Tag Archives: How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

When all else fails ….

Published: 16 February 2022 ~ Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

In spite of Trudeau’s attempts to wage economic warfare, the funds for the truckers keep on coming:   ‘F!*k Turdoe just gave USD $ 10 to Freedom Convoy 2022.‘ and the total at 15.55 Kaliningrad time is USD $9,423,510 (18th Feb 2022)

20th February 2022 Update
As the police in Ottawa continue to behave like the Nazis that Trudeau accused the truckers of being, giving liberal governments worldwide a crash-course in how to master police brutality in front of a sympathetic and collusive mainstream media, a huge convoy of freedom-loving Canadians has descended on Quebec. Here’s a couple of non-mainstream news videos of that event. One has people from around the world leaving supportive messages on chat and in the video comments section. The other has an interesting suffix, with someone being shouted down in the Canadian parliament for asking an embarrassing question about Klaus Schwab’s infiltration of Canadian politics.

19th February 2022 Update
Amazing! After unprecedented police brutality by Trudeau’s robocops, peaceful truckers continue to hold the line and no doubt will continue to do so until they are forcibly removed. Sad day for bogus democracies, but a good day for exposing globalism for what it really is. Keep on Trucking!

18 February 2022 Update
Big hefty Canadian coppers handcuff defenceless Tamara Lich, the founder of the Freedom Convoy in Justin Trudeau’s Police State. The liberal Stasi at work!

And now for some good news. Inspired by Tamara Lich and the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, the US People’s Convoy is all set to roll.


Yesterday (16 Feb 2022) Justin Trudeau, with as much finesse as a baby grunting in nappies, sealed Canada’s fate as a basket case for liberal democracy, (See video below), thus becoming the first conspicuous frontman, and no doubt later fall-guy, in the neoliberal power grab by the world’s Fourth Reich.

The systemic process that led to the confirmation that the liberal model of democracy, which was barely alive anyway, has finally kicked the bucket, is articulated in my one-scene play. You may find it all familiar and familiarly disturbing:

The curtain draws across the stage. The scene is set: The offices of a paranoid liberal-left media house in London (London is that state within a state, which is in a dreadful state, in the UK). The Gonewrongistan

Columnist: My God! The Canadian Truckers are generating support and funding from around the globe! What are we going to do!?

Editor-in-Chief: Write any old tosh as usual. Just make sure you tick all the PC boxes.

Columnist: You mean, extreme right, far-right, fascist …

Editor-in-chief: Of course, and don’t forget Nazi. We’ve got a couple of antifa’s standing by. They will do their usual brownshirt thing. Run up and down with a swastika, and we’ll have a photographer on hand.

Columnist (high-pitched effeminate cackle): And we can use the photo to frame the peaceful truckers. Get it chief? ‘Photo’, ‘Frame’.

Editor-in-Chief: If you have to be funny, say Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize or Black Lives Matter riots were all ‘largely peaceful’ …

Columnist: Shall I also accuse the truckers of being conspiracy theorists …

Editor-in-Chief: Of course, and throw in racist and, er, er …

Columnist: Misogynist? That’s pretty popular at present.

Editor-in-Chief: Yes, that as well.

Columnist (Strange, strangulated, something missing gender-neutral sound): Right! Hubble Bubble Toil & Trouble!

Liberal Conspiracy checklist


Definition of a liberal:
Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Case in point: Coronavirus inspired totalitarianism.

Come coronavirus, the liberal-left ditched everything that they purport to hold dear. Out with civil liberties, human rights, individual freedoms, freedom of speech (although in the UK that went out with Brexit) and in with medical fascism.

For the past two years The Gonewrongistan and The Idiotdespondent have been barking like rabid fascists on heat. Now that the heat is getting too much for them, they are desperately attempting to deligitimise the truckers’ mission to restore normalcy to our lives by framing them as conspiracy theorists. To do this they have had to identify the leading theory, which over the two-year period that Covid restrictions and enforced vaccine mandates have been in place has been steadily gaining traction.

That conspiracy theory is that the neoliberal globalist World Economic Forum is using Covid to bring about the ‘Great Reset’, as outlined in the book of the same name by Klaus Schwab, German Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. The Great Reset is seen as laying out the principals and foundations for an extreme-left world-ruling totalitarian system. Many people who regard this theory as credible suggest that the Forum itself created the Covid ‘plandemic’ specifically for this purpose.

