Tag Archives: Trudeau the fascist


Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

The Frenzy to Cancel Russian Culture is a Symptom of the West’s Decline

Published: 25 March 2022 ~ Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

Immediately prior to the outbreak of the Second World War and throughout that war, the Nazi’s singled out the Jewish population and subjected them to a sustained and brutal campaign of harassment, persecution and violence. Proscription and marginalisation began in 1933 and were reinforced and legitimised in 1935 with the introduction of the Nuremberg Laws. These laws, the sanctions of their day, paved the way for more widespread and incisive discriminatory practices and opened the floodgates of prejudice for the justification of genocide.

Over time, the sustained ideological prohibition on personal liberty, human rights and freedom of religious association escalated. Campaigns of intimidation and terror ran simultaneously with random acts of violence and official decrees which, hampering Jews in their professional and vocational lives, combined economic degradation with societal segregation.

Today, such examples of state-orchestrated social and economic ostracism are endemic in western societies. They may have acquired a new moniker, namely cancel culture, but whatever title they operate under, in application and in effect, it’s Nazi business as usual.  

Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

A prime recent and surprising example of cancel culture occurred in of all places Canada, the epicentre of liberal conformity, when Justin Trudeau, the then prime minister-in-hiding, unleashed his army of robo-cops on an unsuspecting convoy of peacefully protesting Canadian truckers.

As well as being predominantly white and patriots, another cardinal sin committed by the truckers was that they tried to invoke their rights, which unbeknown to them had been quietly and stealthily side-lined. Freedom of speech, even freedom of thought, had been stringently replaced by an explicit demand for mass obedience and unquestionable allegiance to liberal mandates.

Arguably, the social and economic violations enacted by Trudeau against his own people came as more of a shock to them than cancel-culture warfare has to Russian nationals living, working and studying in western countries, where, since Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine to ‘de-Nazify and de-militarise’, Russians experience demonisation on a daily basis.

Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

It is tempting to postulate that since Russians are no strangers to prejudice from the West ~ they have certainly been the recipients of it for decades, even centuries ~ they would not be unduly surprised or alarmed by this latest round of belligerence. But if the views of Russians with whom I have personally spoken on the subject of cancel culture represent the views of the Russian nation as a whole, then fortunately until now, or so it would seem, no clear comprehension has existed, at least among ordinary Russians, of the vitriol, enmity and hostility harboured against them by the West, nor the blatant disregard of the West for the sovereignty of their country and the sanctity of their culture.

Pervasive as this blind vindictiveness is in the West, nowhere does it assert itself more forcefully than in the United Kingdom. The explanation for this phenomenon might conceivably lie in the efficacy of propaganda, but it is not so much that UK media has got its misinformation and also its disinformation off to such a fine art that Brits can’t tell their arse from their elbow (although the argument in favour of this is strong) as the willingness of Brits to suspend disbelief about what they see on the telly or read in the media, no matter how one-sided it is, how sensationalised or misleading. 

Stop Cancel Culture Quickly Sheep UK

Brits believe what they want to believe at any given time, especially during a crisis, when solidarity of thought ~ or should that be solidity ~ offers them a temporary fix for the rifts in British society. That the British establishment endorses and whole-heartedly encourages such deflecting hysteria is unequivocal: Better to bring people together in a media-manufactured frenzy against the goings on in a far-away country about which they know less than nothing, than have them focus too objectively on the grievous problems in their own back yard.

The simpler explanation for the willingness of Brits to jump through hoops when told to do so is that they feel the need to get value for money for obediently paying their TV licence or, no less reasonable or less risible, that the Russophobia they are so keen to champion is inextricably linked to that transatlantic ‘special relationship’ we hear so much about, whilst other countries in the West feel rather less obliged to carry the can kicked down the road by big old bully boy Uncle Sam.

Obliged or not, countries of the EU bloc, including Germany, which is rather good at this sort of thing, are busy pooling their cancel-culture resources. The problem, although obviously not a problem to western governments and the sheeple that they shepherd, is that artists, singers, sportsmen, 19th century literary figures and even Mr Tchaikovsky himself are in no way implicated in the Ukraine conflict, and neither are Russian students nor for that matter Russian schoolchildren, unless the culture into which one is born is considered to be a crime as birth right was for the Jews, according to cancel culture, cancel everything, 1940s’ Germans.

Cancel Russian Culture Quickly the West is on its way Out!

