Tag Archives: Sunak or Truss? Who ends Globalism even the World?

Sunak or Truss? Peas in the same pod

Sunak or Truss? Who will end Globalism even the World?

Pyrrhic victory x 2

Published: 30 July 2022 ~ Sunak or Truss? Who will end Globalism even the World?

There is an aggravating little icon in the corner of my computer on the right-hand side of the task bar, which whenever I accidently sweep my cursor over it something grotesque and repugnant pops up. It is UK mainstream media news. There, in all its hideous glory, is the day’s main news in brief, generally more vile than vital, from the theatre of the absurd and surreal that the UK has become.

One of the benefits of living in Kaliningrad is that I can be more selective than I used to be about what I choose to read or see from UK media. And on those occasions when I have no choice, because of the intrusive tricks of Mr Gates’ technology, at least physical distance and societal worlds apart cushion my sensibilities.

Sunak or Truss?

These reasons partly explain why the soap-operatic shenanigans of who will succeed Boris Johnson have largely passed me by. Moreover, as the candidates for Tory leadership offer little in the way of anything bright and beautiful, or just old-fashioned competent and credible, what have I missed, if anything? Especially now that the ‘contest’ has been whittled down to the choice of a sulky old woman or, as a friend recently remarked, a ‘Paki’. Yes, yes, I took him to task. Mr Sunak, I said, is not of that extraction, he is, like our good friend Jerry, an Indian.

“God help us!” replied my friend.

Sunak or Truss? Not everyone's cup of tea

There was a time when the lefties would be making love to themselves, in public, about the possible appointment of a woman prime minister, but all that old hubris fizzled out with Mrs Thatcher and Theresa May and is clearly about as exciting today as a feminist’s bra on fire.

Nevertheless, the ethnic hat in the ring has not gone unnoticed; already one extreme lefty newspaper from across the murky pond has written that should Sudoku, or whatever his name is (Why can’t these foreigners just call themselves Smith, or something?) wins, he would effectively become Britain’s first prime minister of colour.

If that was important anymore, indeed if ever it was important, Boris Johnson could have consulted with George ‘Minstrel’ Mitchell, slapped some boot polish on his face, bought himself a curry and stayed put, or he could have had a sex change and spent ridiculous amounts of money on sending arms to lost causes whilst avoiding accusations of ‘toxic masculinity’. Think of all the fuss it would have saved, not to mention embarrassing scenes of petty Tory infighting and additional raids on the public purse at a time when the cost of living in Britain is leading to civil war. But with the media losing interest in Ukraine, I suppose something has to be dumped on a susceptible British public along with their daily dollop of Woke.

At the end of the proverbial day, it doesn’t matter and who cares anyway? Yes, Truss is a goofy old thing and Sunak isn’t British (‘Oh yes I am!’), but if you look hard enough can you tell them apart? Of course not, because in spite of their stated differences they are both cut from the same piece of card. In the hands of the puppeteers Sunak casts the longest shadow ~ the globalist versus the jingoist ~ but the importance they have in common is that both, whatever the media says sets them apart, possess the potential to make a much bigger mess than the one that Boris inherited and adopted as his own.

The real difference between Truss and Sunak is, apart from the obvious difference colour, that Truss is in it for the fame and glory (‘Look, mum, I’m the prime minister,’) and Sunak is a banker ~ yes, I have spelt the word correctly, but you be cockney if you must.

Three-legged race to become Boris Johnson's replacement

Like Moron Macron and Justin (only just in) Turdeau, the Sunaks of this world are nothing more than front men for neoliberal globalists. But whomsoever it is who gets his or her arse into Number 10, whether it will be the podgy white arse or the scrawny brown one, is fundamentally irrelevant. Predetermination has already decided who will replace Hair-fright Johnson and finish the job he started. This is not to deprive Boris of the debt of gratitude so obvioulsy owed to him, as I can think of no one, and that includes anyone in the Labour party, who could have primed the charge as successfully, and definitely not as comically, as Boris has.

All it needs now is a spark from the sabre-rattling abrasiveness of Truss or the short-circuit disconnect of Sunak and up will go the UK tinder box, igniting the socio-political implosion that will send neoliberal globalism and their satanic world of woke into the septic tank of history where they both belong. Regrettably, however, other blasts are possible, less welcome and even more devestating than the end of an evil doctrine, but I shall leave it up to you decide who of the two self-interested culprits chasing the key to Number 10 is liable to be more culpable of bringing about the end of the world.

One Way to the end of the world

At the end of the world, sorry, at the end of the day, whoever is handed the poisoned chalice, be it All Trussed Up Like a Turkey or Rishi Samosa Sunak, the important point to remember is that both exist to fulfil one destiny. The hand that presses the plunger, unlike the arse that takes the throne, will be the hand, the same hand and nothing but the hand ~ the almighty hand of fate. It’s just a matter of time ~ and that time is almost upon us.

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions:
Two peas in a pod: https://openclipart.org/download/241284/Two-Peas-In-A-Pod.svg
Tea: http://www.publicdomainfiles.com/show_file.php?id=13933335621173
Three-legged race: https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8i8K9H7K9Z5G6_fail-clipart-three-legged-race-three-legged-race-clipart/
One Way sign: <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/photos/one-way”>One way photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com</a>