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Update Kaliningrad Coronavirus

Diary of a Self-isolator: Day 9 [28 March 2020]

Published: 28 March 2020

11.38am Kaliningrad time and I am conducting my usual perusal of Kaliningrad news, subject coronavirus, with reference to https://www.newkaliningrad.ru/news/

(Photo credit: ( http://www.clker.com/ )

Article 1: Diary of a Self-isolator: Day 1 [20 March 2020]
Article 2: Diary of a Self-isolator: Day 6 [25 March 2020]
Article 3: Diary of a Self-isolator: Day 7 [26 March 2020]

Three more infections were registered today in the city. The report below is unedited, copied as translated by ‘Google Translator’:

Among the three newly infected with the new coronavirus infection inhabitants of the region, which became known on Saturday, March 28 – a man and two women. This was reported to “New Kaliningrad” at the regional operational headquarters for coronavirus.

According to him, the man was on vacation in Peru and, on his return, did a transplant in Paris. He was in isolation, after a coronavirus test yielded a positive result, the man was placed in a hospital. His condition does not cause concern, noted at headquarters. Two infected women were infected in the region, they were in contact with those whose coronavirus was previously detected. This is the mother of a boy who came from Austria , and the mother of a girl who came from Poland. Their condition also does not cause fear among doctors.

(Source: https://www.newkaliningrad.ru/news/briefs/incidents/23611426-vlasti-1-iz-zarazivshikhsya-kaliningradtsev-byl-za-granitsey-2-infitsirovalis-v-regione.html)

Update Kaliningrad Coronavirus

A second report delineates institutions, facilities and services suspended/closed. The report below is unedited, copied as translated by ‘Google Translator’:

Update Kaliningrad Coronavirus 28 March 2020
(Photo credit: ( http://www.clker.com/)

For a week in the Kaliningrad region, the work of all public institutions, including shopping centers and public catering, is suspended. According to the press service of the regional government, the decision on amendments was signed by Governor Anton Alikhanov on Friday, March 27.

From midnight March 28 to April 5, the work of cinemas and theaters, recreation parks, zoos, nightclubs (discos), and children’s playrooms are temporarily suspended. The ban on work also applies to entertainment centers, libraries, sports complexes, clubs and sections, art, theater studios, institutions of additional education, and other leisure facilities for children and adults, regardless of ownership.

The work of beauty salons, cosmetics, spa salons, massage parlors, tanning salons, bathhouses, saunas and other facilities providing such services, the provision of dental services, with the exception of diseases and conditions requiring emergency and urgent care, is stopped.

Shopping centers and retail outlets are closing in the region. The ban does not apply to pharmacies, food shops and essentials, remote sales with the condition of delivery.

In addition, restaurants, cafes, canteens, bars, buffets, snack bars and other catering establishments, as well as non-food retail stores, are closed, with the exception of remote delivery of orders with mandatory sanitary and epidemiological measures. Also, a weekly restriction is imposed on smoking hookahs in any public places.

Until June 1, cancellation of reservations, reception and accommodation of citizens in boarding houses, rest homes, sanatorium organizations (sanatoriums), sanatorium and health camps for children year-round and hotels in resort towns is canceled. In addition, today a decision will be made on the possibility of activities of accommodation facilities located in the coastal zone.

“With regard to persons already residing in these organizations, conditions will be provided for their self-isolation and the necessary sanitary and epidemiological measures until the end of their term of residence without the possibility of its extension,” the release notes.

The work of the MFC is limited. State and municipal services will be provided, which can be carried out only on premises and only after prior registration.

“I appeal to every resident of the Kaliningrad region. The main thing for us now is that you be healthy. A lot of resources are involved for this. I ask you to spend this non-working week on the most important thing – communication with your family and friends. Refuse to visit mass places and tourist trips. Stay at home and be healthy, ”said Anton Alikhanov, head of the region.

Monitoring compliance with the new rules of the resolution is entrusted to local authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor and the Russian Guard on the Kaliningrad Region. The decision comes into force on March 27.

(Source: https://www.newkaliningrad.ru/news/briefs/community/23611373-v-kaliningradskoy-oblasti-zakryvayut-vsye-krome-produktovykh-magazinov-i-aptek.html?from=header_themes)

Update Kaliningrad Coronavirus

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