The castigation and negation of Russia’s cultural class, the hate speech and violent abuse with which Russian nationals have to contend, are the punitive reflex actions of a deeper frustration coursing through the West than can be rationally credited to the events taking place in the Ukraine alone. They are rather a manifestation of the failings within western societies, and the compulsive instinctual need that stems from recognition of those failures that Russian culture must be cancelled as their own cultures have been cancelled, albeit non-consensually, by the leaders that they elected and who have written them off, Trudeau-style.

As the West sinks slowly but inevitably into the great abyss, where eventually all spent empires slide, the beacon of light from Russian culture is an untimely for some and timely for others rather wistful reminder of what the West once was, once had and what it could have been if it had only lived up to and not betrayed the values it espoused.

The task that Russia is faced with now, and the responsibility it owes to its thousand years of history, to its people and to the world, is to shape a multipolar destiny whilst avoiding the fate of being dragged down into the awful vortex of the spiralling West, as it gradually disappears behind the geo-political and moral horizon.

West Spirals out of Control


Examples of Third Reich-style Cancel-Culture Occurrences in Western Europe

In my previous post I provided a treatise on the collective psychology on which cancel culture is premised and the mechanisms by which it works generally in the West and specifically in the UK.

Here are some examples of cancel culture at work today: the perpetrators, western governments, leaned-on western corporations and led-on western citizens; the victims, Russian nationals.

Alexander Ovechkin, National Hockey League star and Washington Capitals captain, cancelled from advertising campaigns by insurance firm sponsor

Russian and Belorusian athletes and officials cancelled from international sports federations

Journalists working for or on behalf of Russian state-backed media outlets cancelled by the EU

Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, who died in 1881, temporarily cancelled by the University of Milano-Bicocca, in Italy, but reinstated after a public backlash

Russian cats cancelled from competitions by the International Feline Federation

Russian dogs cancelled by Crufts dog show

Russian football team cancelled, including ban on taking part in Word Cup 2022 qualifying matches

Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev cancelled by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra

The chief conductor of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, Valery Gergiev, cancelled in Germany

Wimbledon, UK, considers cancelling Russian players who do not denounce the role of their country in the conflict in Ukraine


Examples of Nazi-style discrimination, abuse and aggression towards Russian nationals in western countries

Russian students have been expelled from universities in France and Belgium and there are reports of  Czech teachers and professors refusing to teach Russian students and ordering them to leave lecture theatres

In Washington, a Russian restaurant was attacked and anti-Russian slogans daubed on the walls

In Germany a restaurant owner banned Russian nationals

In Holland, Russians have received threats of physical violence. 

In Britain, acts of violence and harassment are occurring against Russian nationals

In England Russian students studying both in state and private schools are subject to bullying, intimidation, destructive acts of personal property, mockery and violence

Social media sites allows calls for violence against Russians in violation of anti-genocide laws enshrined in the UN Convention of 1948

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions

Dostoevsky: https://pixabay.com/vectors/dostoevsky-russian-novelist-writer-3571776/
Cancel Culture: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Stop-cancel-culture-now/87593.html
Sheep face: https://pixabay.com/photos/sheep-animals-cute-nature-3727049/
Union Jack: Author: Karen Arnold / publicdomainpictures.net; https://www.freeimg.net/photo/1361181/union-jack-flag-union-jack-flag-colors
Skyscrapers: https://pixabay.com/vectors/cityscape-buildings-skyscrapers-1254616/
Spiral: https://pixabay.com/vectors/background-design-pattern-spiral-1299431/

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good thing

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good Thing

Sorting the wheat from the chaff

Published: 1 March 2022 ~ Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good Thing

Now, you may think that the reason I haven’t posted anything in the past few days is because as events have unfolded in Ukraine I have been hiding behind my settee. But nothing could be further from the truth. Until recently, that spot was reserved for one person and one person only, Justiceless Justin Trudeau. However, having clubbed, gassed, rubber-bulleted and horse-trampled his native citizens into undemocratic pulp using armed and armour-plated riot squads, he now emerges in his new role as the West’s Democracy Ambassador, slamming (I believe that’s the popular western media word for it) the military operation in Ukraine as an attack on freedom and democracy. Something mind, which western leaders and their collusive corporate media conveniently forgot to accuse him of.