Fascist Trudea

It is good of the liberal media to adumbrate this theory, because you can now read around this and ask yourself the question is the agenda that this theory expounds so improbable or impossible? Indeed, it might help to explain a lot about the ‘plandemic’ that you never understood before. But the crowing irony of writing the truckers into this drama is not that in order to convince you and I that the Truckers and all normal people who are calling for the end to mandates are conspiracy theorists or that the liberal hierarchy have brought into the open a completely plausible explanation of the reason for the pandemic, two results of their actions that are clearly ironic enough, but that they have succeeded in their discrediting process of tarring themselves with their own conspiracy brush.  As I say, definition of a liberal (the non-abusive long version as opposed to the one-word succinct one): Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Liberal conspiracy is real

In two articles designed to smear the Truckers, liberal media comes out covered in the substance that it is throwing, (You’d need to have worked on a farm to understand why shit-spreading up wind on an old tractor without a cab is not the best idea!) revealing an unhealthy preoccupation with conspiracy.  

In these articles, all sorts of bizarre links and connections are woven between the peaceful, ordinary, everyday hard-working truckers and their well-behaved families and things that go bump in the night, ranging from shadowy ‘intelligence reports’ compiled for the truckers by a man who is ‘known to the Canadian authorities’ for spreading misinformation, pointed allusions to the truckers’ ‘conspiratorial mindset’ and an unsubstantiated ‘maybe’ that the truckers are ‘tooled up’, ie in possession of firearms, presumably hidden away behind their unaffected goodwill and the bouncy castles on which their children are playing.

Justin Trudeau (Canada’s new Führer) figures extensively in this liberal paranoia. Before becoming the main protagonist in a George Orwell sequel to 1984, he managed to tick almost every box on the liberal-fascist checklist, calling the truckers far-right, Nazis, terrorists, racists ~ you name it. Why not? He did. At the same time endorsing my definition of a liberal: Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Liberal Conspiracy checklist

Oh, and by the way and for good measure, good old uncle Justin (Sieg Heil!) also branded the truckers as white supremacists. Really?! Take a look at the two videos below folks and compare the ‘terrorist truckers” behaviour to that of the Black Lives Matter ‘peaceful demonstrators’, none of whom were were ever branded as anything, because the liberal-leftist media was much too busy praising them for being ‘largely peaceful’. Sigh. Where’s that ‘State of Emergency’ when it is really needed?

Did you spot the difference between a peaceful demonstration and a riot?

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

The accusations and vilification to which the peaceful truckers have been subject, all of which are glaringly devoid of substance, gives an ironic insight into the conspiratorial mindset of the liberal media. Nevertheless, its modus operandi is not without a concealed objective.  If and when the police move in mob handed and disperse the Freedom Convoy using violence, the liberal media will spin the offence. It will claim that force was justified, as it was the only way to deal with the ‘white extremists’, whilst trusting in its powers of mass hypnosis to try to ensure that Trudeau emerges smelling of sweet democracy rather than the piles of dung he has smothered democracy with.

Trudeau like Hitler

In yet another UK corporate media article, reference is made to the ‘global freedom’ movement as a ‘carnival of crank and conspiracy’. This is, perhaps, the first single moment of truth that we have seen in all the charlatan acres of liberal media coverage. Thank you.

Although they have placed the words ‘global freedom’ in inverted commas, at least they, like Mr Trudeau and his cronies, have finally been forced to recognise that the movement is a global one, that millions of people in Canada and, indeed, around the world, want their freedom back, are not prepared to be subject to suspect plandemic mandates, and that writing the protest off as the actions of a ‘small fringe group’ was both embarrassingly premature and already and historically guaranteed to bring judgement down upon them.

As for ‘carnival of crank and conspiracy’, if the word ‘freedom’ had not been mentioned in the same headline, I could have easily been misled into thinking that they were alluding to woke-riven Britain!

The crux of liberal anguish is that the Freedom Movement has grown beyond the reach of media spin. It has spread to Britain, France, New Zealand and Australia. Brussels is struggling to hold back the European version of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and the USA is next.

