard pressed to find a positive report, article or feature written about Russia in the UK media in the past 10 years. That media, on instruction from the British establishment, has been slowly but methodically poisoning the UK’s collective mind, such as it is, in readiness for an event such as the one which the West created and is exploiting and perpetuating on Russia’s southwest border.

One way of understanding the relationship between the British public and its media is to think of Brits as little clockwork toys, their springs wound up to bursting point from two years of psychological warfare waged on them by corporate and social media in the name of Covid restrictions and cyclical mass vaccination.

Come Russia’s special operation in Ukraine to ‘demilitarise and de-Nazify’,  all that the UK media needed to do was to shake their toys out of the box and then sit back and watch as they jumped up and down in mad delight frothing, foaming and chattering inanely but still with the presence of mind to change their Facebook avatars.

US & UK Sheep Cancel Russian Culture

I am not being unduly hard on my fellow countrymen. It is a sad but true fact that we Brits are all too generous when it comes to resisting disbelief at what we read in our media. Sadly, the British are so terribly vulnerable to the machinations of the so-called free press. They have yet to recognise how effectively corporate media and social media has manipulated them through Brexit, the BLM riots, Covid restrictions, mass vaccination and how each of these events have been exploited to chip away at their values and cancel their cultural heritage.

The only people who appear to be blessed by this ignorance, are compulsive Facebook avatar changers, who ran to change their Facebook icons to ‘I support Ukraine’ on the crack of the media ringmaster’s whip, never mind that less than a week before hardly anyone in the UK had heard of the Ukraine, and even those who possessed the vaguest knowledge of it had no idea of what has been happening to the people of Donbas there, or the intransigent NATO threats and still have no idea. ‘Mind the gap!’ they cry when you travel the London Underground; mind the gap, indeed. But if the society in which you live has no cohesive identity, and especially after two long years of Covid division and terror, you will grasp at a chance of solidarity however unlikely the cause and by whomsoever offers the straw.

Whether or not you define a joke in this pathos, cancel culture is  no laughing matter. One of the more invidious repercussions of cancel culture, which we have seen in the media recently (not in corporate media), is that it impels mindless people to commit mindless violence. This phenomenon is evident in the disturbing rise in hate speech, harassment and violent attacks against Russian interests and Russian nationals across western Europe.

Facebook, which has got far too big for its Big Techy boots, emboldened by the success of its recent unchallenged censorship in which UK users have been accused and arrested for inciting racial hatred, blocked for supporting Brexit and re-routed to biased fact-checker sites for posting ‘wrong’ views about Covid, decided that it was Russia’s turn to be victimised by its double standards.

Like the illusion that exists between racial discrimination and positive racial discrimination, Facebook invented the split-hair concept of hate speech and positive hate speech. Say boo to a liberal or black on Facebook, look out here comes plod. But drench the whole Russian nation with hatred, thus inciting acts of violence against the people of that nation, that’s all Facebook well and good.

Although Schicklgruber, whatever his name is, achieved what he set out to achieve, Facebook was forced to rescind this unbelievable Nazi-like policy due to a public backlash, after which, thank heavens, Russia proceeded to ban Facebook along with its SS Instagram chum.  

Why does the West want to Cancel Russian Culture?

In answering the above question, it is important to realise that the events unfolding today are fundamentally existential. On the larger board, in the larger picture, a struggle is taking place between the sanctity of tradition, history and sovereignty and a world of dehumanising digitalisation in which economic supremacy outweighs moral and human values, a new world order in the making in which CMUPs and GMUPs grub about divisively in the darkness of misinformation, controlled and morally diminished by aloof financial elites.

It seems to me that yet again the world has reached a pivotal point in its history. The Great Reset is on its way, but it may not necessarily be the one outlined and wished for in Klaus Schwab’s book. We will not know what shape or what form it will take, until it has happened to us.

I do know that in looking back at the degradation of British culture, I look back with a sense of sadness, realising, possibly more than I have ever done before, how rare the commodity is and that should we squander or sell it out we do so at our moral peril, even at the expense of our very existence.

There are many things in life that are negotiable, culture is not one of them. Once it has gone, it has gone forever.

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions
Cancel Culture:
Trojan Horse:
Book: Author: lajuanathompson /; books clipart clipart books closed books clipart to color public domain image – FreeIMG
Sheep face:
Union Jack: Author: Karen Arnold /;

Sanctions Backfire as Brits do Bollocks

Sanctions Backfire as Brits do Bollocks on Social Media

“It’s all bollocks!” Brits shout. But they don’t know whose …

Published: 9 March 2022 ~ Sanctions Backfire as Brits do Bollocks on Social Media

Frustration and impotence of western leaders attempting to punish Russia for its military operation in Ukraine has boiled over into social media. Brits, in particular, appear to have taken a direct hit from WMS (Weapons of Mass Stupidity), either that or perhaps they are simply reacting badly to something in their vaccines. Meanwhile, enlightened, tolerant, liberal EU states, weary from months of doubling down on authoritarian Covid measures, turn to Russia instead in a concerted attempt to cancel its culture. But not everything is bad news, at least Russia has gone and banned Facebook.

I must say that I could not have picked a more historic time to be in Russia since  perestroika.

Only a couple of weeks ago, I was writing from the perspective of a ‘Self-isolating Englishman in Kaliningrad’, now I find myself in the peculiar position of being an Englishman in Kaliningrad sanctioned by the West.