Following President Putin’s announcement that he was recognising the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) as independent, I asked my Russian friends during a social evening what they thought about this development. After two attempts to solicit their thoughts on the subject, I was politely reminded of the social, cultural, historic and spiritual ties between Russia and Ukraine. Someone referred to the plight of Russians living in the stricken regions, but my friends were too diplomatic to allude to western interference and how it was fanning the flames.

When the news broke, 24 February 2022, that Russia had launched a military operation, I stayed schtum. After all, I didn’t want to become the Kaliningrad version of John Cleese’s Basil Fawlty. So, I did what everyone else was doing in Russia and around the world, I took to corporate, and corporate social, media.

It was touching, at first, to receive messages via my wife’s Facebook account from UK friends asking if we were alright. Silly question: being alright is never something that I have been accused of, but then, when I borrowed my wife’s Facebook account and voiced my opinions, opinions which did not strictly coalesce with the western narrative, I was subject to howls of outrage and the usual Aresebook abuse.

“I might have mentioned Woke. But I think I got away with it!”

Not that I was surprised by this reaction, because, quite frankly, many people in the UK seem to have lost the fundamental ability to think for themselves, if, indeed, they ever possessed it. It was not that I was being radical, at least not anymore ‘radical’ than people judge me to be, I was merely expressing my usual antipathy towards the unilateral viewpoint of the world as packaged by western media and, in answer to the Russophobic slurs doing the rounds on Facebook, drawing my fellow Brits’ attention to the glaring socio-political flaws of living one’s life in Britland, a  subject which, quite evidently, they did not want reminding of, such was their joy to escape the plandemic and immerse themselves in a new hysteria.

As for Ukraine, I am more than sure that until this week hardly any Brits had heard of it, let alone know where it is, and those that do know would not have the slightest notion of its history, either ancient or modern. They would certainly possess no knowledge of the symbiotic relationship between Ukraine and Russia, of the intertwined history of both cultures and know even less about what has been happening in Ukraine over the last eight years, although, with respect to the latter, this is an ignorance they cannot be blamed for as the neoliberal corporate media has been rather more than sparing when it comes to telling the truth.


Prof: Russian Spec Op to De-Militarise & De-Nazify Ukraine Fully Justified Under International Law
German MP Says NATO Responsible For Ukraine Crisis, Should Have Guaranteed Neutral Status

Nevertheless and suddenly, every Brit under the sun (and there’s not much of that in Britland, either actual or metaphorical) is an expert on Ukraine, at least everyone on Facebook.

I often wonder on those few times that I visit Arsebook whether anybody on there knows anything more than nothing. The site is littered with all sorts of bizarre claims and even more bizarre counter-claims, and it seems that everyone, almost without exception, is snapping at the others’ heels like little yappy dogs.

Facebook is full of know-it-alls who quite obviously don’t know the difference between knowing it all and bugger all, but what they don’t know they are more than willing to share with you. On the bitchometer scale, Facebook is beneath Twitter, just. But I cannot help thinking that Mark Shutulbugger, whatever his name is, could have chosen a more apt name for his argumentative, politically censored and deplatforming media site. Arsebook fits the bill, but Megaphone would have been better or failing that what about Bitch-Brag?

It’s a funny thing, but when I read reports and articles from media sources from around the world, I never go to those sources with prejudice aforethought, hoping to read something that will bolster my opinions or prejudices. I read and then after I have finished reading, I think about what I have read, and then to what extent I agree with it or, conversely, to what extent I bring it into question. I think it is called critical judgement: The ability to be able to read or discuss something, analyse it, extrapolate from it, digest it and then, if possible, reach a conclusion. It might not be the right conclusion, if ever there was or is such a thing, but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I arrived there of my own volition, after considering different points of view, rather than jumped onto the bandwagon and allowed my mind to be hijacked as an echo chamber for the corporate media.

Most Facebookers, however, seem either to go off half-cock, so to speak, make it up as they go along or present evidence to support their prejudices with flagrant disregard for the maxim that ‘There’s always two sides to every story [at least]’. The remaining Arsebookers are just insulting ~ to everyone else and their own intelligence, that is presuming they have some hidden away somewhere.

Sanctioned by Facebook Bullies
The Facebook Bully, showing how it’s done in a real free-speech democracy!

When people say ‘utter bollocks’ on Facebook (Oooh, and they do, don’t they!) and shout the odd word or two that they have picked out of the Daily Mail or Guardian or from sitting in front of the goggle box, it generally makes me laugh.

