Tag Archives: New Normal is anti-vax conspiracy

April Fools' Day Mandate for NHS Workers

April Fools’ Day Mandate for NHS Workers

It’s a pandemic! I know, let’s sack thousand of NHS workers!

Published: 26 January 2022 ~ April Fools’ Day Mandate for NHS Workers

“Thousands of protesters flocked to central London to remonstrate against mandatory coronavirus vaccination for NHS staff1.” So reported the Express on Sunday 23 January 2022. But what have the others got to say?

Crikey, one thinks, the liberal-lefty press, the traditional banner carriers and left-wing collective social conscience for all UKers, who put the NHS and its workers above everything else, will have a field day about this!

Protect the NHS, Save the NHS, Support NHS Workers!!!!!!!!

Can you hear them? No, but did you hear that pin drop? The silence is deafening.

Where are the champions of the NHS now? Presumably, they are too busy stigmatising people who choose not to have a dodgy less-than-satisfactorily efficient and side-effect censored vaccine stuffed into their bodies.

As many as 70,000 NHS staff stand to lose their jobs if they do not cow-toe to the vaccine mandate. That’s Democracy for you folks! 🙄

April Fools’ Day Mandate for NHS Workers

April Fools' Day Mandate Pratts!

The new rules come into effect on 1st April, which, unless you haven’t twigged it yet, is April Fools’ Day ~ it fits quite neatly, don’t you think, with the Omicron anagram ‘Moronic’. If justice never prevails ~ and let’s hope it will ~ at least those who we respect least (the WHO-Fauci-Witty-Vallance-&-Co alliance) could always turn their hand at writing Christmas cracker jokes to go with your face masks and lockdowns.

Whilst the usual NHS moral high-grounders are conspicuously invisible, the initiative to strike a blow for freedom of choice and rebuff the medical fascism of compulsory vaccinations was taken by a group of ambulance workers. Their website, NHS100k.com, launched in November 2020, is supported by healthcare workers across the entire NHS spectrum, both vaccinated and unvaccinated but united by the resolution that vaccination by force must be opposed at all costs. Their website states: “We stand united in favour of freedom of choice, bodily autonomy and informed consent.” What’s not to like?!

See: NHS Together

So, I ask again, why isn’t the liberal media that has been bellowing loud and long at us about protecting the NHS throwing its moral weight behind the plight of our NHS staff? Could it be because like everything else they shout about, when push comes to shove, they just don’t care?

Admittedly, mainstream liberal media has put itself in an awkward place. Its authoritarian approach to everything Covid, particularly vaccination, has gone even further than Brexit in flushing out into the open the incontrovertible truth that human rights, civil liberties, equality and the rest, indeed all the institutions that it and its adherents claim to cherish, and on which they presume to hold a moral monopoly, are little more than meaningless soundbites.

Endless cycles of lockdowns, compulsory mask wearing and three hurrahs for a plethora of tests are nothing compared to their Ace card, which is to force millions of people, including thousands of frontline NHS workers, to submit to a quick-fix fast-tracked vaccine that many don’t trust and don’t want.

Ace of Spades card of death for NHS workers in vaccine mandate

Having played their cards so arrogantly, it is difficult, if not impossible, for them to make concessions for NHS staff, whose only desire is that they be granted the right ~ the human right ~ to choose bodily autonomy above biological invasion.

Clearly, the hole that the Liberarsey have dug for themselves is easier to stay in than try to climb out of. In other words, it is easier to stay shtum whilst hundreds of NHS staff lose their jobs than speak out for them. When, or if, it happens, these same self-styled media champions of the NHS will no doubt find a voice again, vilifying and condemning those who followed their intuition and insider knowledge of medical practices, and lost their jobs in the process, as selfish and irresponsible, when only a few weeks previously this once overwhelmingly clamorous, but now remarkably quiescent, media hailed the workers of the NHS, particularly its nursing staff, as brave and selfless frontline defenders in the crusading war against Covid-19.

A dose of the clap

There was a time when the Liberarsey, and their media cronies, at least aspired to the semblance of caring and, if nothing else, would clap for the NHS, but even something as simple as clapping is not that easy to do when double-standards and sheer hypocrisy have your hands tied firmly behind your back.


No, that is not clapping you hear; it is just the sound of the blinds and shutters rattling against their collective conscience.

But tell me, are you really surprised that those NHS potato makers from the make-believe mainstream media have gone and dropped their political hotty into the turncoat shite?  Of course, not … You’d have to be half-baked to swallow the nonsense they try to feed you.