Following Russia’s special military operation to ‘demilitarise and de-Nazify’ Ukraine, protect the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) from alleged increasing aggression and Russia itself from the threat of nuclear weapons, my wife, Olga, asked if she could copy something I had written in my diary pertaining to these events and post it to Facebook (that’s Arsebook to me). At first, I thought not, for I knew that by doing so we would unleash a barrage of banalities and insults from the UK’s armchair Arsebook experts, those who presume they know everything but in fact know bugger all.

However, the Imp of the Perverse got the better of me, it came to pass and before you could say Russophobia my prediction had come true.

The comments incited by my Facebook post ranged from off-topic, anti-Russian hysteria to amusing expletive-laden tirades or, where the commenter was seriously lost for words as well as articulation, good old-fashioned personal abuse. One astute fellow, who must surely have a master’s degree in political analytics, put: “Thank you for writing so much, but it’ all bollocks.” 😁 Well, I say!

You’ve got to value a response of this kind, if only for its effortless nature and the potential universality of its application. I have read and heard the same summation used in a variety of analytical contexts, such as in the critical acclaim of the works of Johannes Brahms (‘It’s all bollocks!’); the paintings of John Constable (‘It’s all bollocks!’); the poetry of John Keats (‘It’s all bollocks!’) and the essays of Kant (‘It’s all bollocks!’).

Thus, should you be told that your Arsebook post is ‘all bollocks’, not to be confused with ‘It’s the dog’s bollocks’, which has entirely different and inverse implications, not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing that you share the honour with some of the world’s most accomplished people but also that your opponent, who has nothing constructive to say, has put his mind, such as it is, to bed and wrapped it up in a big white flag. Ahh, the incomparable joy of Arsebook one-upmanship, or should that be ‘up yours’!

Sanctions Backfire as Brits do Bollocks on Social Media

To be honest, writing anything above three short sentences on Arsebook is counter-productive if not resoundingly futile. The platform is full of people with lots to say about nothing, usually in impoverished English, which races away from their keyboards before their brains are properly engaged.

For example, no sooner had I posted my take of the situation in Ukraine on Arsebook than some opponents to my views decided to jump into their time machines. Returning to the 21st century a split second later, they then proceeded to make half-baked connections between past events in Soviet history and the current situation in Ukraine which, by time and circumstance, had no bearing whatsoever on the current state of affairs and made me wonder if, in their desperation to make such connections, they had not wilfully set out to short circuit the world of reason.

But at least comments of this nature require some imaginative flair, which is more than can be said for run-of-the-mill insults.

Facebook personal insults can be fun. However, whenever I am confronted by them, I have to put myself on a short leash (It’s just something I do at the weekends.) or risk even the faintest trace of diplomacy evaporating in an irresistible eagerness to lock horns.

The upside of personal abuse on Arsebook is that given time it eventually reveals that certain unpleasant something about the Arsebook ‘friend’ that you always suspected but could not quite put your finger on. Now you can use your boot! Goodbye Arsebook ‘friend’!

In my previous post I wrote about unfriending people on Facebook as a last resort. To that I should have added, except in circumstances where the level and frequency of stupidity becomes a burden on one’s time and intelligence, at which point san fairy ann is essential. As an adjunct, particularly joyful is when someone who you have longed to unfriend announces that they are unfriending you. Thank you, Lord! Thank you! Come to think of it, I wonder why I never opened a Facebook account myself, just to ‘make friends’ to unfriend.

For the present, and possibly for a long time to come, Arsebook issues and its petty little world have been put on the back burner or even taken off the boil. In response to the sweeping, and in most cases backfiring sanctions, imposed on Russia by the West for its special operation in Ukraine to ‘de-Nazify and demilitarise’, Russia has given Arsebook the big heave ho. Isn’t it amazing that what you always knew you could live without you can? This applies to most things liberal.

According to the West, the sanctions that it is feverishly unloading on Russia will mean that we who live here will have to do without a lot of things. Most Russians of a certain age are no strangers to hardship, and even I, brought up in that materialistic nirvana the UK, started life with one stern tap, no hot water and an outside bog, so although it may be hard it may also be nostalgic.

On a day-to-day basis watching the sanctions as they are announced is a lot more entertaining than watching BBC news, even though the lack of credibility shares some common ground. Joe and Bojo throwing a tantrum as they take back their lollipops because no one wants to suck on them in exchange for vassal status has a certain pathos, don’t you think? Especially when you factor in the value-added knowledge that those who make the sanctions are effectively sanctioning themselves. Such is the way of the global world created by the globalists.

However, you’ve got to hand it to the double act, the rabbits that Joe and Bojo are pulling out of the sanctions hat is a wonderful way of distracting from their recent and ongoing failures.

As for the sanctions themselves, most of those rabbits are old hat, which is possibly why for the Russians the act contains few surprises.

Sanctions backfire

Those sanctions that fall into the economic warfare category, ie sanctions relating to the banking and finance industry and threats about cutting one’s SWIFT off are only to be expected as is anything to do with Big ‘Gates’ Tech, as these are the standard stockpiled weapons of the neoliberal globalists. (However, let this be a salutary reminder to any country out there who is thinking of joining their club: he who sups with the globalist should indeed have a very long spoon!)

But this is typical grist to the mill. The more interesting sanctions are those, which after years of implanting Russophobia into the composted minds of the West, have grown in psychological stature to a point where they can be used to suffocate and to cancel culture. Or so the attentive gardeners would like to kid themselves.

I am talking here about those sanctions that are aimed at cultural organisations and at talented individuals, which, in recent days, have seen Russian sportsmen ostracised, top-draw Russian musicians sacked and even Russian cats barred from international competitions for not choosing their place of birth more carefully.

In New York scheduled performances by a famous Russian opera singer were cancelled because she refused to withdraw her support for Russian President Vladimir Putin. A simple case of extortion.