I know I should have more sense than to reply to the numpty heads, but who can resist a little bit of fun. When someone on Facebook assumes that they are asserting the unassailable truth (and Facebook has many of them) and is able to do it in three words or less from something they read or heard yesterday, ie “It’s all propaganda!”, I cannot help but admire the obvious confidence they have in themselves and in their incisive powers of ratiocination.   

By stark contrast, it took me about 30 years to realise that the political system in the UK is rigged and that the Establishment is rotten to the core. Like Neil Oliver, historian and author, I, too, had been brought up to believe that we, the Brits, the West, were the ‘good guys’. It was only after working on a number of political publications that it slowly began to dawn on me that I, and my generation, had been played, that our neoliberal masters had sleep-walked us into a completely different and, from their point of view, completely indifferent era.

I began to question the lifelong orthodoxy that we were in fact the ‘good guys’ but could not easily make the transition from this long held and internalised view to something that I would rather not admit, not even to myself, namely that the West had gone bandito. But sadly, events in recent years have proven that this is the case.

Whilst our neoliberal lords and masters run around the world causing untold havoc in the self-appointed role as crusading missionaries, bringing ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ to countries that don’t want it ~ at least not the woke kind that we are peddling ~ and branding it nicely for public consumption (it says  ‘intervention and regime change’ on the tin), on the home front they are insidiously busy, eroding and destroying everything that we hold dear, our history, our sovereignty, the security of our ancestral home, our heritage and all that they would have us believe the West has always stood for, such as personal freedom, freedom of speech, decency and humanity. And you’ve got to hand it to them, they are doing a very good job.

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends i

Meanwhile, the UK’s armchair political pundits and Facebook’s keyboard warriors, those who know everything in the two seconds that it takes to see it on the telly or read it in The Daily Neoliberal, are child prodigies in reverse.

As such, being unfriended by them is a breath of fresh air. Where friendship is concerned, real friendship, not the kind that comes with a screen-tick or a silly little ‘like’, the collateral damage from airing your opinion on social media and then being ‘slammed’ (there’s that word again!) by your ‘friends’ before they ceremoniously unfriend you, is nothing to be ashamed of; on the contrary it is without doubt a most excellent way of sorting the wheat from the chaff.

Sanctioned by Facebook Fickle Friends is a Good Thing

One fellow-me-lad (It or Other) on Facebook, accused me of being ‘brainwashed’? Who was he confusing me with, if not a high percentage of the UK population? I replied:

Hello Chris, Not brainwashed. I was fortunate to go to school at a time before the UK education system became the liberal-left academy of Woke, so I am still capable of independent thought. Another point in my favour is that I threw the TV (that’s television, by the way, not transvestite) out 25 years ago. After all, as I could never bring myself to pay the TV license to sponsor the BBC’s liberal-left bias I thought it only fair. Furthermore, having worked in the media for years, I have a healthy disrespect for everything I read in the media, no matter where it comes from. And everyone who knows me knows that I would never wind anyone up … All the best.”

A good many Arsebook commenters are what I would call ‘last worders’. They are not interested in the slightest of soliciting a meaningful response. Their remarks are typically childish, clearly intended to provoke and insult rather than engage and the last word is truly paramount.

As I reach the end of this post, I am almost inclined to let my brother have the last word. He has always had a way with words, as you can see from his email yesterday.

“I just have to say I’m sick of hearing these c! *! s on UK TV slagging off Mr Putin.”

My brother should think himself lucky that he does not do social media, although I have a feeling that if he did, he would really do quite well.

 Whoops, sorry, must dash, there go those sanction sirens!

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Image attributions

Man sawing tree: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/183976.htm
Unfriend: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/pi784y7xT.htm
Bully: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/RkTKqRKij.htm

Canadian Truckers Beacons

Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope in a Nihilistic Liberal World

A Tribute to the Canadian Truckers

Published: 23 February 2022 ~ Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope

Today, 23 February 2022, is the start of THE PEOPLE’S CONVOY in the USA:

On 18 February 2022 (a day that will live in infamy) the Canadian Prime Hider, Trudeau, unleashed his SS stormtroopers onto the streets of Ottawa: Operation Narcissism had begun. Dressed in body armour and heavily armed, Trudeau’s brave troops were taking no chances. They faced a formidable foe. Racists, white supremacists, terrorists, extremists, otherwise known as truck drivers, were honking horns in Ottawa. It clearly had to stop. They could be heard all over Canada, in fact all over the world!