For the first time since the end of World War II, the radical left’s version of western democracy, which, like the Third Reich was supposed to last for ever, is under serious threat, and for the first time in recent history attempts by its proponents to stem ideological haemorrhaging without subjecting their tarnished image to further collateral damage is beyond the capabilities of a media grown fat and idle on the effervescent cakewalk years, when spin and political correctness was all that was needed to proof the pudding and accusations of racism was the icing on the top.

That was then and this is now.

Eventually, the only way that liberal states will be able to tear the trucker thorn from its trembling corpulent flesh is to resort to the kind of force that they should have used on Black Lives Matter and other leftist riots, which, conveniently, they forgot to use because these riots were ‘largely peaceful’.

When violence against the truckers is authorised, you can be guaranteed that the usual suspects will rely on their pet media to spin the event as a victory for democracy (think about that one, if only for a moment). But the fight for freedom will not go away, it will only dig in deeper and when it finally erupts, as erupt it will, it will do so with such resolution and with such a lasting impact that it will make the freedom rallies of the past few weeks look like a gay parade on a wet afternoon in Islington ~ where, I have every confidence, if you want to witness ‘crank’, you’ll find all and more that you can stomach!

When the Freedom Convoy Truckers disperse, as disperse they must, whether by the friendly ministrations of Trudeau’s Gestapo or by the natural desire to swap their trucks and tents for the comfort of their own homes, they can rest assured in the knowledge that the ripples from the large stone thrown by their gallant stand for freedom into the murky globalist pond will continue to be felt and seen long after Trudeau has been removed.

It is your job to make sure that when the time comes to put your ‘X’ on the ballot paper that you remember who the people are who the truckers have exposed and, more to the point, who and what they represent and what they want to take away from you, your children and your children’s children.

To help your memory, bookmark this: Definition of a liberal: Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Trudeau proves liberal conspiracy is no conspiracy

Image attributions:

Canadian flag: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Canadian-vector-flag/2900.html
Red eyes: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Gravestone-with-pumpkin-vector-image/15241.html
Gravestone & Pumpkin: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Gravestone-with-pumpkin-vector-image/15241.html
Fire alarm sign: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/8izrarbip.htm

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is Watching!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
Trudeau Gives Truckers a $100 by GiveSendGo
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers

Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

Canadian Truckers restore hope for the future of the 21st century

Published: 12 February 2022 ~ Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

👍At the time of writing (10.55 Kaliningrad time) The Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy had raised USD $9,052,602, 56% of the USD $16,000,00 target. See https://www.givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is watching! These are the buzz words that are resonating around the world, as more and more people recognise the selfless historic contribution that the Canadian Truckers are making in the fight for freedom and normalcy.

It could be a long haul (Truckers are used to this), but after two years of misinformation, disinformation, confusion, obfuscation and double-talk from the liberal terrorist corporate media, here is something to warm the cockles of your heart, restore your faith in human nature and bring some much-needed sunshine into your lockdown, mask-wearing and vaccine-mandated lives.

Hold the Line Truckers! The World is Watching!

The comments that follow are just a sample of the thousands of well-wishes and expressions of heartfelt gratitude sent to the Freedom Convoy truckers via the GiveSendGo free Christian crowdfunding platform by freedom-loving patriots, who are donating funds every minute of every hour to the Canadian Truckers’ stand against Covid-restriction tyranny.

Hold the Line Truckers!

To make a donation to the Freedom Convoy, click: https://www.givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022
Note: GiveSendGo has experienced access problems recently due to the high-volume of donator traffic and also from far-left cyber-attacks. If you cannot get through on the link provided, try clicking on the website itself in the search engine and then the logo top centre of the page. On the following page, as well as seeing the donations flooding in, you will find the Freedom Convoy link on the right under the heading ‘Trending Campaigns’.

Messages of goodwill sent to the Freedom Convoy Truckers from $$$ donors

Note: I have retained noms de guerre used by donors but replaced real names with ‘Name supplied’

PS: According to liberal-left media, the following people are far-right and a ‘danger to democracy’ Go figure!

USD $ 500
Anonymous Donor
Thank-you truckers for all that you are doing! I fully support your cause and I ask that you courageously hold the line and stay the course. You truly are our proxy protestors and heroes. There are more people than you realize who support what you are doing. Thank-you again from the bottom of our hearts. Let FREEDOM ring all across Canada, and for that matter, all across the world!