Think! From the same people who brought you the EU, multiculturalism, open borders, candle-lit-vigils and boats across the Channel, comes the truth about Covid-19 …

“Protect the NHS!” they shouted. But then the gaunt, lean figure of Democracy, shuffling out of the crowd of clones, stepped up to take his appointed place at the podium … and not so much as a whisper could be heard.

Here’s a couple of videos that should be heard and seen. Whether you choose to agree with their content is entirely your choice. But choice you should have!

<<See: Dr Scott Jensen ‘You are being played’>>

1. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1554262/London-protest-UK-vaccination-unvaccinated-unjabbed-April-1-NHS-healthcare-workers-VN

Image attributes
Hand clapping: http://cliparts.co/clipart/2497328
Sack: file:///C:/Users/mickh/Downloads/misc-pig-bait.svg
Pratt’s Sign: https://www.freeimg.net/photo/1083781/pratts-sign-oil-petrol
Ace of Spades: https://www.freeimg.net/photo/171797/spades-ace-card-playing

Copyright © 2018-2022 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.

The Confused World of Coronavirus

So, what are we to believe and how should we proceed?

Published: 25 May 2020

The Confused World of Coronavirus

Now, what I suggest we all do is …

According to the world media we are in this coronavirus thing for the long haul. Time spans of 18 months to 2 years are being bandied around, during which we must adapt to the ‘New Normal’, continue to practise social distancing, self-isolate, limit movement, wear masks at all times and, above all, ‘stay alert’.

It is good news for antibody tests ~ they are available and, unlike the previous batch which cost the UK government millions, these actually work, but will you be able to get hold of one? Is a well-known chemist chain out to rip you off by selling these kits at extortionate prices? And what good are they anyway? Even if you have the antibodies does it mean you are immune? A great big impressive pharmaceutical company is  gearing up to manufacture and supply the vaccine currently being researched in Oxford, but there is no guarantee that the vaccine will work and no guarantee, according to ‘the experts’, that we will ever find a vaccine.

The Confused World of Coronavirus

In the midst of all this scientific fog, the incidence of coronavirus is rising and the death count goes on, albeit, in some places, at a lower rate than before. But lockdown easing is underway. In England, there is talk of, and interesting rows about, schools re-opening, pubs and bars opening, hotels re-opening and, as long as you wear your mask ~ the efficacy of which has never really been proven ~ and keep six feet away from the pilot, you may soon be able to jet off to Europe and enjoy a post-first-wave coronavirus holiday  ~ why not, if the second wave comes it may be your last?

In June, the UK population has been told that it will be testing, tracking and tracing, but at least one newspaper headline asks, ‘Will the government’s new app work?’ And there are over a million out of work, and lots of things that used to work, like pubs, are still not working? And no one seems to know whether masks work or not, although we are still advised to wear them, as we are also advised to go to work but stay at home at the same time, if at all possible.

Once upon a time, all we had to worry about was not inciting racial hatred, not inciting religious hatred, pretend that we celebrate LGBT (Large German Beer Tents), pay our BBC license fee, champion this and embrace that, count how many women are in the board room, subject historic dramas to politically correct revisionism and, and, and …

The Confused World of Coronavirus

It was all so simple, so clear cut then, but now!! The whole world has gone from a globally warmed up, globalist socially engineered immigration catastrophe to a … a… well, it’s like, you know, like, a modern version of Frankenstein’s monster (was he German?). But the New Normal, who is he? He has a biodegradable personality, a genetically modified sense of humour, challenging behaviour, is well past his sell by date and is clearly not fit for purpose.

None of us, not even the hysteria-generating UK press could ever imagine, not even in its wildest dreams, that Brexit would not only cause economic meltdown but the worst pandemic in living memory. Not only would Brexit ultimately divided Britain along a fault line the size of the Grand Canyon, with Leave on one side and Remain on the other, but would insidiously incubate an ‘unholy alliance’ between extreme right ringers (the bells! Oh, the bells!) and ‘esoteric liberals’ with one shared aim in mind, to form a worldwide Anti-Vax pact.

And all because Gill Bates and its gang wants to stick us in the arse with its great big globalist Vax Needle.

A retired scientist from Bedford says, “It’s all so confusing!”

Stay tuned to this channel folks, for more spine-chilling tales of the Vax Conspiracy. Can we stop them before it is too late! Can they stop us before it is too soon!

Meanwhile in the UK ~ Thrilling Reads!

Copyright © 2018-2020 Mick Hart. All rights reserved.