Trudeau’s SS moved in. They had their instructions: ‘Clear the streets of Ottawa. The sounds of honking horns are driving me insane! Use every Nazi means at your disposal!’ Not a woman, child or bouncy castle was to be spared.

The great big men in black, heroes every one, squared their shoulders in readiness for the challenge that lay ahead. What brave men they are! They will live with their exploits forever! The stories of their courage and bravery will be passed down to their children and their children’s children. Their contribution to freedom and democracy will go down (and down, and down …) in history. I think we can safely say that they and their leader, Reichsführer Trudeau, will never be forgotten.

Converging upon the truckers and their families, on the men, women and children, Trudeau’s SS, looking like invaders from another planet ~ the planet Indifference that Trudeau is on ~ pushed them to the ground. They struck them repeatedly with batons. They charged them with their horses and trampled them underfoot. They fired at them with rubber bullets, tossed tear gas into their midst, smashed the windows of their trucks, bludgeoned them to the floor and dragged them handcuffed, bruised and bleeding into their waiting wagons. Like their 1940s’ SS counterparts, they were ‘only following orders’.

It was, however, too much, too late. In spite of western liberal media’s collusion and the deafening silence of no condemnation from any government in the western world, Trudeau’s inability to mimic the role of statesman, his inability to overcome his narcissism and to maintain his Jekyll image, let loose his inner Hyde, at the same time letting Neoliberal, the greedy globalist cat, well and truly out of the bag (And what a mangey old cur it is!).

Canadian Truckers Beacons of Hope in a Nihilistic Liberal World

The Canadian truckers had reluctantly taken their big trucks to Ottawa in a last-ditch attempt to have the voice of reason heard above the oppressive noise of lockdowns, the perpetual wearing of masks and mandatory vaccination. They asked for nothing more than to be given their freedom back. They went cap in hand to a liberal government, the self-styled champions of human rights, to ask for the Covid mandates, which have ruined and taken so many lives, and which continue to do so on a daily basis, to be annulled, to be revoked, so that they could return to their jobs and their families return to the life that they once had.

Instead of dialogue they were demonised. Instead of debate, disparaged. Trudeau fled. Hid. And from his hiding place, branded the honest truckers, including their wives and children, with the usual liberal humbug: “Racists, Extremists, White Supremacists,!” he cried. And then, when all of these liberal tricks had been exhausted, embarrassed and humiliated in the eyes of the world for his lack of diplomacy and statesmanship and for his little-boy feet-stomping tantrums, in an uncontrollable fit of pique he committed the unthinkable, indeed the unforgivable ~ he invoked the Emergency Act, when the only emergency Canada faced was that it needed a real prime minister.

Canadian Truckers Beacons

A few days later, the head of Canada’s junta, Tantrum Trudeau, sent in his goons. Having intimidated, beaten and imprisoned the truckers, Trudeau the Neoliberalist then used his globalist financial connections to wage economic warfare on them. He froze their bank accounts and imposed all sorts of financial hardships, the likes of which only exposed and frightened globalists would do. ‘Shame on You! Shame on You,’ came the cries of Canada’s citizens. A cry, which like the honking horns, echoed around the world.

When the peaceful, harmless truckers gradually began to disperse, glad, if the truth be known, to return at last to the comfort of their homes but with their trust in the constitution of their country and in their democratically elected leaders shattered beyond redemption, they left with their heads held high ~ brave, selfless, sincere, indomitable and, above all, good natured to the last.

They had arrived in Ottawa as truckers and left as heroes ~ role models, not just for Canadians but for all those people around the world who place freedom above tyranny and the collective good of the common people above the sordid machinations of a power- and money-obsessed elite and their one-world globalist fantasy.

As for Trudeau the Terrible, like a uniformed traffic warden (a job for which he is suitably qualified and might well conceivably take up on his now inevitable retirement) eventually he moved the trucks parked on the streets of Ottawa but at a price that he and his globalist overlords have already begun to pay dearly for.

Whilst the truckers left with their heads held high, Trudeau was left on his knees. He is finished, both as a politician and as a man. Indeed, there is hardly anything left of him to qualify as human. His position as a leader of a so-called ‘free country’ is shot, his humanity soiled, the public office he represents raped of all decency, all credibility lost, defiled, debunked, demolished, and as for democracy, which he and his liberal ilk worldwide pretend to endow with a god-like status, it has been dragged by the feet through the mud, not, admittedly, by Trudeau alone but with the nauseating complicity of his shadowy globalist masters, who by their universal silence have implicitly condoned Trudeau’s barbarity, thus underlining their implication in an illiberal liberal agenda.