USD $ 11
Name supplied
Thank you for standing up to tyranny!

USD $ 100
Name supplied
We are with you! Thank the Lord for you folks.

USD $ 40
An amazing nurse who wants her job back
Thank you for everything you are doing! You are the real heroes. I will see you all soon! Ottawa here we come! Xoxox

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
Stand The Line!

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
God bless our truckers!

USD $ 20
Name supplied
The world faces a problem of Atheism, NOT racism. Go Truckers

USD $ 90
Anonymous Donor
Praying for all of you! That God will lift the black cloud of evil over Ottawa and Trudeau

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
Canadian truckers and their support teams are showing the world the way in how to peacefully protest and lead positive change with integrity courage and good hearts.

USD $ 25
God Bless you all for standing up for all our freedoms!

USD $ 50
Anonymous Donor
Thank you for fighting for freedom. I’m praying for you. ✝️

USD $ 25
Stay the course.

USD $ 50
You go truckers! You can through for us, and we will come through for you!

USD $ 100
Name supplied
HOLD THE LINE!! The world is watching. We support you!!

USD $ 40
Name supplied
We’re winning the battle but not the war yet. God bless you all. Thank you fighting for our freedom.

USD $ 500
Anonymous Donor
Thank-you truckers for all that you are doing! I fully support your cause and I ask that you courageously hold the line and stay the course. You truly are our proxy protestors and heroes. There are more people than you realize who support what you are doing. Thank-you again from the bottom of our hearts. Let FREEDOM ring all across Canada, and for that matter, all across the world!

USD $ 500
Name supplied
Keep up the fight!! Freedom Convoy 2022 is AWESOME!

USD $ 5
Anonymous Donor
Cheering you on from Ohio. Thank you for being brave enough to stand up to this.

USD $ 25
Anonymous Donor
God bless all the truckers involved.

USD $ 150
Yugoslavian support
The world is watching. Shame to GofundMe

USD $ 100
Name supplied
There are many people who have not yet felt the devastating effects of the lockdowns. I have. So, I support everyone who is brave enough to stand against the Fascist tactics of this government. The Great Reset is – Fascism at its worst and that is where we are headed.

USD $ 100
Name supplied
May God bless each and every one of you and give you the strength, energy, and courage to fight this good fight! We freedom-loving Americans support and stand with you!

USD $ 100
Anonymous Donor

USD $ 40
Change is gonna come! Thank you Truckers and all Freedom loving people!

USD $ 20
Anonymous Donor
Thank you, stand strong, stand proud.

USD $ 40
Name supplied

USD $ 700
Name supplied
Freedom is not a right, it is a Law

USD $ 200
Anonymous Donor
Thank you, Truckers, and ALL for standing up against tyranny

USD $ 20
Name supplied
Go Truckers Go, all the love from Scotland

USD $ 10
Italian citizen
is not much but i don’t have much, freedom!

USD $ 18
Thank you for taking a strong stand against tyranny. I stand in solidarity with you and I wish I could shake your hands and thank each and every one of you personally! God Bless you all! Sincerely, Rod L “Your friend from the USA!”

USD $ 50
Give Us Our Freedom
We are 100% in support of the Truckers/Brothers of Canada and all Freedom loving and God-fearing people of the USA and Canada and beyond.

USD $ 100
Name supplied
You are our Heroes. God Bless You 💗

Associated posts:
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers
Trudeau Gives Truckers $100 via GiveSendGo!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

Image attributions
Red truck: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Vector-clip-art-of-red-truck-on-the-road/18710.html
Canadian flag: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Canadian-vector-flag/2900.html

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers Freedom Convoy

No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers Freedom Convoy

The short back and sides of it

Published: 9 February 2022 ~ No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers Freedom Convoy

As the rallying call from the Freedom Convoy resonates around the globe, the liberalarsey media do what they always do at a time like this, disappear up the same place where Trudeau has gone. According to one liberal corporate media outlet based in the USA, the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy ‘represents a fringe viewpoint north of the border’. You know, it really is time that the neoliberals came out from behind the settee and faced the inevitable fact that the people are calling time on them. This is what happens when you get out of bed on the wrong side of history. But such denial is not that surprising. It was Joseph Goebbels who said that “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it …”, what he forgot to mention was that if you continue to repeat that lie you run the risk of believing it yourself.