In Italy, the celebrated 19th century Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky narrowly missed being removed from the University of Milano-Bicocca’s syllabus, and would most certainly have been had not the Italians taken to social media and called on the head of the university (I believe his name is Dick) to back off and go and grow a pair! “It’s all bollocks!” I hear the Brits shout. No, it’s called cancel culture.

If Russians seem surprised by this behaviour, it is not surprising because they live in Russia and not in the West. The English, what is left of us, are no strangers to cancel culture; it is what globalist governments do. They socially engineer societies in such a way that the indigenous culture (in the UK white culture) is systematically trashed in preference for third-world imports. Take note! If they can do it to their own people, then they will certainly do it to you, especially if your cultural values run counter to their freak show and its carnival stalls of woke.

Ironically, sanctions in a globalised world are unreliable tools of oppression. Their effectiveness depends ultimately on their ability to penalise without incurring penalty. Unfortunately and ironically for the globalists, a good many of the sanctions that they are implementing will have, and already are having, a boomerang effect. The obvious one, refusing Russian gas, is already translating into higher energy prices in Europe and especially in the UK at a time when the income of the average Brit is squeezed right down to the peel.

There are many examples of backfiring sanctions, which I am sure will come to light in the measure and fullness of time. For now, however, my personal favourite is the projected world shortage of fertiliser.

“It’s all a load of bollocks,” bellow the brainwashed Brits!   

“You won’t be saying that,” I say, “when all you are left with is bullshit!”

And don’t forget to broaden your horizons by clicking on the following link:

Katie Hopkins on Ukraine:

Tucker Carlson, Fox News: The Pentagon is lying about bio labs in Ukraine:

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attribution
Rabbits out of a hat:

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good thing

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good Thing

Sorting the wheat from the chaff

Published: 1 March 2022 ~ Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good Thing

Now, you may think that the reason I haven’t posted anything in the past few days is because as events have unfolded in Ukraine I have been hiding behind my settee. But nothing could be further from the truth. Until recently, that spot was reserved for one person and one person only, Justiceless Justin Trudeau. However, having clubbed, gassed, rubber-bulleted and horse-trampled his native citizens into undemocratic pulp using armed and armour-plated riot squads, he now emerges in his new role as the West’s Democracy Ambassador, slamming (I believe that’s the popular western media word for it) the military operation in Ukraine as an attack on freedom and democracy. Something mind, which western leaders and their collusive corporate media conveniently forgot to accuse him of.

Following President Putin’s announcement that he was recognising the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) as independent, I asked my Russian friends during a social evening what they thought about this development. After two attempts to solicit their thoughts on the subject, I was politely reminded of the social, cultural, historic and spiritual ties between Russia and Ukraine. Someone referred to the plight of Russians living in the stricken regions, but my friends were too diplomatic to allude to western interference and how it was fanning the flames.

When the news broke, 24 February 2022, that Russia had launched a military operation, I stayed schtum. After all, I didn’t want to become the Kaliningrad version of John Cleese’s Basil Fawlty. So, I did what everyone else was doing in Russia and around the world, I took to corporate, and corporate social, media.

It was touching, at first, to receive messages via my wife’s Facebook account from UK friends asking if we were alright. Silly question: being alright is never something that I have been accused of, but then, when I borrowed my wife’s Facebook account and voiced my opinions, opinions which did not strictly coalesce with the western narrative, I was subject to howls of outrage and the usual Aresebook abuse.

“I might have mentioned Woke. But I think I got away with it!”

Not that I was surprised by this reaction, because, quite frankly, many people in the UK seem to have lost the fundamental ability to think for themselves, if, indeed, they ever possessed it. It was not that I was being radical, at least not anymore ‘radical’ than people judge me to be, I was merely expressing my usual antipathy towards the unilateral viewpoint of the world as packaged by western media and, in answer to the Russophobic slurs doing the rounds on Facebook, drawing my fellow Brits’ attention to the glaring socio-political flaws of living one’s life in Britland, a  subject which, quite evidently, they did not want reminding of, such was their joy to escape the plandemic and immerse themselves in a new hysteria.

As for Ukraine, I am more than sure that until this week hardly any Brits had heard of it, let alone know where it is, and those that do know would not have the slightest notion of its history, either ancient or modern. They would certainly possess no knowledge of the symbiotic relationship between Ukraine and Russia, of the intertwined history of both cultures and know even less about what has been happening in Ukraine over the last eight years, although, with respect to the latter, this is an ignorance they cannot be blamed for as the neoliberal corporate media has been rather more than sparing when it comes to telling the truth.


Prof: Russian Spec Op to De-Militarise & De-Nazify Ukraine Fully Justified Under International Law
German MP Says NATO Responsible For Ukraine Crisis, Should Have Guaranteed Neutral Status

Nevertheless and suddenly, every Brit under the sun (and there’s not much of that in Britland, either actual or metaphorical) is an expert on Ukraine, at least everyone on Facebook.

I often wonder on those few times that I visit Arsebook whether anybody on there knows anything more than nothing. The site is littered with all sorts of bizarre claims and even more bizarre counter-claims, and it seems that everyone, almost without exception, is snapping at the others’ heels like little yappy dogs.

Facebook is full of know-it-alls who quite obviously don’t know the difference between knowing it all and bugger all, but what they don’t know they are more than willing to share with you. On the bitchometer scale, Facebook is beneath Twitter, just. But I cannot help thinking that Mark Shutulbugger, whatever his name is, could have chosen a more apt name for his argumentative, politically censored and deplatforming media site. Arsebook fits the bill, but Megaphone would have been better or failing that what about Bitch-Brag?