Trudeau’s cowardly assault on the truckers, good people who went to Ottawa in the name of freedom, is a sad day for democracy, a bad day for the neoliberal globalists ~ the longest day so far in their lives ~ but an inspiring day for the world.

By holding the line, as they said they would, the Canadian truckers have motivated and galvanised freedom-loving people everywhere. Similar rallies to free the world from Covid-restriction tyranny have emerged throughout Canada, including, but not restricted to, a massive turnout in Quebec, as well as around the world, including the UK, New Zealand, Australia and now, of course, America.

Today (23rd February 2022), America’s own version of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy will be rolling across the States, travelling from one side of the mighty continent to the other, gathering supporters and momentum on its way, its final destination being the seat of US government, Washington DC. God’s speed to them we say; but watch out for those dirty liberal tricksters and the radical media that props them up!

In the meantime, let us not forget that for the pioneers of freedom, the Beacons of Hope, the Canadian Truckers, the struggle is far from over. A world-embarrassed and vengeful Trudeau is bound to pursue them, using an evil concomitant of social and economic penalties for exposing him to the world for what he is ~ Nothing ~ (I think we can give him a capital letter for that!) until he and his neoliberal henchmen are toppled, which toppled they will assuredly be. It is only a matter of time, and the countdown has begun.

The globalist mob is on the run, both on the domestic and international front. Their credibility is shot, and to add to their imminent woes, news is now emerging about the wilful negligence, and possibly more, behind the drive for vaccination and of the efficacy and the safety of some of the vaccines themselves. The liberal media, in which we trust no more, (and most of us never did) and their bought and paid for ‘fact checkers’ can shout conspiracy theory as much as they like, and as you know they like! But remember what your grandma told you, ‘Truth will out in the end!’

Until then, thank you Canadian Truckers for Holding the Line for all of us! Freedom is indebted to you!

You have reserved a place for yourselves in the annals of the right-side of history!


Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy
Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is Watching!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
Trudeau Gives Truckers $100 by GiveSendGo
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

When all else fails ….

Published: 16 February 2022 ~ Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

In spite of Trudeau’s attempts to wage economic warfare, the funds for the truckers keep on coming:   ‘F!*k Turdoe just gave USD $ 10 to Freedom Convoy 2022.‘ and the total at 15.55 Kaliningrad time is USD $9,423,510 (18th Feb 2022)

20th February 2022 Update
As the police in Ottawa continue to behave like the Nazis that Trudeau accused the truckers of being, giving liberal governments worldwide a crash-course in how to master police brutality in front of a sympathetic and collusive mainstream media, a huge convoy of freedom-loving Canadians has descended on Quebec. Here’s a couple of non-mainstream news videos of that event. One has people from around the world leaving supportive messages on chat and in the video comments section. The other has an interesting suffix, with someone being shouted down in the Canadian parliament for asking an embarrassing question about Klaus Schwab’s infiltration of Canadian politics.

19th February 2022 Update
Amazing! After unprecedented police brutality by Trudeau’s robocops, peaceful truckers continue to hold the line and no doubt will continue to do so until they are forcibly removed. Sad day for bogus democracies, but a good day for exposing globalism for what it really is. Keep on Trucking!

18 February 2022 Update
Big hefty Canadian coppers handcuff defenceless Tamara Lich, the founder of the Freedom Convoy in Justin Trudeau’s Police State. The liberal Stasi at work!

And now for some good news. Inspired by Tamara Lich and the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, the US People’s Convoy is all set to roll.


Yesterday (16 Feb 2022) Justin Trudeau, with as much finesse as a baby grunting in nappies, sealed Canada’s fate as a basket case for liberal democracy, (See video below), thus becoming the first conspicuous frontman, and no doubt later fall-guy, in the neoliberal power grab by the world’s Fourth Reich.

The systemic process that led to the confirmation that the liberal model of democracy, which was barely alive anyway, has finally kicked the bucket, is articulated in my one-scene play. You may find it all familiar and familiarly disturbing:

The curtain draws across the stage. The scene is set: The offices of a paranoid liberal-left media house in London (London is that state within a state, which is in a dreadful state, in the UK). The Gonewrongistan

Columnist: My God! The Canadian Truckers are generating support and funding from around the globe! What are we going to do!?

