Tag Archives: Totalitarian Canada

Canadian Truckers Beacons

Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope in a Nihilistic Liberal World

A Tribute to the Canadian Truckers

Published: 23 February 2022 ~ Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope

Today, 23 February 2022, is the start of THE PEOPLE’S CONVOY in the USA:

On 18 February 2022 (a day that will live in infamy) the Canadian Prime Hider, Trudeau, unleashed his SS stormtroopers onto the streets of Ottawa: Operation Narcissism had begun. Dressed in body armour and heavily armed, Trudeau’s brave troops were taking no chances. They faced a formidable foe. Racists, white supremacists, terrorists, extremists, otherwise known as truck drivers, were honking horns in Ottawa. It clearly had to stop. They could be heard all over Canada, in fact all over the world!

Trudeau’s SS moved in. They had their instructions: ‘Clear the streets of Ottawa. The sounds of honking horns are driving me insane! Use every Nazi means at your disposal!’ Not a woman, child or bouncy castle was to be spared.

The great big men in black, heroes every one, squared their shoulders in readiness for the challenge that lay ahead. What brave men they are! They will live with their exploits forever! The stories of their courage and bravery will be passed down to their children and their children’s children. Their contribution to freedom and democracy will go down (and down, and down …) in history. I think we can safely say that they and their leader, Reichsführer Trudeau, will never be forgotten.

Converging upon the truckers and their families, on the men, women and children, Trudeau’s SS, looking like invaders from another planet ~ the planet Indifference that Trudeau is on ~ pushed them to the ground. They struck them repeatedly with batons. They charged them with their horses and trampled them underfoot. They fired at them with rubber bullets, tossed tear gas into their midst, smashed the windows of their trucks, bludgeoned them to the floor and dragged them handcuffed, bruised and bleeding into their waiting wagons. Like their 1940s’ SS counterparts, they were ‘only following orders’.

It was, however, too much, too late. In spite of western liberal media’s collusion and the deafening silence of no condemnation from any government in the western world, Trudeau’s inability to mimic the role of statesman, his inability to overcome his narcissism and to maintain his Jekyll image, let loose his inner Hyde, at the same time letting Neoliberal, the greedy globalist cat, well and truly out of the bag (And what a mangey old cur it is!).

Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope in a Nihilistic Liberal World

The Canadian truckers had reluctantly taken their big trucks to Ottawa in a last-ditch attempt to have the voice of reason heard above the oppressive noise of lockdowns, the perpetual wearing of masks and mandatory vaccination. They asked for nothing more than to be given their freedom back. They went cap in hand to a liberal government, the self-styled champions of human rights, to ask for the Covid mandates, which have ruined and taken so many lives, and which continue to do so on a daily basis, to be annulled, to be revoked, so that they could return to their jobs and their families return to the life that they once had.

Instead of dialogue they were demonised. Instead of debate, disparaged. Trudeau fled. Hid. And from his hiding place, branded the honest truckers, including their wives and children, with the usual liberal humbug: “Racists, Extremists, White Supremacists,!” he cried. And then, when all of these liberal tricks had been exhausted, embarrassed and humiliated in the eyes of the world for his lack of diplomacy and statesmanship and for his little-boy feet-stomping tantrums, in an uncontrollable fit of pique he committed the unthinkable, indeed the unforgivable ~ he invoked the Emergency Act, when the only emergency Canada faced was that it needed a real prime minister.

Canadian Truckers Beacons

A few days later, the head of Canada’s junta, Tantrum Trudeau, sent in his goons. Having intimidated, beaten and imprisoned the truckers, Trudeau the Neoliberalist then used his globalist financial connections to wage economic warfare on them. He froze their bank accounts and imposed all sorts of financial hardships, the likes of which only exposed and frightened globalists would do. ‘Shame on You! Shame on You,’ came the cries of Canada’s citizens. A cry, which like the honking horns, echoed around the world.

When the peaceful, harmless truckers gradually began to disperse, glad, if the truth be known, to return at last to the comfort of their homes but with their trust in the constitution of their country and in their democratically elected leaders shattered beyond redemption, they left with their heads held high ~ brave, selfless, sincere, indomitable and, above all, good natured to the last.

They had arrived in Ottawa as truckers and left as heroes ~ role models, not just for Canadians but for all those people around the world who place freedom above tyranny and the collective good of the common people above the sordid machinations of a power- and money-obsessed elite and their one-world globalist fantasy.

As for Trudeau the Terrible, like a uniformed traffic warden (a job for which he is suitably qualified and might well conceivably take up on his now inevitable retirement) eventually he moved the trucks parked on the streets of Ottawa but at a price that he and his globalist overlords have already begun to pay dearly for.

Whilst the truckers left with their heads held high, Trudeau was left on his knees. He is finished, both as a politician and as a man. Indeed, there is hardly anything left of him to qualify as human. His position as a leader of a so-called ‘free country’ is shot, his humanity soiled, the public office he represents raped of all decency, all credibility lost, defiled, debunked, demolished, and as for democracy, which he and his liberal ilk worldwide pretend to endow with a god-like status, it has been dragged by the feet through the mud, not, admittedly, by Trudeau alone but with the nauseating complicity of his shadowy globalist masters, who by their universal silence have implicitly condoned Trudeau’s barbarity, thus underlining their implication in an illiberal liberal agenda.

Trudeau’s cowardly assault on the truckers, good people who went to Ottawa in the name of freedom, is a sad day for democracy, a bad day for the neoliberal globalists ~ the longest day so far in their lives ~ but an inspiring day for the world.

By holding the line, as they said they would, the Canadian truckers have motivated and galvanised freedom-loving people everywhere. Similar rallies to free the world from Covid-restriction tyranny have emerged throughout Canada, including, but not restricted to, a massive turnout in Quebec, as well as around the world, including the UK, New Zealand, Australia and now, of course, America.

Today (23rd February 2022), America’s own version of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy will be rolling across the States, travelling from one side of the mighty continent to the other, gathering supporters and momentum on its way, its final destination being the seat of US government, Washington DC. God’s speed to them we say; but watch out for those dirty liberal tricksters and the radical media that props them up!

In the meantime, let us not forget that for the pioneers of freedom, the Beacons of Hope, the Canadian Truckers, the struggle is far from over. A world-embarrassed and vengeful Trudeau is bound to pursue them, using an evil concomitant of social and economic penalties for exposing him to the world for what he is ~ Nothing ~ (I think we can give him a capital letter for that!) until he and his neoliberal henchmen are toppled, which toppled they will assuredly be. It is only a matter of time, and the countdown has begun.

The globalist mob is on the run, both on the domestic and international front. Their credibility is shot, and to add to their imminent woes, news is now emerging about the wilful negligence, and possibly more, behind the drive for vaccination and of the efficacy and the safety of some of the vaccines themselves. The liberal media, in which we trust no more, (and most of us never did) and their bought and paid for ‘fact checkers’ can shout conspiracy theory as much as they like, and as you know they like! But remember what your grandma told you, ‘Truth will out in the end!’

Until then, thank you Canadian Truckers for Holding the Line for all of us! Freedom is indebted to you!

You have reserved a place for yourselves in the annals of the right-side of history!


Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy
Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is Watching!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
Trudeau Gives Truckers $100 by GiveSendGo
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers

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