It’s a funny thing, but when I read reports and articles from media sources from around the world, I never go to those sources with prejudice aforethought, hoping to read something that will bolster my opinions or prejudices. I read and then after I have finished reading, I think about what I have read, and then to what extent I agree with it or, conversely, to what extent I bring it into question. I think it is called critical judgement: The ability to be able to read or discuss something, analyse it, extrapolate from it, digest it and then, if possible, reach a conclusion. It might not be the right conclusion, if ever there was or is such a thing, but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I arrived there of my own volition, after considering different points of view, rather than jumped onto the bandwagon and allowed my mind to be hijacked as an echo chamber for the corporate media.

Most Facebookers, however, seem either to go off half-cock, so to speak, make it up as they go along or present evidence to support their prejudices with flagrant disregard for the maxim that ‘There’s always two sides to every story [at least]’. The remaining Arsebookers are just insulting ~ to everyone else and their own intelligence, that is presuming they have some hidden away somewhere.

Sanctioned by Facebook Bullies
The Facebook Bully, showing how it’s done in a real free-speech democracy!

When people say ‘utter bollocks’ on Facebook (Oooh, and they do, don’t they!) and shout the odd word or two that they have picked out of the Daily Mail or Guardian or from sitting in front of the goggle box, it generally makes me laugh.

I know I should have more sense than to reply to the numpty heads, but who can resist a little bit of fun. When someone on Facebook assumes that they are asserting the unassailable truth (and Facebook has many of them) and is able to do it in three words or less from something they read or heard yesterday, ie “It’s all propaganda!”, I cannot help but admire the obvious confidence they have in themselves and in their incisive powers of ratiocination.   

By stark contrast, it took me about 30 years to realise that the political system in the UK is rigged and that the Establishment is rotten to the core. Like Neil Oliver, historian and author, I, too, had been brought up to believe that we, the Brits, the West, were the ‘good guys’. It was only after working on a number of political publications that it slowly began to dawn on me that I, and my generation, had been played, that our neoliberal masters had sleep-walked us into a completely different and, from their point of view, completely indifferent era.

I began to question the lifelong orthodoxy that we were in fact the ‘good guys’ but could not easily make the transition from this long held and internalised view to something that I would rather not admit, not even to myself, namely that the West had gone bandito. But sadly, events in recent years have proven that this is the case.

Whilst our neoliberal lords and masters run around the world causing untold havoc in the self-appointed role as crusading missionaries, bringing ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ to countries that don’t want it ~ at least not the woke kind that we are peddling ~ and branding it nicely for public consumption (it says  ‘intervention and regime change’ on the tin), on the home front they are insidiously busy, eroding and destroying everything that we hold dear, our history, our sovereignty, the security of our ancestral home, our heritage and all that they would have us believe the West has always stood for, such as personal freedom, freedom of speech, decency and humanity. And you’ve got to hand it to them, they are doing a very good job.

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends i

Meanwhile, the UK’s armchair political pundits and Facebook’s keyboard warriors, those who know everything in the two seconds that it takes to see it on the telly or read it in The Daily Neoliberal, are child prodigies in reverse.

As such, being unfriended by them is a breath of fresh air. Where friendship is concerned, real friendship, not the kind that comes with a screen-tick or a silly little ‘like’, the collateral damage from airing your opinion on social media and then being ‘slammed’ (there’s that word again!) by your ‘friends’ before they ceremoniously unfriend you, is nothing to be ashamed of; on the contrary it is without doubt a most excellent way of sorting the wheat from the chaff.

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good Thing

One fellow-me-lad (It or Other) on Facebook, accused me of being ‘brainwashed’? Who was he confusing me with, if not a high percentage of the UK population? I replied:

Hello Chris, Not brainwashed. I was fortunate to go to school at a time before the UK education system became the liberal-left academy of Woke, so I am still capable of independent thought. Another point in my favour is that I threw the TV (that’s television, by the way, not transvestite) out 25 years ago. After all, as I could never bring myself to pay the TV license to sponsor the BBC’s liberal-left bias I thought it only fair. Furthermore, having worked in the media for years, I have a healthy disrespect for everything I read in the media, no matter where it comes from. And everyone who knows me knows that I would never wind anyone up … All the best.”

A good many Arsebook commenters are what I would call ‘last worders’. They are not interested in the slightest of soliciting a meaningful response. Their remarks are typically childish, clearly intended to provoke and insult rather than engage and the last word is truly paramount.

As I reach the end of this post, I am almost inclined to let my brother have the last word. He has always had a way with words, as you can see from his email yesterday.

“I just have to say I’m sick of hearing these c! *! s on UK TV slagging off Mr Putin.”

My brother should think himself lucky that he does not do social media, although I have a feeling that if he did, he would really do quite well.

 Whoops, sorry, must dash, there go those sanction sirens!

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions

Man sawing tree:

Canadian Truckers Beacons

Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope in a Nihilistic Liberal World

A Tribute to the Canadian Truckers

Published: 23 February 2022 ~ Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope

Today, 23 February 2022, is the start of THE PEOPLE’S CONVOY in the USA:

On 18 February 2022 (a day that will live in infamy) the Canadian Prime Hider, Trudeau, unleashed his SS stormtroopers onto the streets of Ottawa: Operation Narcissism had begun. Dressed in body armour and heavily armed, Trudeau’s brave troops were taking no chances. They faced a formidable foe. Racists, white supremacists, terrorists, extremists, otherwise known as truck drivers, were honking horns in Ottawa. It clearly had to stop. They could be heard all over Canada, in fact all over the world!