Editor-in-Chief: Write any old tosh as usual. Just make sure you tick all the PC boxes.

Columnist: You mean, extreme right, far-right, fascist …

Editor-in-chief: Of course, and don’t forget Nazi. We’ve got a couple of antifa’s standing by. They will do their usual brownshirt thing. Run up and down with a swastika, and we’ll have a photographer on hand.

Columnist (high-pitched effeminate cackle): And we can use the photo to frame the peaceful truckers. Get it chief? ‘Photo’, ‘Frame’.

Editor-in-Chief: If you have to be funny, say Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize or Black Lives Matter riots were all ‘largely peaceful’ …

Columnist: Shall I also accuse the truckers of being conspiracy theorists …

Editor-in-Chief: Of course, and throw in racist and, er, er …

Columnist: Misogynist? That’s pretty popular at present.

Editor-in-Chief: Yes, that as well.

Columnist (Strange, strangulated, something missing gender-neutral sound): Right! Hubble Bubble Toil & Trouble!

Liberal Conspiracy checklist


Definition of a liberal:
Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Case in point: Coronavirus inspired totalitarianism.

Come coronavirus, the liberal-left ditched everything that they purport to hold dear. Out with civil liberties, human rights, individual freedoms, freedom of speech (although in the UK that went out with Brexit) and in with medical fascism.

For the past two years The Gonewrongistan and The Idiotdespondent have been barking like rabid fascists on heat. Now that the heat is getting too much for them, they are desperately attempting to deligitimise the truckers’ mission to restore normalcy to our lives by framing them as conspiracy theorists. To do this they have had to identify the leading theory, which over the two-year period that Covid restrictions and enforced vaccine mandates have been in place has been steadily gaining traction.

That conspiracy theory is that the neoliberal globalist World Economic Forum is using Covid to bring about the ‘Great Reset’, as outlined in the book of the same name by Klaus Schwab, German Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. The Great Reset is seen as laying out the principals and foundations for an extreme-left world-ruling totalitarian system. Many people who regard this theory as credible suggest that the Forum itself created the Covid ‘plandemic’ specifically for this purpose.

Fascist Trudea

It is good of the liberal media to adumbrate this theory, because you can now read around this and ask yourself the question is the agenda that this theory expounds so improbable or impossible? Indeed, it might help to explain a lot about the ‘plandemic’ that you never understood before. But the crowing irony of writing the truckers into this drama is not that in order to convince you and I that the Truckers and all normal people who are calling for the end to mandates are conspiracy theorists or that the liberal hierarchy have brought into the open a completely plausible explanation of the reason for the pandemic, two results of their actions that are clearly ironic enough, but that they have succeeded in their discrediting process of tarring themselves with their own conspiracy brush.  As I say, definition of a liberal (the non-abusive long version as opposed to the one-word succinct one): Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Liberal conspiracy is real

In two articles designed to smear the Truckers, liberal media comes out covered in the substance that it is throwing, (You’d need to have worked on a farm to understand why shit-spreading up wind on an old tractor without a cab is not the best idea!) revealing an unhealthy preoccupation with conspiracy.  

In these articles, all sorts of bizarre links and connections are woven between the peaceful, ordinary, everyday hard-working truckers and their well-behaved families and things that go bump in the night, ranging from shadowy ‘intelligence reports’ compiled for the truckers by a man who is ‘known to the Canadian authorities’ for spreading misinformation, pointed allusions to the truckers’ ‘conspiratorial mindset’ and an unsubstantiated ‘maybe’ that the truckers are ‘tooled up’, ie in possession of firearms, presumably hidden away behind their unaffected goodwill and the bouncy castles on which their children are playing.

Justin Trudeau (Canada’s new Führer) figures extensively in this liberal paranoia. Before becoming the main protagonist in a George Orwell sequel to 1984, he managed to tick almost every box on the liberal-fascist checklist, calling the truckers far-right, Nazis, terrorists, racists ~ you name it. Why not? He did. At the same time endorsing my definition of a liberal: Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Liberal Conspiracy checklist

Oh, and by the way and for good measure, good old uncle Justin (Sieg Heil!) also branded the truckers as white supremacists. Really?! Take a look at the two videos below folks and compare the ‘terrorist truckers” behaviour to that of the Black Lives Matter ‘peaceful demonstrators’, none of whom were were ever branded as anything, because the liberal-leftist media was much too busy praising them for being ‘largely peaceful’. Sigh. Where’s that ‘State of Emergency’ when it is really needed?