Link: How to Fund Those Canadian Truckers!

No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers Freedom Convoy

‘Fringe groups’ is a term reserved and used exclusively by the liberarsey media for any movement that challenges its ideological hegemony, and, as with all things liberal in these days of its waning empire, if you tap on it just rings hollow.

Take the headlines and standfirst that appeared this morning (9 February 2022) in a corporate liberal media source in the USA:

Headline: ‘With No End in Sight, Ottawa Protests Extend Beyond Canada’s Borders’
Standfirst: ‘Officials are grappling with a new protest blocking a major border crossing, while similar demonstrations have disrupted traffic in New Zealand and Australia.’

Now, both the headline and the standfirst emphasise magnitude and extent. In other words, the numbers involved, and the reach of the demonstration is truly awesome. Indeed, it has taken on a scale of international proportions.

However, if you look at the series of drop-down menus at the top of the website page on which this article is published, you will see:

Canada Trucker Protest> Protests Extend Beyond Canada | A Far-Right Rallying Cry | Who are the Protestors? | A Moment for Fringe Groups

There really is no need to read any further. Whilst acknowledging that the protests have taken on an international dimension, the liberal media moves reflexively to deligitimise them as ‘A far-right rallying call’. It is essential, from an ideological perspective, that on no account must the protestors be considered concerned citizens with legitimate grievances; Tom, Dick, Harry or Abdul, whoever they are and from wherever they come, they must be painted to suit the liberal narrative as swastika-waving Nazis. And even though in the real world the protest has ‘gone viral’, the message from the puppet masters to their trembling minions below is, don’t worry snowflakes it’s just a ‘Moment for fringe groups’.

We would all do well to remember that everything in our short lifetime is just a moment, and yet, as we know from history, a ‘moment’ can be extremely significant. It only took a moment to drop the atom bomb, but that moment ended WWII and changed the course of history.  

Let us remind ourselves, however, that the media source to which I refer is written for liberals, served to liberals and read by liberals, thus the depth and need for denial is understandable. These are truly difficult times for liberals, and as their ideology spirals out of control, they can only become more difficult and the denial they seek proportionally vapid.

Even so, when at their most delusive does a fringe group stop being a fringe group and become a mainstream movement in the mind of the Liberarsey? The answer, as if you did not know it already, is when it occupies pride of place in the little toy box of liberal effects, deceits and cuddly dolls that they like to call their own.

Black Lives Matter is a prime example. Although it devastated cities, cost lives and millions of $/£s, it was billed by the liberal corporate media as a ‘largely peaceful protest’, whereas the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy is condemned out of hand as a despicable threat to democracy, that same democracy, incidentally, mugged, abused and left in the gutter by those who purport to exalt it, to which the truckers and their supporters are attempting to give the kiss of life.

Nevertheless, whilst liberalism is clearly on its way out, its grand impresarios continue to call on their minions and stooges to play what tricks they might have left concealed inside their sleeves.

Take Justin Trudeau, for example (You thought he had been taken? Yes, abduction by aliens could be one explanation). Just when we were beginning to suspect that Justin Trudeau had become the victim of a secret experiment gone woefully wrong, possibly undertaken in a laboratory in China, an experiment that seemed to have turned him into a likeness of the invisible man, suddenly, yesterday, he re-emerges, as though sneaking out from behind the false back of a corny magician’s cabinet, to resume his second-rate act as Canada’s prime minister ~ but only on video, mind.

No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers Freedom Convoy. An invisible Trudeau.

Am I see through?
Voice of Reckoning:
Yes, Mr Trudeau. You always have been. The difference now, however, is that totalitarian practices in the name of Coronavirus are waking them up to who you are, what you are, who you represent and what it is they are up to. It’s only a matter of time …

Link: Trudeau gives Truckers $100 via GiveSendGo!


In an address that is the stuff of melodrama and comedy, Trudeau proceeds to define real Canadians as those unconditionally obedient to lockdowns and jabs, thus by implication dispossessing the Canadian truckers and disparaging their worldwide supporters, who are opposing totalitarianism, as respectively unCanadian and members of a fringe group.