Trudeau’s SS moved in. They had their instructions: ‘Clear the streets of Ottawa. The sounds of honking horns are driving me insane! Use every Nazi means at your disposal!’ Not a woman, child or bouncy castle was to be spared.

The great big men in black, heroes every one, squared their shoulders in readiness for the challenge that lay ahead. What brave men they are! They will live with their exploits forever! The stories of their courage and bravery will be passed down to their children and their children’s children. Their contribution to freedom and democracy will go down (and down, and down …) in history. I think we can safely say that they and their leader, Reichsführer Trudeau, will never be forgotten.

Converging upon the truckers and their families, on the men, women and children, Trudeau’s SS, looking like invaders from another planet ~ the planet Indifference that Trudeau is on ~ pushed them to the ground. They struck them repeatedly with batons. They charged them with their horses and trampled them underfoot. They fired at them with rubber bullets, tossed tear gas into their midst, smashed the windows of their trucks, bludgeoned them to the floor and dragged them handcuffed, bruised and bleeding into their waiting wagons. Like their 1940s’ SS counterparts, they were ‘only following orders’.

It was, however, too much, too late. In spite of western liberal media’s collusion and the deafening silence of no condemnation from any government in the western world, Trudeau’s inability to mimic the role of statesman, his inability to overcome his narcissism and to maintain his Jekyll image, let loose his inner Hyde, at the same time letting Neoliberal, the greedy globalist cat, well and truly out of the bag (And what a mangey old cur it is!).

Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope in a Nihilistic Liberal World

The Canadian truckers had reluctantly taken their big trucks to Ottawa in a last-ditch attempt to have the voice of reason heard above the oppressive noise of lockdowns, the perpetual wearing of masks and mandatory vaccination. They asked for nothing more than to be given their freedom back. They went cap in hand to a liberal government, the self-styled champions of human rights, to ask for the Covid mandates, which have ruined and taken so many lives, and which continue to do so on a daily basis, to be annulled, to be revoked, so that they could return to their jobs and their families return to the life that they once had.

Instead of dialogue they were demonised. Instead of debate, disparaged. Trudeau fled. Hid. And from his hiding place, branded the honest truckers, including their wives and children, with the usual liberal humbug: “Racists, Extremists, White Supremacists,!” he cried. And then, when all of these liberal tricks had been exhausted, embarrassed and humiliated in the eyes of the world for his lack of diplomacy and statesmanship and for his little-boy feet-stomping tantrums, in an uncontrollable fit of pique he committed the unthinkable, indeed the unforgivable ~ he invoked the Emergency Act, when the only emergency Canada faced was that it needed a real prime minister.

Canadian Truckers Beacons

A few days later, the head of Canada’s junta, Tantrum Trudeau, sent in his goons. Having intimidated, beaten and imprisoned the truckers, Trudeau the Neoliberalist then used his globalist financial connections to wage economic warfare on them. He froze their bank accounts and imposed all sorts of financial hardships, the likes of which only exposed and frightened globalists would do. ‘Shame on You! Shame on You,’ came the cries of Canada’s citizens. A cry, which like the honking horns, echoed around the world.

When the peaceful, harmless truckers gradually began to disperse, glad, if the truth be known, to return at last to the comfort of their homes but with their trust in the constitution of their country and in their democratically elected leaders shattered beyond redemption, they left with their heads held high ~ brave, selfless, sincere, indomitable and, above all, good natured to the last.

They had arrived in Ottawa as truckers and left as heroes ~ role models, not just for Canadians but for all those people around the world who place freedom above tyranny and the collective good of the common people above the sordid machinations of a power- and money-obsessed elite and their one-world globalist fantasy.

As for Trudeau the Terrible, like a uniformed traffic warden (a job for which he is suitably qualified and might well conceivably take up on his now inevitable retirement) eventually he moved the trucks parked on the streets of Ottawa but at a price that he and his globalist overlords have already begun to pay dearly for.

Whilst the truckers left with their heads held high, Trudeau was left on his knees. He is finished, both as a politician and as a man. Indeed, there is hardly anything left of him to qualify as human. His position as a leader of a so-called ‘free country’ is shot, his humanity soiled, the public office he represents raped of all decency, all credibility lost, defiled, debunked, demolished, and as for democracy, which he and his liberal ilk worldwide pretend to endow with a god-like status, it has been dragged by the feet through the mud, not, admittedly, by Trudeau alone but with the nauseating complicity of his shadowy globalist masters, who by their universal silence have implicitly condoned Trudeau’s barbarity, thus underlining their implication in an illiberal liberal agenda.

Trudeau’s cowardly assault on the truckers, good people who went to Ottawa in the name of freedom, is a sad day for democracy, a bad day for the neoliberal globalists ~ the longest day so far in their lives ~ but an inspiring day for the world.

By holding the line, as they said they would, the Canadian truckers have motivated and galvanised freedom-loving people everywhere. Similar rallies to free the world from Covid-restriction tyranny have emerged throughout Canada, including, but not restricted to, a massive turnout in Quebec, as well as around the world, including the UK, New Zealand, Australia and now, of course, America.

Today (23rd February 2022), America’s own version of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy will be rolling across the States, travelling from one side of the mighty continent to the other, gathering supporters and momentum on its way, its final destination being the seat of US government, Washington DC. God’s speed to them we say; but watch out for those dirty liberal tricksters and the radical media that props them up!

In the meantime, let us not forget that for the pioneers of freedom, the Beacons of Hope, the Canadian Truckers, the struggle is far from over. A world-embarrassed and vengeful Trudeau is bound to pursue them, using an evil concomitant of social and economic penalties for exposing him to the world for what he is ~ Nothing ~ (I think we can give him a capital letter for that!) until he and his neoliberal henchmen are toppled, which toppled they will assuredly be. It is only a matter of time, and the countdown has begun.