Did you spot the difference between a peaceful demonstration and a riot?

Trudeau Takes the Theory out of Liberal Conspiracy

The accusations and vilification to which the peaceful truckers have been subject, all of which are glaringly devoid of substance, gives an ironic insight into the conspiratorial mindset of the liberal media. Nevertheless, its modus operandi is not without a concealed objective.  If and when the police move in mob handed and disperse the Freedom Convoy using violence, the liberal media will spin the offence. It will claim that force was justified, as it was the only way to deal with the ‘white extremists’, whilst trusting in its powers of mass hypnosis to try to ensure that Trudeau emerges smelling of sweet democracy rather than the piles of dung he has smothered democracy with.

Trudeau like Hitler

In yet another UK corporate media article, reference is made to the ‘global freedom’ movement as a ‘carnival of crank and conspiracy’. This is, perhaps, the first single moment of truth that we have seen in all the charlatan acres of liberal media coverage. Thank you.

Although they have placed the words ‘global freedom’ in inverted commas, at least they, like Mr Trudeau and his cronies, have finally been forced to recognise that the movement is a global one, that millions of people in Canada and, indeed, around the world, want their freedom back, are not prepared to be subject to suspect plandemic mandates, and that writing the protest off as the actions of a ‘small fringe group’ was both embarrassingly premature and already and historically guaranteed to bring judgement down upon them.

As for ‘carnival of crank and conspiracy’, if the word ‘freedom’ had not been mentioned in the same headline, I could have easily been misled into thinking that they were alluding to woke-riven Britain!

The crux of liberal anguish is that the Freedom Movement has grown beyond the reach of media spin. It has spread to Britain, France, New Zealand and Australia. Brussels is struggling to hold back the European version of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and the USA is next.

For the first time since the end of World War II, the radical left’s version of western democracy, which, like the Third Reich was supposed to last for ever, is under serious threat, and for the first time in recent history attempts by its proponents to stem ideological haemorrhaging without subjecting their tarnished image to further collateral damage is beyond the capabilities of a media grown fat and idle on the effervescent cakewalk years, when spin and political correctness was all that was needed to proof the pudding and accusations of racism was the icing on the top.

That was then and this is now.

Eventually, the only way that liberal states will be able to tear the trucker thorn from its trembling corpulent flesh is to resort to the kind of force that they should have used on Black Lives Matter and other leftist riots, which, conveniently, they forgot to use because these riots were ‘largely peaceful’.

When violence against the truckers is authorised, you can be guaranteed that the usual suspects will rely on their pet media to spin the event as a victory for democracy (think about that one, if only for a moment). But the fight for freedom will not go away, it will only dig in deeper and when it finally erupts, as erupt it will, it will do so with such resolution and with such a lasting impact that it will make the freedom rallies of the past few weeks look like a gay parade on a wet afternoon in Islington ~ where, I have every confidence, if you want to witness ‘crank’, you’ll find all and more that you can stomach!

When the Freedom Convoy Truckers disperse, as disperse they must, whether by the friendly ministrations of Trudeau’s Gestapo or by the natural desire to swap their trucks and tents for the comfort of their own homes, they can rest assured in the knowledge that the ripples from the large stone thrown by their gallant stand for freedom into the murky globalist pond will continue to be felt and seen long after Trudeau has been removed.

It is your job to make sure that when the time comes to put your ‘X’ on the ballot paper that you remember who the people are who the truckers have exposed and, more to the point, who and what they represent and what they want to take away from you, your children and your children’s children.

To help your memory, bookmark this: Definition of a liberal: Everything that it accuses everybody else of being and nothing that it pretends to be.

Trudeau proves liberal conspiracy is no conspiracy

Image attributions:

Canadian flag: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Canadian-vector-flag/2900.html
Red eyes: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Gravestone-with-pumpkin-vector-image/15241.html
Gravestone & Pumpkin: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Gravestone-with-pumpkin-vector-image/15241.html
Fire alarm sign: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/8izrarbip.htm

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

Hold the Line, Truckers! The World is Watching!
No Fringe Benefits in Trashing Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
Trudeau Gives Truckers a $100 by GiveSendGo
How to Fund those Canadian Truckers