Trudeau’s recorded address is sickly, gushing, fawning and fulsome. It might have won some plaudits had it been televised on children’s hour, but for real, mature, grown-up adults it is as flimsy and as see-through as Trudeau is himself and only deserving of ridicule.

In this opinion, it seems that I am not entirely alone. See the following clip:

If you feel that Trudeau, Macron, Blair are all from the same mould, that they have rolled off the same neoliberal production line, groomed in everything  from the way they speak, the type of clothes they wear, to the body language that they exude, then you might suspect that they are clones from the disingenuous and deceitful matrix of neoliberal globalism.

If you wrapped them up in HG Wells-type bandages, they might attain more substance but seen in the flesh they are nothing more than dressed-up shop-window dummies, plastic for the most part and invisible when it suits them. Let’s hope that their invisibility, and the invisibility lost by those who pull the strings behind the scenes, lost thanks to coronavirus and overreach authority, soon become a permanent feature, like lockdowns, masks and jabs, of a swiftly passing and vanishing yesterday: Unseen, forgotten, utterly gone.

Now that would be a New World Order that we could all embrace and be proud of!

PS: If anyone has an idea for a ‘fringe event’ like that of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy that could earn us global support, accelerate the demise of a despicable ideology, change the course of history and, no less significantly, generate $6mn dollars for us in 24 hours, please feel free (‘free’ an important word that!) to contact me at World Fringe Group Unlimited.

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions
Red truck: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Vector-clip-art-of-red-truck-on-the-road/18710.html
Hand holding planet: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Big-world-in-hand/36246.html
Fringe: https://www.clipartmax.com/download/m2K9A0m2m2K9G6m2_hair-clip-art-vector-clip-free-clipart-images-hair-boy-clip-art/
Canadian flag: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Canadian-vector-flag/2900.html
Invisible man: https://pixabay.com/vectors/invisible-man-spy-agent-anonymous-154567/

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

Justin Trudeau gives $100 to Freedom Convoy (If you don’t believe me, see the screenprint below!)

Published: 8 February 2022 ~ Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo!

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

Yesterday should have been an awful day for me. At 6pm I had to leave my isolation bunker and head off to the dentist to have a wisdom tooth removed. Covid-wisdom had kept me away from the dentists for more than 24 months, causing untold damage in the teeth department. I just could not understand how you could have a tooth removed whilst wearing a face mask. I had a similar deficiency in comprehending how people using bars or restaurants could eat and drink with their muzzles on.  

If I am really that dense, I thought, how mentally impaired will I be after the wisdom tooth has been removed. Would I start believing that everything that I read in the corporate media is true? Would I be tempted to vote liberal? Would I condemn the patriots of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as racist, far-right, extremists, anti-gender-neutrals, anti-gay parade-ist, supporters of Canada for Misogynists and/or relatives of Mr Hitler? Anything is possible? You only have to look to what extent the radical left has overplayed its hand this week, exposing the machinations of local and national neoliberal globalist governments and their evident collusion with the Silicon Valley Mob to know that this is true.

Just as well then that I decided to catch up on the predictable news by corporate media, and the thrilling news elsewhere, in the latest instalment of Things Will Never be Quite the Same Again, before I went to the dentist!

Trudeau gives Truckers 100 dollars via GiveSendGo

First, I tried to find out what had happened to the leading man in this grim drama of political vileness ~ Justin ‘Baby Face’ Trudeau. But he was nowhere to be seen. I assumed that he must be doing something useful, somewhere, after all he is Canada’s prime minister. Perhaps he was addressing a Black Lives Matter’s rally? But then it clicked!  In addition to donating $100 to a very good cause, he had contracted a very fashionable disease at a very convenient moment. Western politicians seem to have a habit of doing this, don’t they?

Next, I tried to get on to the GiveSendGo Christian funding platform. Surprise, surprise I got a 404-error notice, which happened several times.  Obviously, this was down to a couple of interrelated but opposing factors: one, that the donations to the Freedom Convoy campaign were pouring in so fast that the server could not cope and, two, that the brownshirt brigade of the loony liberal left were feverishly launching attacks on the website. No matter, after three or four search attempts, and some cunning circumvention of a stream of sites, which seem on Google to be stacked in favour of the radical left, I eventually beat the system. You see, at that point, my wisdom tooth was still intact.

GiveSendGo inundated with Freedom Convoy donations!