The globalist mob is on the run, both on the domestic and international front. Their credibility is shot, and to add to their imminent woes, news is now emerging about the wilful negligence, and possibly more, behind the drive for vaccination and of the efficacy and the safety of some of the vaccines themselves. The liberal media, in which we trust no more, (and most of us never did) and their bought and paid for ‘fact checkers’ can shout conspiracy theory as much as they like, and as you know they like! But remember what your grandma told you, ‘Truth will out in the end!’

Until then, thank you Canadian Truckers for Holding the Line for all of us! Freedom is indebted to you!

You have reserved a place for yourselves in the annals of the right-side of history!


Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy
Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is Watching!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
Trudeau Gives Truckers $100 by GiveSendGo
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

When all else fails ….

Published: 16 February 2022 ~ Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

In spite of Trudeau’s attempts to wage economic warfare, the funds for the truckers keep on coming:   ‘F!*k Turdoe just gave USD $ 10 to Freedom Convoy 2022.‘ and the total at 15.55 Kaliningrad time is USD $9,423,510 (18th Feb 2022)

20th February 2022 Update
As the police in Ottawa continue to behave like the Nazis that Trudeau accused the truckers of being, giving liberal governments worldwide a crash-course in how to master police brutality in front of a sympathetic and collusive mainstream media, a huge convoy of freedom-loving Canadians has descended on Quebec. Here’s a couple of non-mainstream news videos of that event. One has people from around the world leaving supportive messages on chat and in the video comments section. The other has an interesting suffix, with someone being shouted down in the Canadian parliament for asking an embarrassing question about Klaus Schwab’s infiltration of Canadian politics.

19th February 2022 Update
Amazing! After unprecedented police brutality by Trudeau’s robocops, peaceful truckers continue to hold the line and no doubt will continue to do so until they are forcibly removed. Sad day for bogus democracies, but a good day for exposing globalism for what it really is. Keep on Trucking!

18 February 2022 Update
Big hefty Canadian coppers handcuff defenceless Tamara Lich, the founder of the Freedom Convoy in Justin Trudeau’s Police State. The liberal Stasi at work!

And now for some good news. Inspired by Tamara Lich and the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, the US People’s Convoy is all set to roll.

Yesterday (16 Feb 2022) Justin Trudeau, with as much finesse as a baby grunting in nappies, sealed Canada’s fate as a basket case for liberal democracy, (See video below), thus becoming the first conspicuous frontman, and no doubt later fall-guy, in the neoliberal power grab by the world’s Fourth Reich.

The systemic process that led to the confirmation that the liberal model of democracy, which was barely alive anyway, has finally kicked the bucket, is articulated in my one-scene play. You may find it all familiar and familiarly disturbing:

The curtain draws across the stage. The scene is set: The offices of a paranoid liberal-left media house in London (London is that state within a state, which is in a dreadful state, in the UK). The Gonewrongistan

Columnist: My God! The Canadian Truckers are generating support and funding from around the globe! What are we going to do!?

Editor-in-Chief: Write any old tosh as usual. Just make sure you tick all the PC boxes.

Columnist: You mean, extreme right, far-right, fascist …

Editor-in-chief: Of course, and don’t forget Nazi. We’ve got a couple of antifa’s standing by. They will do their usual brownshirt thing. Run up and down with a swastika, and we’ll have a photographer on hand.

Columnist (high-pitched effeminate cackle): And we can use the photo to frame the peaceful truckers. Get it chief? ‘Photo’, ‘Frame’.

Editor-in-Chief: If you have to be funny, say Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize or Black Lives Matter riots were all ‘largely peaceful’ …

Columnist: Shall I also accuse the truckers of being conspiracy theorists …

Editor-in-Chief: Of course, and throw in racist and, er, er …

Columnist: Misogynist? That’s pretty popular at present.

Editor-in-Chief: Yes, that as well.

Columnist (Strange, strangulated, something missing gender-neutral sound): Right! Hubble Bubble Toil & Trouble!

Liberal Conspiracy checklist


Definition of a liberal:
Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Case in point: Coronavirus inspired totalitarianism.

Come coronavirus, the liberal-left ditched everything that they purport to hold dear. Out with civil liberties, human rights, individual freedoms, freedom of speech (although in the UK that went out with Brexit) and in with medical fascism.

For the past two years The Gonewrongistan and The Idiotdespondent have been barking like rabid fascists on heat. Now that the heat is getting too much for them, they are desperately attempting to deligitimise the truckers’ mission to restore normalcy to our lives by framing them as conspiracy theorists. To do this they have had to identify the leading theory, which over the two-year period that Covid restrictions and enforced vaccine mandates have been in place has been steadily gaining traction.

That conspiracy theory is that the neoliberal globalist World Economic Forum is using Covid to bring about the ‘Great Reset’, as outlined in the book of the same name by Klaus Schwab, German Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. The Great Reset is seen as laying out the principals and foundations for an extreme-left world-ruling totalitarian system. Many people who regard this theory as credible suggest that the Forum itself created the Covid ‘plandemic’ specifically for this purpose.

Fascist Trudea

It is good of the liberal media to adumbrate this theory, because you can now read around this and ask yourself the question is the agenda that this theory expounds so improbable or impossible? Indeed, it might help to explain a lot about the ‘plandemic’ that you never understood before. But the crowing irony of writing the truckers into this drama is not that in order to convince you and I that the Truckers and all normal people who are calling for the end to mandates are conspiracy theorists or that the liberal hierarchy have brought into the open a completely plausible explanation of the reason for the pandemic, two results of their actions that are clearly ironic enough, but that they have succeeded in their discrediting process of tarring themselves with their own conspiracy brush.  As I say, definition of a liberal (the non-abusive long version as opposed to the one-word succinct one): Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Liberal conspiracy is real

In two articles designed to smear the Truckers, liberal media comes out covered in the substance that it is throwing, (You’d need to have worked on a farm to understand why shit-spreading up wind on an old tractor without a cab is not the best idea!) revealing an unhealthy preoccupation with conspiracy.  

In these articles, all sorts of bizarre links and connections are woven between the peaceful, ordinary, everyday hard-working truckers and their well-behaved families and things that go bump in the night, ranging from shadowy ‘intelligence reports’ compiled for the truckers by a man who is ‘known to the Canadian authorities’ for spreading misinformation, pointed allusions to the truckers’ ‘conspiratorial mindset’ and an unsubstantiated ‘maybe’ that the truckers are ‘tooled up’, ie in possession of firearms, presumably hidden away behind their unaffected goodwill and the bouncy castles on which their children are playing.

Justin Trudeau (Canada’s new Führer) figures extensively in this liberal paranoia. Before becoming the main protagonist in a George Orwell sequel to 1984, he managed to tick almost every box on the liberal-fascist checklist, calling the truckers far-right, Nazis, terrorists, racists ~ you name it. Why not? He did. At the same time endorsing my definition of a liberal: Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Liberal Conspiracy checklist

Oh, and by the way and for good measure, good old uncle Justin (Sieg Heil!) also branded the truckers as white supremacists. Really?! Take a look at the two videos below folks and compare the ‘terrorist truckers” behaviour to that of the Black Lives Matter ‘peaceful demonstrators’, none of whom were were ever branded as anything, because the liberal-leftist media was much too busy praising them for being ‘largely peaceful’. Sigh. Where’s that ‘State of Emergency’ when it is really needed?

Did you spot the difference between a peaceful demonstration and a riot?

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

The accusations and vilification to which the peaceful truckers have been subject, all of which are glaringly devoid of substance, gives an ironic insight into the conspiratorial mindset of the liberal media. Nevertheless, its modus operandi is not without a concealed objective.  If and when the police move in mob handed and disperse the Freedom Convoy using violence, the liberal media will spin the offence. It will claim that force was justified, as it was the only way to deal with the ‘white extremists’, whilst trusting in its powers of mass hypnosis to try to ensure that Trudeau emerges smelling of sweet democracy rather than the piles of dung he has smothered democracy with.

Trudeau like Hitler

In yet another UK corporate media article, reference is made to the ‘global freedom’ movement as a ‘carnival of crank and conspiracy’. This is, perhaps, the first single moment of truth that we have seen in all the charlatan acres of liberal media coverage. Thank you.

Although they have placed the words ‘global freedom’ in inverted commas, at least they, like Mr Trudeau and his cronies, have finally been forced to recognise that the movement is a global one, that millions of people in Canada and, indeed, around the world, want their freedom back, are not prepared to be subject to suspect plandemic mandates, and that writing the protest off as the actions of a ‘small fringe group’ was both embarrassingly premature and already and historically guaranteed to bring judgement down upon them.

As for ‘carnival of crank and conspiracy’, if the word ‘freedom’ had not been mentioned in the same headline, I could have easily been misled into thinking that they were alluding to woke-riven Britain!

The crux of liberal anguish is that the Freedom Movement has grown beyond the reach of media spin. It has spread to Britain, France, New Zealand and Australia. Brussels is struggling to hold back the European version of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and the USA is next.

For the first time since the end of World War II, the radical left’s version of western democracy, which, like the Third Reich was supposed to last for ever, is under serious threat, and for the first time in recent history attempts by its proponents to stem ideological haemorrhaging without subjecting their tarnished image to further collateral damage is beyond the capabilities of a media grown fat and idle on the effervescent cakewalk years, when spin and political correctness was all that was needed to proof the pudding and accusations of racism was the icing on the top.

That was then and this is now.

Eventually, the only way that liberal states will be able to tear the trucker thorn from its trembling corpulent flesh is to resort to the kind of force that they should have used on Black Lives Matter and other leftist riots, which, conveniently, they forgot to use because these riots were ‘largely peaceful’.

When violence against the truckers is authorised, you can be guaranteed that the usual suspects will rely on their pet media to spin the event as a victory for democracy (think about that one, if only for a moment). But the fight for freedom will not go away, it will only dig in deeper and when it finally erupts, as erupt it will, it will do so with such resolution and with such a lasting impact that it will make the freedom rallies of the past few weeks look like a gay parade on a wet afternoon in Islington ~ where, I have every confidence, if you want to witness ‘crank’, you’ll find all and more that you can stomach!

When the Freedom Convoy Truckers disperse, as disperse they must, whether by the friendly ministrations of Trudeau’s Gestapo or by the natural desire to swap their trucks and tents for the comfort of their own homes, they can rest assured in the knowledge that the ripples from the large stone thrown by their gallant stand for freedom into the murky globalist pond will continue to be felt and seen long after Trudeau has been removed.

It is your job to make sure that when the time comes to put your ‘X’ on the ballot paper that you remember who the people are who the truckers have exposed and, more to the point, who and what they represent and what they want to take away from you, your children and your children’s children.