I concluded that the success of the Freedom Convoy, particularly with regard to GoFundYou’s failed attempt to padlock the Convoy’s money chest and throw away the key, a despicable, unethical and possibly illegal action that had exploded the looney left into a fit of premature gloating, taken together with the unprecedented support that the truckers are receiving from around the world, had plunged the liberarsey into the throes of such a ginormous shitfit that they were subjecting GiveSendGo to a cyberattack of Nazi Blitzkrieg proportions.

I finally got on to GiveSendGo by going directly to their website (www.givesendgo.com) and not via the convoy link on Google. The effort had been worthwhile! What a sight to behold! The scrolling line at the top of the screen was one continuous stream of $$$$, as donations poured in from around the world (and continue to pour in!) in support of the truckers’ campaign for freedom and, by default, the end of globalist tyranny.


Meanwhile, GoFundMe was ‘blasted’ and ‘slammed’ (sorry to resort to the old corporate media headline slogans, but as they say, what goes around …) for purloining the truckers donation money. In fact, one chap with a few quid in the bank described them as ‘Professional Thieves’1.

There was even talk of GoFundMe (or should that be, GoF*!kYourself) giving the truckers’ money to charitable causes of which GoFundMe approve: I wonder how many ‘isms’ we can detect in those’2.

Anyway, a quick change of pants later, and those in charge of the leaned-on site are crying. “We will give the money back”. Let’s hope they do. Better late than never, although for them, I am pleased to say, it’s a case of slamming the neoliberal door after Justin Trudeau has bolted. Prosecutions may well follow and as for GoFundMe’s reputation that is well and truly shafted.

On the subject of liberal-left partisanship, it is a wonder that the Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page is still up and running. From what I gather the DC Freedom Convoy, inspired by the Canadian Truckers and scheduled to take place later this year, is yet another victim on the growing list of the media giant’s hatchet job3.

“Trucker Jeremy Johnson, who established the group, [said] … ‘It’s censorship at its finest,’ … ‘They like to silence people that speak the truth.’” ~ Dailymail.co.uk3

You may feel, if you have personally been suspended, barred, blocked and banned by Facebook that they routinely target those who post anything on their site that does not conform to the liberal-left agenda? You may be right. What they have been doing throughout the Covid situation is redirecting users to selected information sources where you can read the truth about Covid. The question is, whose truth is it?

The following videos and links contain an alternative truth, the truth according to those who claim to be speaking out against and debunking the official coronavirus narrative. You all know the coronavirus story as told by social-media, the corporate media and its ‘Big Tech Big Pharma Globalist coalition’. The following videos and links provide an opportunity for you to watch, listen, absorb and then weigh the balance between the two opposing viewpoints. If you have a mind ~ if you have managed to retain your own mind after the past two years ~ I am sure that you will use it.

Happy viewing:

(Dark Knight) Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION – Feb.6, 2022 “State of Emergency Update”

Julia Brewer from Talk Radio discusses the ‘racist’ truckers and liberal authoritarianism with James Melville, Political Commentator


REINER FUELLMICH. It’s extremely difficult to obtain detailed information about Mr Fuellmich via Google. I wonder why that is. However, if you look you just might find the following: ‘Leading German lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich specialises globally on the prosecution of fraudulent corporations. He now leads a stellar team of international lawyers in what will become the world’s largest global tort case—against all protagonists and accomplices in what is now being termed ‘The COVID Scandal’
More information: (https://www.nogeoingegneria.com/news-eng/corona-investigative-committee-starts-the-grand-jury-trial/

By the way I was lucky. On my return from the dentists minus my wisdom tooth, I was relieved to find that I had enough wisdom left not to be tempted to make a donation to the Justin (only just in, but soon to be out) Trudeau Fugitive Fund, even though a certain disgraced crowdfunding platform gave me their best assurance that as this was one of the causes of which they heartily approved my money would be safe!😏

1. https://nypost.com/2022/02/05/elon-musk-gofundme-professional-thieves-for-withholding-10m-from-anti-vax-rally/
2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10482895/Ted-Cruz-demands-FTC-probe-deceptive-GoFundMe-shut-page-raising-money-Canada-truckers.html
3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10475507/Facebook-REMOVES-page-promoting-Freedom-Convoy-DC-GoFundMe-started-returning-donations.html

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

Conspiracy or not, Liberal Globalists seem to have overstepped the mark somewhat …

Published: 6 February 2022 ~ How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

The CANADIAN TRUCKERS’ FREEDOM CONVOY has achieved much more than it set out to do. Not only has it sent a firm and resolute message to Mr Trudeau (who seems to have run away and gone into hiding) that enough is enough but is sending ripples across the world that are astonishing and terrifying liberal-lefty New World Orderists everywhere.