To help your memory, bookmark this: Definition of a liberal: Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Trudeau proves liberal conspiracy is no conspiracy

Image attributions:

Canadian flag:
Red eyes:
Gravestone & Pumpkin:
Fire alarm sign:

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is Watching!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
Trudeau Gives Truckers a $100 by GiveSendGo
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers

Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

Canadian Truckers restore hope for the future of the 21st century

Published: 12 February 2022 ~ Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

👍At the time of writing (10.55 Kaliningrad time) The Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy had raised USD $9,052,602, 56% of the USD $16,000,00 target. See

Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is watching! These are the buzz words that are resonating around the world, as more and more people recognise the selfless historic contribution that the Canadian Truckers are making in the fight for freedom and normalcy.

It could be a long haul (Truckers are used to this), but after two years of misinformation, disinformation, confusion, obfuscation and double-talk from the liberal terrorist corporate media, here is something to warm the cockles of your heart, restore your faith in human nature and bring some much-needed sunshine into your lockdown, mask-wearing and vaccine-mandated lives.

Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

The comments that follow are just a sample of the thousands of well-wishes and expressions of heartfelt gratitude sent to the Freedom Convoy truckers via the GiveSendGo free Christian crowdfunding platform by freedom-loving patriots, who are donating funds every minute of every hour to the Canadian Truckers’ stand against Covid-restriction tyranny.

Hold the Line Truckers!

To make a donation to the Freedom Convoy, click:
Note: GiveSendGo has experienced access problems recently due to the high-volume of donator traffic and also from far-left cyber-attacks. If you cannot get through on the link provided, try clicking on the website itself in the search engine and then the logo top centre of the page. On the following page, as well as seeing the donations flooding in, you will find the Freedom Convoy link on the right under the heading ‘Trending Campaigns’.

Messages of goodwill sent to the Freedom Convoy Truckers from $$$ donors

Note: I have retained noms de guerre used by donors but replaced real names with ‘Name supplied’

PS: According to liberal-left media, the following people are far-right and a ‘danger to democracy’ Go figure!

USD $ 500
Anonymous Donor
Thank-you truckers for all that you are doing! I fully support your cause and I ask that you courageously hold the line and stay the course. You truly are our proxy protestors and heroes. There are more people than you realize who support what you are doing. Thank-you again from the bottom of our hearts. Let FREEDOM ring all across Canada, and for that matter, all across the world!

USD $ 11
Name supplied
Thank you for standing up to tyranny!

USD $ 100
Name supplied
We are with you! Thank the Lord for you folks.

USD $ 40
An amazing nurse who wants her job back
Thank you for everything you are doing! You are the real heroes. I will see you all soon! Ottawa here we come! Xoxox

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
Stand The Line!

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
God bless our truckers!

USD $ 20
Name supplied
The world faces a problem of Atheism, NOT racism. Go Truckers

USD $ 90
Anonymous Donor
Praying for all of you! That God will lift the black cloud of evil over Ottawa and Trudeau

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
Canadian truckers and their support teams are showing the world the way in how to peacefully protest and lead positive change with integrity courage and good hearts.

USD $ 25
God Bless you all for standing up for all our freedoms!

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
Thank you for fighting for freedom. I’m praying for you. ✝️

USD $ 25
Stay the course.

USD $ 50
You go truckers! You can through for us, and we will come through for you!

USD $ 100
Name supplied
HOLD THE LINE!! The world is watching. We support you!!

USD $ 40
Name supplied
We’re winning the battle but not the war yet. God bless you all. Thank you fighting for our freedom.

USD $ 500
Anonymous Donor
Thank-you truckers for all that you are doing! I fully support your cause and I ask that you courageously hold the line and stay the course. You truly are our proxy protestors and heroes. There are more people than you realize who support what you are doing. Thank-you again from the bottom of our hearts. Let FREEDOM ring all across Canada, and for that matter, all across the world!

USD $ 500
Name supplied
Keep up the fight!! Freedom Convoy 2022 is AWESOME!

USD $ 5
Anonymous Donor
Cheering you on from Ohio. Thank you for being brave enough to stand up to this.

USD $ 25
Anonymous Donor
God bless all the truckers involved.

USD $ 150
Yugoslavian support
The world is watching. Shame to GofundMe

USD $ 100
Name supplied
There are many people who have not yet felt the devastating effects of the lockdowns. I have. So, I support everyone who is brave enough to stand against the Fascist tactics of this government. The Great Reset is – Fascism at its worst and that is where we are headed.

USD $ 100
Name supplied
May God bless each and every one of you and give you the strength, energy, and courage to fight this good fight! We freedom-loving Americans support and stand with you!

USD $ 100
Anonymous Donor

USD $ 40
Change is gonna come! Thank you Truckers and all Freedom loving people!

USD $ 20
Anonymous Donor
Thank you, stand strong, stand proud.

USD $ 40
Name supplied

USD $ 700
Name supplied
Freedom is not a right, it is a Law

USD $ 200
Anonymous Donor
Thank you, Truckers, and ALL for standing up against tyranny

USD $ 20
Name supplied
Go Truckers Go, all the love from Scotland

USD $ 10
Italian citizen
is not much but i don’t have much, freedom!

USD $ 18
Thank you for taking a strong stand against tyranny. I stand in solidarity with you and I wish I could shake your hands and thank each and every one of you personally! God Bless you all! Sincerely, Rod L “Your friend from the USA!”

USD $ 50
Give Us Our Freedom
We are 100% in support of the Truckers/Brothers of Canada and all Freedom loving and God-fearing people of the USA and Canada and beyond.

USD $ 100
Name supplied
You are our Heroes. God Bless You 💗

Associated posts:
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers
Trudeau Gives Truckers $100 via GiveSendGo!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

Image attributions
Red truck:
Canadian flag:

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.