Breaking Wind! (which is what liberals everywhere are doing ~ even more than usual!) 7 February 2022

Extreme far-left neoliberal globalists (did I get everything in there?) exhibit panic on a meltdown scale!
Politico (liberal-lefty) headline: “Ottawa truckers’ convoy galvanizes far-right worldwide”

CNN (liberal-lefty): A different angle in an article by Andrew Cohen today, but it rings hollow. Patronising and smirky-smug, but beneath the veneer of complacency there is a palpable fear that seeps through the subtext, saying that until now Canadians have been easy meat for the liberal sausage-making machine, so what’s gone wrong?!! Anything other in Canada than total compliance is almost unprecedented. Even more worrying then for the button pushers is this bold stand against liberal fascism by Canada’s backbone ~ those good old Truckers

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

In the UK, anything that gets either The Guardian (guardian of what, exactly?) or Independent (independent my arse!) barking is a sure sign that liberal pants are being changed quicker than their journalists can get words down on paper.

Their desperation is particularly obvious when they resort to name calling, viz anybody and everybody who stands up against liberal fascism are immediately fascist themselves, far-right, extreme-right yawn, yawn, yawn. This crude and childlike polarisation, implying, as it does, that there is no middle-way, ie you are either a processed, unthinking, obedient liberal or an extreme far-righter, is rather unfortunate for them, because by this definition most of the world is far-right, and its number appears to be growing!

To see for yourselves just how far up Liberal left Shitskee Street they are running, make a search on Google for ‘GoFundMe removes donation page for Canadian trucker protest’. By the way, when you see why GoF!*kYourself removed the donation page, you might, with justification, think, “Hello, is Al Capone back in business?”. As each day passes the powers that were, and hopefully won’t be for much longer, become more and more transparent.

Now, in the following article there’s an awful lot of Chagrin (with a capital ‘C’, which also stands for Globalists), so it’s time to wheel on (Tantara, Tantara) The Guardian for a bit of ‘Shriek!! They are all far-right extremists!!

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

Here is that article: https://torontosun.com/news/national/trucker-convoy-finds-alternative-funding-platform

You will see that the Canadian Truckers (liberal-lefty media just hate the ‘T’ and the ‘r’ in the word ‘truckers’ ~ I bet their subeditors are champing at the bit to insert an ‘F’) have a NEW FUNDING PLATFORM. Donations are flooding in!!

How to Fund those Canadian Truckers!

The funding platform for those stalwart truckers now is: https://www.givesendgo.com/freedomconvoy2022

Note: As I write this the donations are pouring in so fast that the traffic is crashing the server. Either that, or the site is under attack! See https://twitter.com/givesendgo/status/1489770036105469954
If you have a problem getting on to the site, just be patient. Remember the popular saying: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!”

In these grim lockdown, mask-wearing, vaccine-forcing, authoritarian, One World Government, New World Order days, the fact that a dedicated band of freedom-loving hairy-arsed truckers is holding up a huge freedom finger to Big Pharma, Big Tech and a handful of nasty globalist despots shows that every plandemic has a silver lining.

You might say, that’s just a load of old conspiracy bollocks! Maybe, but it doesn’t alter the fact that those truckers are putting a much-needed smile on our over-vaxed jaundiced faces.

My apologies to The Guardian, I suppose this makes us all far-right extremists!

Other countries are following the freedom example of the Canadian Truckers! https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2022/02/03/canadas-freedom-convoy-is-inspiring-protests-in-other-countries.html

Thumbs up to Canadian Truckers

<Heard the one about Herd Immunity>

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions
Truck: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Big-rig-truck-vector-clip-art/7229.html
Street name plate: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Vector-image-of-street-name-board-in-Portland/19135.html
Thumbs up emoji: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Vector-drawing-of-thumbsup-smiley-face/22733.html